Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029042 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Neal, A. S. Neal,Anita S UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Volunteer Systems Empower Youth to Succeed and Increasing Knowledge of Best Production Strategies for Agriculture Operations
1029034 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Emm, S. Emm,Staci UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Walker River Paiute Tribe FRTEP Project
1027050 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Maldonado, J. M. Stawicki,JulieAnn UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI WI / NCATSU Sustainable Community Project-Nia: Pathways and Purpose for the Future
0206344 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Russell, T. M. Russell, T. M. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Wind River Extension Indian Reservation Program
1029133 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Hitshew-Small, A. Feuz,Bridger UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Wind River Federally Recognized Tribe Extension Program
1013320 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Crane, K. K. Hitshew-Small,Amanda UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Wind River Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program
1020173 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Calvert, M. C. Calvert,Matthew C UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Wisconsin Sustainable Communities: The Growing Connections Program
1028977 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Nordrum, S. Katras,Mary Jo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Woodland Wisdom: Building Healthy Relationships with People, Land, Water and Indigenous Traditions
0218170 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Patton, D. Patton,Donna WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE WV WVU Sustainable Community Project
1020072 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Choi, E. de Guzman,Maria UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Youth Civic Engagement: Using Simulations and Design Thinking