Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025141 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Avolio, M. Avolio,Meghan JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MD Selection in the city: understanding the roles of natural and domestic selection in shaping the function and sustainability of urban forests
1025203 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schoeder, N. Schoeder,Nathan UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Neuronal Basis of Feeding Behavior in a Plant-parasitic Nematode
1025205 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kochan, J. Silbey,Mari US IGNITE, INC. DC Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) Rural Platform
1025235 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Quaicoe, O. Quaicoe,Obed NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC The economics of hemp production and research: Implications on farmers in North Carolina
1025300 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Veblen, K. Veblen,Kari UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Criollo cattle as a strategy to maintain output of ecosystem services under a changing climate
1025317 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Maxwell, T. Simler-Williamson,Allison Barbara BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY ID Impact of diversity in the pool of exotic species invading rangelands: response of soil resources, productivity and restoration potential
1025343 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Siegford, J. Siegford,Janice MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Understanding Precision Livestock Farming Adoption in the U.S. Swine Industry: Examining Needs, Perceptions, and Willingness to Pay of Users and Consumers
1025350 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McConnel, C. S. McConnel,Craig Stephen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA In sickness and in health till death do us part: Putting research into practice for a dairy summary measure of health
1025377 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tucker, C. B. Tucker,Cassandra Blaine UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Alleviation of Acute and Long-Term Pain Associated with Disbudding Dairy Calves
1025387 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Obanda, D. Obanda,Diana UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Role of the gut microbiota on the beneficial effects of the vegetable Urtica dioica as a functional food
1025415 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Amalaradjou, M. Amalaradjou,Mary Anne UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT A comprehensive probiotic-based approach to promote layer performance, layer health and egg safety for small and midsize farms
1025460 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Perkins, L. Perkins,Lora SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Flower fields and soils: The impacts of native perennial monoculture plots on soil health
1025485 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheyne, L. Ray,Timothy CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workforce Development
1025532 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cruz, A. Cruz,Angel NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Building a NC Agricultural Apprenticeship for Entrepreneurship and Rural Opportunities (NC AAERO)
1025535 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Webb, M. J. Webb,Megan J. EASTERN WORKFORCE OPPORTUNITY REGIONAL CENTER AND SERVICES, INC. WV Strengthening Ag Workforce Development in the Potomac Highlands through Practical Application and Mentorship
1025570 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jin, H. Jin,Hailing UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Development of innovative RNA-based anti-fungals to control plant fungal disease
1025571 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Amboy, M. Amboy,Marie PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIST. CA Strengthening our workforce through interdisciplinary experiential education in business and urban agriculture
1025593 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Butts-Wilmsmeyer, C. Butts-Wilmsmeyer,Carolyn SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY IL Crossing the Digital Divide: Creating a Data-Savvy Workforce with Open Source Data Training Resources and Novel Industrial Credentialing Programs
1025594 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dyer, L. Dyer,Lori JAMES A. RHODES STATE COLLEGE OH Emerging Agriculture Technology Training for Northwest Ohio
1025606 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Govindan, M. Govindan,Megan WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Shared use kitchen internship and network
1025627 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Grozinger, C. M. Grozinger,Christina M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA FACT-CIN: Beescape NexGen: Creating Decision Support Tools To Manage Bee Health And Ecosystems Through Transdisciplinary Action
1025630 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Steibel, J. Siegford,Janice MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI FACT-CIN: A Coordinated Innovation Network for Advancing Computer Vision in Precision Livestock Farming
1025646 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bowker, M. A. Bowker,Matthew Alan NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY AZ Pelletized fire mosses to enhance soil health after high severity forest fire
1025675 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT LaPrad, J. Williams,Megan CORPORATION FOR A SKILLED WORKFORCE MI Developing Agriculture Technology Education & Career Pathways for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers
1025688 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hill, K. Hill,Kathleen PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA AGricultural Science in Elementary EDucation - Learning IN Gardens at School (AG SEED-LINGS)
1025720 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chowdhary, G. Chowdhary,Girish UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: COALESCE: COntext Aware LEarning for Sustainable CybEr-agricultural systems
1025754 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lee, C. W. Kenney,Scott P. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Pathogenesis and Control of Emerging Reoviral Arthritis in Turkeys
1025771 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Flores, A. Flores,Alejandro BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY ID SitS: Collaborative Research: Soils are signaling shifts in aggregate life-cycles: What does this mean for water, carbon and climate feedbacks in the Anthropocene?
1025786 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Pijkeren, J. Van Pijkeren,Jan Peter (JP) UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI TRI-PARTITE: Improved Pig Health through the Novel Application of SynBio in Phage Therapy. (Phage SUAS)
1025793 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ramamoorthy, S. Ramamoorthy,Sheela NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Integrating vaccine efficacy and safety by directed suicidal replication