Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024245 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jensen, D. Jensen,David ISOTRUSS INDUSTRIES LLC UT Closing the digital divide through advanced manufacturing and tooling development for commercialization of IsoTruss tower solutions.
1024274 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hoenig, S. H. Van Velson,Nathan ADVANCED COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PA Brackish Water for Condensation Irrigation
1024296 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Findlay, M. W. Findlay,Melvin W KWJ ENGINEERING INC. CA Ultralow Power Sensors for Firefighter Safety and Monitoring of Surrounding Air Quality
1024307 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hansen, B. Hansen,Brian AEROPHASE INC CO COVID-19 Rapid Response: Bio-Aerosols in Agriculture and Food Processing
1024310 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hagen, S. Salas,William A DAGAN, INC. NH Cover Crop Information System: Using remote sensing and modeling to map detailed information about cover crops across wide regions
1024312 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Orrey, J. Orrey,Jeffrey GEOVISUAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. CO Precision Harvest Forecasting of Fresh Vegetable Crops
1024405 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rock, K. P. Rock,Kelly Micronic Technologies, Inc. VA Scaling Tornadic One Pass™ Wastewater Treatment Technology to Conserve Natural Resources
1024418 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schultink, A. Schultink,Alex FORTIPHYTE, INC. CA Development of a tomato variety with durable resistance to Bacterial Spot
1024505 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weissman, J. Weissman,Jeffrey Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Effective Reduction of Ammonia in Poultry Facilities
1024527 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Starr, E. Starr,Emily STARRMATICA LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC. IA STEM lesson creation coaching framework to improve the pedagogy of K-5 teachers implementing the NGSS
1024534 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lanning, C. Lanning,Christopher FOREST CONCEPTS, LLC WA Advanced Lab Equipment and Modeling Tools for Dryer Design
1024536 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Crosby, B. C. Crosby,Brett Clive CUSTOM AG SOLUTIONS, INC. WY Research and Development of a Cattle Marketing Portal to Improve Small and Mid-Size Cattle Producers` Market Awareness, Planning, and Decisions
1024569 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bradley, C. Bradley,Clifford MONTANA BIOAGRICULTURE INC. MT Curvularia: Fungal Symbiosis for Drought Protection in Wheat
1024675 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Williams, C. Williams,Christopher INTELLISENSE SYSTEMS, INC. CA Fire Weather Observation Sensor (FWOS) System
1024683 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT MAFRA-NETO, A. MAFRA-NETO,AGENOR ISCA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA "Shielding Spruce and Douglas Fir Trees from Bark Beetle Attack"
1024708 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rotshtein, R. Rotshtein,Regina THINKING HABITATS LLC MI Empowering rural high school students to use local news as a knowledge source to make informed decisions about their lives and rural communities.
1024736 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, J. Lee,Joun PANI CLEAN INC IA A Hybrid Electrodialysis/Electrolysis Unit for Combined Nitrate Removal and Conversion from Agricultural Wastewater
1025724 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Latham, E. Latham,Elizabeth BEZOAR LABORATORIES, LLC TX Investigate effects of denitrifying probiotic, Paenibacillus fortis, and nitrate in beef steers, and their potential to decrease methane while providing ancillary benefits.
1025730 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Liang, D. Liang,Dangshang APEX BAIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA APEX-FLB: A Safe and Inexpensive Formulation for the Control of Stable Fly in Livestock Industries
1025731 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pitesky, M. Pitesky,Maurice AGRINERDS, INC. CA Connecting the Dots: Linking a Novel Egg Counting Device to Machine Learning Based Software to Facilitate Improved Food Safety and Production Efficiency in Poultry Production
1025732 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, R. Johnson,Rick APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC OH Investigation of Passive Phosphorus Reduction Through Use Of An Innovative Hydrogel Technology
1025745 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wallace, J. Wallace,Jared HAGEN LOGISTICS LLC WI Improving Food Safety and Security via Blockchain Technology to Track Tanker Washes and Commodity History for Liquid Food Grade and Dairy Industries
1025750 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yildirim, O. E. Jones,Ben STIXFRESH USA, INC. WA Dose response curves of essential oil compounds in postharvest spoilage prevention of fresh produce
1025756 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sillick, M. Sillick,Matthew PARAGON FLAVORS, INC. NJ Wholegrain functional rice flours
1025761 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Darchuk, E. Darchuk,Emily WHEYWARD SPIRIT, LLC OR Commercialization to Convert Whey to an Artisanal Clear Spirit
1025762 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sulakvelidze, A. Sulakvelidze,Alexander Intralytix, Inc. MD Phage biocontrol of Vibrio parahaemolyticus for enhancing seafood safety
1025763 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hugenroth, J. Hugenroth,Jason Hugenroth INVENTHERM, L.L.C. LA Aseptic Soft Serve and Slush Machines
1025769 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Laicer, C. Laicer,Castro GINER, INC. MA A Rapid, Field-Portable Sensor For Detection Of E. Coli O157:H7 In Irrigation Water Used For Fresh Produce Cultivation
1025770 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Leggett, C. G. Leggett,Carol G MEREDIAN BIOPLASTICS, INC. GA Pennycress, a Non-Edible Oil, Used in the Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) to Manufacture Biodegradable Plastics
1025775 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tasaki, K. Tasaki,Ken TOMORROW WATER CA Chemical Free Extraction of Keratin from Animal Body Parts for Commercial Applications