Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026148 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wuliji, T. Wuliji,Tumen LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Sustainable Gastrointestinal Parasite Control in Small Ruminants
1031630 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wylper, J. Un,Katherine NATIONAL YOUNG FARMERS COALITION, INC NY Building an Inclusive and Comprehensive Network for Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance in the Northeast
0186451 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wyman, C. E. Wyman, C. E. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE NH Coordinated Development of Leading Biomass Pretreatment Technologies
1020333 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wyse, D. Braun,Lois UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Overcoming the Obstacles to Hazelnut Production in the Upper Midwest
1027402 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanez, M. Yanez,Marlene La Semilla Food Center NM Cultivating Health with Veggie Scripts and Gardening
1012102 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yang, G. Yang,Guochen NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Recruiting, Retention and Education for Urban and Community Horticulture through Experiential Learning, Scholarships and Partnerships
1026209 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yang, J. Yang,John LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Improving Drinking Water Safety for Small Rural Community through Toxic Disinfection Byproduct Control by Advanced Chemical Oxidation
1022733 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI HEMP Tribal Research Initiative for Michigan
1028993 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Bay Mills Agricultural Education and Student Success Initiative
1029294 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Bay Mills Extension Services
1031111 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yaroch, A. Yaroch,Amy CHN NEBRASKA NE NTAE 2.0: Building on Success from NTAE 1.0 to Strengthen GusNIP for All Audiences
1021204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yarrow, L. Yarrow,Linda KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development Of Multicultural Scholar Graduates And Leaders With Global Competency
1027129 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yemmireddy, V. K. Yemmireddy,Veerachandra UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Closing the GAPs: Food Safety Education and Outreach to Underserved Communities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley
0203682 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yokoyama, M. T. Yokoyama, M. E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Globalization of Agriculture: Training The Next Generations of U.S. International Scholars
1017297 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 31st Annual Work Plan (FY18) RENEWAL
1023852 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 32nd Annual Work Plan (FY20) RENEWAL
1026175 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yuan, Q. Yuan,Qunying ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Investigating the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Selenium Nanoparticles and Their Potential Application to Increase Food Safety and Protect Food Quality
1026171 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zabawa, R. Zabawa,Robert TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL The Economic Impact of Race and Region on Heir Property in the Rural South
1027057 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Empowering small-scaled, limited-resource and other farmers with IPM knowledge
0217850 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zevon, A. Ela Chapin LOCAL AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY EXCHANGE VT Community Kitchen Incubator Project
1016465 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Developing edamame varieties for mechanized production and improved consumer acceptance to increase sustainability of the vegetable industry
1027436 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Link and Advance the Supply Chain of Edamame Industry in the U.S: A Planning Proposal
1026939 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities
1029078 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities
1027160 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Z. ZHANG,ZHOU UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI AlfAdvisor: A web-based cyber-platform to estimate alfalfa yield and quality to support harvest scheduling
1021921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zheng, Y. Sarigul,Erol ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Predicting Vineyard Canopy Coverage Using Airborne Images and Neural Network
1026849 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, J. Zhou,Jianfeng UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Autonomous Tractor Technology Enabling Digital Agriculture Research and Extension
1028535 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Title: Strengthen Plant Biotech Program By Integrating Genome Editing and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Tomato Projects
1029205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ziegenmeyer, H. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND CCCC Equity in Natural Resource Education for Tribal Students