Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026052 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Field III, R. L. Field III,Richard Lee NANOFLEX POWER CORPORATION AZ Organic Photovoltaic Powered, Wireless Sensor And Automation System For Indoor Agriculture
1026069 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Liachko, I. Liachko,Ivan PHASE GENOMICS, INC. WA Strain-level diagnostics of fungal crop pathogens enabled by fully-phased isolate genomes
1026103 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Emery, V. Emery,Virginia BETA HATCH INC. WA Rural Microfarming: Mobile On-Farm Production Of Insects As Animal Feed From Agricultural Waste
1026115 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Silva, J. Silva,Jillian KULTEVAT INC MO Increasing Biomass Of TKS/Kazhak Rubber Dandelion To Increase Yields And Reduce Cost Of TKS Rubber
1026125 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Real-Time Mapping of Hydroxylamine and Other Trace Gases in Soil
1026164 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pryor, T. Pryor,Taylor MAINE SHELLFISH DEVELOPERS LLC ME Purchase of an alternate feed in support of land-based oyster farming.
1026165 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Aboubakr, H. Abbas,Abdennour FRONTLINE BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MN A Sorbent Technology for eDNA Collection and Concentration for Aquaculture Pathogen Detection
1026166 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Horowitz, S. Horowitz,Stephen FEN TECHNOLOGIES LLC FL Vertical Farming Container with a Daylighting System
1026167 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cope, J. Cope,Jason ACCELERATED AG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC IA Collection and preservation technology to enable on-demand pollination in commercial hybrid wheat systems
1026186 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Huang, Y. Huang,Yizhi ASPIRING UNIVERSE CORPORATION IL Developing a scalable and economic solution for real-time irrigation decision-making system for center pivots
1026202 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Delius, C. Delius,Charlie HOOD CANAL MARICULTURE INC WA Paradigm Shift Technology for Scalable, High-Density, High-Yield Commercial Multi-Species Mariculture
1026225 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kung, K. S. Kung,Kevin S TAKACHAR LIMITED MA Decentralized oxygen-lean torrefaction for in-wood biofuel production
1026231 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pollard, S. J. Pollard,Stephen J TRIDENT SENSING LLC UT Airborne Wildfire Mapping Utilizing an Array of Thermal Infrared Cameras and Automated Multi-Aperture/Multi-Platform Fire Map Processing
1026239 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gorkovenko, A. M. Gorkovenko,ALEXANDER MI TRGEL LLC CA Polyurethanes from woody resources
1026246 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tinsley, P. M. Tinsley,Phillip M VENTI, LLC NC Remote environmental sensor system for wildfire detection and response
1026247 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goodwin, A. Goodwin,Adam VECTECH, LLC MD Computer vision driven automated counting traps for remote mosquito surveillance
1026248 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arhancet, G. Arhancet,Grace NANOSUR LLC FL Development of efficacious ribonucleic acid-based formulations for the control of gypsy moth
1026250 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harbour, T. Sinha,Anshu HANGAR ALPHA LLC NY Near-real-time potential control location and strategy planning tool for wildland fire management
1026291 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stager, A. Stager,Adam TRIC ROBOTICS LLC DE Development of an autonomous vehicle for application of a non-chemical, alternative technology addressing disease and pest control
1026361 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ledebuhr, M. Ledebuhr,Mark APPLICATION INSIGHT, LLC MI Reduced drift and enhanced precision spray nozzles for aerial application using improved surface aerodynamics.
1027135 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Reifenrath, W. Reifenrath,William STRATACOR CA Development of a Fatty Acid Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation as a Biopesticide for Livestock Fly Control
1027152 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Semick, K. Semick,Kami FOOD4ALL INCORPORATED OR Producer Led Virtual Food Hub Pilot Project
1027157 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Redmond, S. Redmond,Sarah SPRINGTIDE SEAWEED, LLC ME Development of Seaweed Farming Systems for New Nori and Dulse Aquaculture Crops.
1027177 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Morris, S. Morris,Spencer AGCREDIT CONSULTING, LLC NE Development of an agricultural digital lending platform for frontier and remote areas.
1027208 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bruno, J. G. Bruno,John Gordon NANOHMICS INC TX An Aptamer-Quantum Dot-Based Lateral Flow Test Strip for Cyclospora Detection
1027219 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT MAFRA-NETO, A. MAFRA-NETO,AGENOR ISCA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA Ambro Repel: A semiochemical repellent for invasive ambrosia beetles
1027232 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Resnick, J. Adams,David PARALLEL FLIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA SBIR Phase 2: Reducing Wildfire Risk with Large Scale Prescribed Fire Drones
1027234 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arhancet, G. Arhancet,Grace NANOSUR LLC FL Development of efficacious RNAi-based baits for RIFA control
1027288 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vargochik, A. Vargochik,Amanda SINNOVATEK, INC. NC Clean, cost-effective technology to recover and stabilize phytoactive fruit compounds from waste streams.
1027295 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hanagandi, V. Hanagandi,Vijaykumar OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS, INC NJ Rapid Soil Testing Using Portable Sensing Technologies