Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0197686 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gasbarre, L. C. Gasbarre, L. C. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Production of EST from cDNA Libraries Derived from Immunologically Activated Bovine Gut
0197661 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, R. Ruizhen Rachel Chen VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY VA Enzymatic Recovery of Ferulic Acid From Agricultural Residues for Natural Vanillin Production
0197112 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kramer, R. A. Kramer, R. A. DUKE UNIVERSITY NC Toward an Improved Understanding of Wetland Restoration Choice Behavior of Landowners: A Hierarchical Bayes Approach
0197096 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Baker, R. G. Baker, R. G. ST CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY MN Tourism and Community Perceptions Near Mount St. Helens, Washington
0196999 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Weller, D. M. Weller, D. M. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Ecology and Role of Phloroglucinol-Producing Pseudomonads in Suppressive Soils
0196984 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Langellotto, G. A. Langellotto, G. A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Linking Edge Habitats with Cropping Systems to Promote Natural Enemy Effectiveness in Cotton
0196920 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Roberts, D. D. Roberts, Deborah D. Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the ACS, Cynthia Mussinan, trea NJ Flavor Perception Symposium
0196898 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Klei, T. R. klei, T. R. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA 19TH International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology
0196896 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ho, N. Ho, N. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Genetic Engineering of Yeast for Co-Fermenting all Five Cellulosic Sugars to Ethanol
0196797 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dickhoff, W. W. Dickhoff, W. W. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Identifying Salmon IGF Binding Proteins
0196760 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Olwin, B. B. Julie Levin Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology MD FASEB Conference on Muscle Satellite and Stem Cells
0196680 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Matthysse, A. G. Matthysse, A. G. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL NC Interactions of Pathogenic E. coli with Plant Surfaces
0196654 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Suri, R. P. Milton Cole VILLANOVA UNIV PA Presence and Fate of Antibiotics and Hormones in Mushroom Farming
0196643 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Young, G. Young, G. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Endocrine Control of Oogenesis in Rainbow Trout
0196609 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Callaway, R. M. Callaway, R. M. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Centaurea Invasion: From Molecules and Microbes to Plant Communities
0196603 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lan, Y. Lan, Y. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Rapid Detention of Salmonella Typhimurium in Chicken Carcass Using a SPR Biosensor
0196541 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ralph, J. Ralph, J. USDA, ARS, Midwest Area Office IL Non-Degradative Dissolution of Wood Fiber: Basis for New and Improved Analytical Methods
0196536 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Curtiss, R. Curtiss, III, R. Washington University MO Attenuated Salmonella Antigen and DNA Vaccine Delivery Vaccines Against Eimeria
0196494 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Collier, J. R. Collier, J. R. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Wood Pulp/Lyocell Fibrous Products
0196383 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Boerth, D. W. Boerth, D. W. UNIVERSITY OF MASS DARTMOUTH MA Pesticide Impact on Plant DNA
0196355 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shay, N. F. SHAY, N. F. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology MD Conference Grant: Diet Constituents and Molecular Regulation
0196351 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allen, J. P. Allen, J. P. ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Structural Studies of Nitrogen Assimilation Enzymes
0196349 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Barkan, A. Barkan, A. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON OR Biochemical Dissection of Plant-Specific RNA Binding Domain
0196300 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT van Walsum, G. P. van Walsum, G. P. BAYLOR UNIV TX Gas Chromatograph for Application of the MixAlco Process to Digestion of Cattle Manure
0196232 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gozdziak, E. G. Elzbieta Gozdziak GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY DC Poultry, Apples, and New Immigrants in the Rural Communities of the Shenandoah Valley: An Ethnographic Case Study
0196102 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kaufman, L. S. Kaufman, L. S. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IL Blue-Light Regulation
0196068 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Genereux, D. P. David Genereux NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Quantifying Nitrogen Transport from Groundwater to a River in a Large Agricultural Watershed in North Carolina
0196020 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, H. Zhang, Hong TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY TN Global Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Metals: Transport, Transformation, and Fate of Mercury in Watershed: A Need for an Automated Gaseous
0195984 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Keyes, P. Jansen, J. SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF REPRODUCTION, INC. WI Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction