Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1013521 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Teegerstrom, T. Teegerstrom,Trent UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ AZ Indian Country Extension Programs: Navajo Nation Shiprock
1029155 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Grenwelge, C. Grenwelge,Cheryl TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Texas AgrAbility ACE (Assisting, Connecting, Educating) Project
1028915 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Ivan, D. Ivan,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program
1000912 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Fadamiro, H. Y. Fadamiro,Henry Y. AUBURN UNIV., ALABAMA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SYSTEM AL Statewide Extension IPM Coordination Program for Auburn University and Alabama Cooperative Extension System for 2013-2016
1031003 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Sparks, E. Sparks,Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ FARMacy: A Prescription for a Healthier Community
1029028 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Bacsujlaky, M. Baier,Deanna UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Children Attuned to Culture and Heritage, II (CATCH II)
1026718 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Field, W. Field,William PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN National AgrAbility
1013776 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Landers, K. A. Landers,Katherine A. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Jicarilla Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program
1004760 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Fathallah, F. A. Fathallah,Fadi A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA California AgrAbility Project
1029068 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Deringer, N. Deringer,Nancy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Cultivating Our Future, Respecting Our Qlispé Past
1028761 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Rudolphi, J. M. Rudolphi,Josie UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Illinois AgrAbility
0210280 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Brotherson, S. Schmaltz, K. M. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Building Connections
1030910 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Kim, Y. Kim,YaeBin UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV University of Nevada, Reno Sustainable Community Project: Enriching Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Kids and Families
1028977 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Nordrum, S. Katras,Mary Jo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Woodland Wisdom: Building Healthy Relationships with People, Land, Water and Indigenous Traditions
1020311 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Hahn, D. Hahn,Diane NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Building Community Capacity and Resilience through 4-H in ND Tribal Nations
1015749 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Boys, K. Boys,Kathryn NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Product Liability and Product Contamination Insurance: Improving Food Safety, Ensuring Market Access, and Boosting Profitability for Specialty Crop Producers
1031672 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT He, P. He,Ping UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI Protein phosphorylation and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in cotton drought stress
1029576 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Neuhouser, M. L. Neuhouser,Marian L FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER CENTER WA Seattle Dietary Biomarker Development Center
1023000 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Fleishman, S. Fleishman,Suzanne PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA How do Grapevines Cope with Grass Competition: Integrating Physiological and Omic Approaches
1022583 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rejesus, R. Rejesus,Roderick NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Quantifying the Effects of Foreign Acquisitions in the U.S. Agrifood Industry
1012895 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hall, D. W. Hall,Dennis William OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Consortium for Advanced Bioeconomy Leaders and Educators (CABLE)
1025104 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Massey, R. Massey,Ray UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO Nudging Landowners and Tenants toward Environmental and Social Stewardship
1018811 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Jun UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IA SCC: An integrated and smart system for irrigation management in rural communities
1024331 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jun, S. Jun,Soojin UNIV OF HAWAII HI Electric and Magnetic Field-Based Supercooling Technology to Ensure the Freshness in the Food Supply Chain
1022163 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Duckworth, O. Duckworth,Owen NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Understanding critical Soil-Siderophore Antagonistic Interactions
1026802 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Galvao, K. N. Galvao,Klibs Neblan Alves UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The origin and progression of the uterine microbiome in cattle
1021704 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Duckett, S. Duckett,Susan CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Mitigation Strategies for Ergot Alkaloid-Induced Vasoconstriction and Intrauterine Growth Restricted Muscle Development
1026084 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lonsdorf, E. Chan,Gabriel UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Aligning food production, solar development and ecosystem services: an assessment of economic and environmental potential for farmers, ranchers, and society
1019623 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Draper, M. A. Draper,Martin A KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Tactical Sciences Coordination Network to Enhance Plant and Animal Health and Biosecurity
1025574 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Davis, C. Davis,Christopher V MAINE AQUACULTURE INNOVATION CENTER ME Development of training for the next generation of Maine's aquaculture workforce