Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021208 REVISED HATCH Spokas, MI, . Spokas, MI. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Carbon Dynamics and Hydromorphology in Depressional Wetland Systems
0192549 REVISED HATCH Lubischer, J. Lubischer, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Cellular interactions important to successful recovery from nervous system injury.
1017732 REVISED HATCH Molofsky, J. Molofsky, J. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Centaurea moncktonii Is an Invasion on the Vermont horizon?
1016749 REVISED HATCH Bowden, ST, . Bowden, ST. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Characterization and gene-editing of bacteriophages as biocontrol agents of foodborne pathogens
0199071 REVISED HATCH Liu, H. Liu, HS. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Characterization of host factors associated with immune system of farm animals
1014082 REVISED HATCH Krishnan, N. Krishnan, N. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Characterization of physiological adaptations of pest insects on host plants to uncover novel putative targets for pest control.
1016110 REVISED HATCH Nepal, MA, P. Nepal, MA. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Characterization of plant genes that respond to disease and drought regimes in multiple crop species and their wild relatives
1016254 REVISED HATCH Levesque, C, . Levesque, CR. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Characterizing the influence of alternative feedstuffs and feed additives on pig production.
0192395 REVISED HATCH Marlow, C. B. Marlow, CL, B. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Clarifying the Linkage Between Upland Plant Community Structure and Riparian Processes
1024777 REVISED HATCH Robinson, J., . Robinson, J., . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Classification and data analysis of food borne pathogens, toxins and food contaminants data using advanced technologies
1012245 REVISED HATCH Smith, RO, . Smith, RO. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Climate and Agricultural Productivity
1013728 REVISED HATCH Williams, LI, . Blakely-Armitage, RO, MA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Climate Change Risks: Displacement and Migration Impacts in New York State
1020538 REVISED HATCH Logan, JO. Stephens, CA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Cognitive Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Decision Making Around Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues
1017072 REVISED HATCH Wang, HU, . Wang, HU. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education
0205456 REVISED HATCH Mcconnell, J. McConnell, JA, . UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Collection, Evaluation and Culture of Ornamental Plants in Guam.
1019164 REVISED HATCH Stranlund, J, . Stranlund, J. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Collective Property Rights and Exclusion in Natural Resource Management
0190933 REVISED HATCH Visscher, P. K. Visscher, P. K. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Colony integration in honey bees: colony diseases, worker laying, recruitment communication, and group decision making
1026646 REVISED HATCH Avila, CA. Avila, CA. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Combining Molecular and High-throughput Phenotyping Breeding Approaches to Improve Yield, Quality and Disease Resistance in Tomato and Spinach.
1021304 REVISED HATCH Seaman, AB, J. Seaman, AB, J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Comparing the Performance of Four Organic Bush Squash Production Systems
1013450 REVISED HATCH Perkins, L, . Perkins, LO, B. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Competitive ability of two emerging invasive plants in Mixed-grass Prairie
1017760 REVISED HATCH Hale, I, L.. Hale, IA, L.. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1013230 REVISED HATCH Iezzoni, AM, . Grumet, RE, . MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1013406 REVISED HATCH Stamm, MI, . Stamm, MI. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1014310 REVISED HATCH Doyle, JE, J. Doyle, JE, J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1015495 REVISED HATCH Caffe-Treml, ME, . Caffe-Treml, ME. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1019879 REVISED HATCH Fuller, B, . Fuller, B, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Control and Management of Corn Rootworms
0189464 REVISED HATCH Sisler, E. Sisler, E. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Control of Ethylene Responses in Plants
1013049 REVISED HATCH Kurle, J. Kurle, J. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Control of Soybean Diseases using Cultural Practices and Genetic Resistance
1023930 REVISED HATCH Ward, FR, . Ward, FR, . NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Controlling Economic Costs of Adapting to Climate-Stressed Stream-Aquifer Systems