Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033453 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Xiang, L. Xiang,Lirong NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Agricultural Biosecurity: A Fully Automated Biosurveillance System for Downy Mildew Detection in Cucurbits
1032206 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mattupalli, C. Mattupalli,Chakradhar WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Agricultural biosecurity: A versatile, high-throughput, molecular diagnostic protocol to detect plant pathogens
1032196 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Teel, PE. Teel, P. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Agricultural Biosecurity: Harnessing data fusion to meet emerging challenges to cattle fever tick eradication in a changing world
1032205 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Richt, J. A. Richt,Juergen A KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Agricultural Biosecurity: Novel strategies to prevent and diagnose Classical swine fever virus
1032668 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Khakhar, A. Khakhar,Arjun COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Agricultural Biosecurity: Using Ribozymes to Design Safe and Effective Viral Herbicides
1031316 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gautreau, B. Gautreau,Brian LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Agricultural Career Exploration with Drones
1028334 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hirschfeld, D. Hirschfeld,Daniella UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Agricultural Ecosystem Services: Exploring Models and Methods for Scenario Development along the Wasatch Front, Utah
1021628 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Larson, J. E. Larson,Jamie E. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Agricultural Graduates: Prepared through Global & Applied Programs (AG:GAP)
1025688 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hill, K. Hill,Kathleen PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA AGricultural Science in Elementary EDucation - Learning IN Gardens at School (AG SEED-LINGS)
1030616 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lemley, S. M. Lemley,Stephanie Maria MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Agricultural Science Professional Development (ACRE) 2.0
1032217 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Baldock, K. Baldock,Kalynn Eastern New Mexico University NM Agricultural Science Teachers Industry-Aligned Education and Development (AGRI-TED)
1032267 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Moore, L. Moore,Lori TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Agricultural Sciences Summer Experience in Teaching (ASSET)
1027721 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Testa, N. Testa,Nicholas SUNY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY NY Agriculture Power Machinery Training
1030545 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Williamson, K. Williamson,Kurt COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY VA Agriculture viromes in farming systems: effects on microbiome assembly, function and crop production
1022287 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kaufman, E. K. Kaufman,Eric K VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION, VA POLYTECH INST. VA Agriculture Workforce Training for Collaborative Leadership
1025940 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cooper, E. Cooper,Evelyn UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Agriculture, the Environment, and Climate Change in the Chesapeake Bay: A University of Maryland REEU
1030649 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Granberry, T. C. Granberry,Tyler Clark UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Agriscience Metaverse Academy: A Virtual Reality Training Program To Bring Immersive Agricultural Experiences Into The Classroom
1031232 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Knutz, M. Knutz,Mike UNIV OF IDAHO ID AgriScience Technology Pathways (ATP)
1031289 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Taylor, C. N. Taylor,Cayla Noel IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Agri`CY`ence Academy for Underserved, Underrepresented Iowa Youth Audiences
1032147 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Moschini, G. Moschini,Giancarlo IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Agrochemicals in the US Corn and Soybean Industry: Market Power, Competition, and Pricing
1032209 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cruz, A. Cruz,Angel NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Agroecology Scholars Program in Research and Extension (ASPIRE) for Diversity
0219873 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Weaver, B. L. Weaver,Brenda L. AMRICAN GEOPHYSIAL UNION DC AGU Chapman Conference on Examining Ecohydrological Feedbacks of Landscape Change Along Elevation Gradients in Semiarid Regions, 5-9 Oct.
1030537 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ragland, K. Ragland,Kevin MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN AgXplore Professional Development Institute for Middle School Agriculture Teachers
1032367 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wedow, J. M. Wedow,Jessica Marie UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL AI for Agriculture Summit – A Visioning Conference
1033445 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Thomasson, J. A. Thomasson,John A. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS AI in Agriculture: The Role of AI in Autonomous Agricultural Systems and Socioeconomic Effects
1033344 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Marufuzzaman, M. Marufuzzaman,Mohammad MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS AI2F: Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) in AI-enabled Industrial Solutions for Forest Products
1029688 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adve, V. S. Adve,Vikram S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL AIFARMS – PhenoRob Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture
1030569 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bobowski, K. Bobowski,Kathleen UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA - ANCHORAGE AK Alaska K-12 Natural Resource and Agriculture Professional Development for Teachers
1030182 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gardiner, M. M. Gardiner,Mary Margaret OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Aligning Investments in Greening and Mosquito Management to Support Bee and Human Health in Cities
1025377 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tucker, C. B. Tucker,Cassandra Blaine UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Alleviation of Acute and Long-Term Pain Associated with Disbudding Dairy Calves