Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025775 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tasaki, K. Tasaki,Ken TOMORROW WATER CA Chemical Free Extraction of Keratin from Animal Body Parts for Commercial Applications
1025777 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McEnaney, J. McEnaney,Joshua NITRICITY INC. CA Low-cost plasma reactors for on-farm nitrogen fixation
1025779 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Neves, L. Neves,Leandro RAPID GENOMICS LLC FL Addition by Subtraction – a new tool to improve genetic gain and accelerate breeding decisions,
1025790 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ozturk, G. Bendiks,Zachary CARRISAN TECHNOLOGIES INC. CA Antimicrobial Surface Coating to Prevent Cross-Contamination of Produce by Pathogens on Crop Harvesting and Food Processing Equipment
1025791 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Denby, C. Denby,Charles BERKELEY FERMENTATION SCIENCE INC. CA Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for increased biotransformation and production of tropical flavors from agricultural products
1025798 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Phanse, Y. Phanse,Yashdeep Pan Genome Systems, LLC WI Multivalent vaccines against Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
1025802 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wallace, D. Wallace,Dirk FORMOLOGY, INC. OR Decorative Architectural Panels from Agricultural Byproducts
1025806 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Li, C. Li,Cheng NANOSEPEX INC. NJ Carbon nanotube enhanced membrane distillation with air sparging for economic separation of biofuels from fermentation products
1025807 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Varshovi, A. Varshovi,Amir GREENTECHNOLOGIES, L.L.C. FL New Reactive Mineral Layer Coating Technology For The Production of Biobased Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers
1025815 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Peterson, S. S. Peterson,Stephen S PETERSON, STEPHEN CA Developing Osmia ribifloris as a Commercial Pollinator for Blueberries
1025817 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jensen, G. L. Jensen,Glen EMERY ANIMAL HEALTH UT Improving herd reproductive efficiency utilizing artificial intelligence assisted sperm analysis & support apps
1025818 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weidenbach, R. P. Weidenbach,Ronald P. HAWAII FISH COMPANY HI Novel Manufactured Aquaponic/Hydroponic Raft Design to Address Food Safety Deficiencies and Plant Growth Opportunities
1025819 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hewitt, S. L. Hewitt,Seanna NUPHY, INC. WA Improved Virus Screening of Horticultural Crops Using a Double-stranded RNA Sequencing-Based Approach
1025822 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Park, C. Allen,Quinton SOIL CULTURE SOLUTIONS, LLC FL Identification of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus effector interactome by proximity labeling coupled with proteomics in citrus
1025827 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cowart, J. S. Cowart,John SEACOAST SCIENCE, INC. CA A Novel, Lightweight, Ammonia Vapor Detector
1025829 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Spencer, K. Spencer,Kevin EIC LABORATORIES, INC. MA Creating SERS Sandwich Assays for Disease Diagnosis in Rural Areas
1025831 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Metacarpa, D. Metacarpa,David INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC MACHINES CORPORATION NY Complete Autonomous Ventilation Environment System (CAVES) for Small Farms
1025836 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH Application of Pseudomonas spp. for biocontrol of plant diseases in hydroponic systems
1025837 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thakur, A. Thakur,Aayush CONNECT DYNAMICS, INC. AR Feasibility of Relay Trucking Model to Benefit Rural Workforce
1025841 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Whitmer, C. E. Whitmer,Christopher Eldon PARAMETRIC STUDIO, INC. IA Project-based STEM Education Tools for Distance Learning and Workforce Development in Rural Communities
1025857 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cunningham, G. Cunningham,Gary TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC MO Develop an ear tag device to track cattle location, monitor behavior, and develop the necessary user dashboard to help farmers improve productivity
1025858 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Allnutt, F. T. Allnutt,F C Thomas Thomas NULODE LLC MD Oral vaccine delivery for control of Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV)
1025883 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Waugh, B. Waugh,Bradford JOHNNY'S SELECTED SEEDS ME An efficient greens spinner for improving food safety and increasing profitability for small to mid-size farms
1025893 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryng, H. Ryng,Henry INXSOL LLC AZ PracticeCom Training for Rural Communities` Emergency Workers
1025901 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Charles, J. Charles,Josh ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Thermal Regulation with Salt Hydrates for Biodigester Isothermality
1025904 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ulmasov, T. Ulmasov,Tim ARVEGENIX LLC MO Development of novel cover crop, CoverCress, as a sustainable plant-based protein source for food applications
1025905 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zheng, S. Zheng,Sophia BLUDOT TECHNOLOGIES INC. CA Managerial System for Rural Jurisdictions to Increase Economic Development Capacity
1025919 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zimmerman-Bence, N. Zimmerman-Bence,Ned GOGYUP INC MN Increasing Workforce Participation Through Assistive Technology and Embedded Reading Assistance
1025943 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Carballo, S. M. Carballo,Sergio Madrigal AGROSPHERES INC. VA The AgriCell: A novel, biodegradable delivery technology for enhanced crop protection with minimized environmental toxicity
1025951 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Giles, D. K. Giles,Durham Kenimer OGIVE TECHNOLOGY CA Dynamically-Controllable Nozzle for Precision Agricultural Spraying