Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029247 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stager, A. Stager,Adam TRIC ROBOTICS LLC DE Development of an autonomous vehicle for application of a non-chemical, alternative technology addressing disease and pest control
0197014 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yant, D. R. Chatakondi, N. G. HARVEST SELECT FARMS MS Spawning and Hatchery Technology to Improve Hybrid Catfish Production
0211087 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jodoin-Reitman, L. Jodoin-Reitman, Lilliana GLOBAL WELLNESS ME Third Stage Software and Planning Services for Productive and Successful Aging
1028481 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Liang, D. Liang,Dangsheng APEX BAIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA Snulex: A Semiochemical Lure and Phagostimulant Enhanced Novel Bait for Controlling Snails and Slugs
1006767 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chevanan, N. Chevanan,Nehru ALTEX TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION CA Biomass Fuel Blocks Production System
1025992 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Salze, G. P. Salze,Guillaume KNIPBIO, INC MA Off-flavor Mitigation in Atlantic Salmon Grown in RAS via the Use of a Novel Single Cell Protein Based Feed
0226913 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Spencer, K. L. Spencer,Kim Li ISCA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA SPLAT BASE: A Revolutionary Attract And Kill Technology To Effectively Manage Orchard Pests.
0203102 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Dulebohn, J. I. Dulebohn, J. I. Claytec, Inc. MI Mesostructured Adsorbents for the Removal of Heavy Elements from Water
1028953 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT King, K. Aufdembrink,Lauren FRONTLINE BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MN A Sorbent Technology for eDNA Collection and Concentration for Aquaculture Pathogen Detection
0192860 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Akhtar, M. Akhtar, M. BIOPULPING INTERNATIONAL, INC. WI Novel Cost-Effective Production of High Quality Papers
1019489 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Friedman, B. Friedman,Bernard SANTA BARBARA MARICULTURE COMPANY CA Investigating the California Mussel as a new species for aquaculture production
0218888 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Krishnaswamy, R. Locke, B. METABOLIX, INC. MA Blow Molded Bioproducts From Renewable Plastics
0199638 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Meikle, T. Meikle, T. BITTERROOT RESTORATION, INC. MT Range Tech DSS: Decision Support System for Rangeland Health Monitoring
1000093 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pryor, S. J. Pryor,Stephen James PRYOR, STEPHEN CA Development of BMPs for nest establishment of wild-caught queen Yellow faced bumblebees, Bombus vosnesenskii, for greenhouse & outdoor crops
0213649 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Dobres, M. S. Dobres, M. S. NOVAFLORA INC PA A transposon based marker removal system for the development of genetically engineered roses
1028769 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Angelescu, D. E. Angelescu,Dan E. FLUIDION US, INC. CA ALERT-Ag++: An on-farm E. Coli analyzer for agricultural water quality monitoring
0196219 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arbuckle, L. Arbuckle, L. ARBUCKLE RANCH, INC. MT Performance of Innovative Native Seed Harvester
0206596 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Padwa, A. Padwa,Allen METABOLIX, INC. MA Blow Molded Bioproducts from Natural Plastics
1031820 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hindi, D. Hindi,Daniel MADAIN CORP. CA Revolutionizing Crop Management: Harnessing AI and Edge Computing for Enhanced Plant Health
1030138 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wishnick, D. Wishnick,David NUTRABERRY WA Analyzing Nutritional Benefits of Micronized Defatted Berry Seed Powders Using an in-vitro Model of the Human Gut Microbiome
0206484 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stemme, A. D. Clarke, K. M. DEFINEX, LLC MO Creating an Internet-Based Service for Merchandising Identity-Preserved Grains
1029953 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Groele, J. Groele,Joseph Fourth State LLC MI Towards a scalable continuous flow plasma water treatment architecture for PFAS destruction
0196223 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wardell, G. I. Wardell, G. I. S.A.F.E. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LLC AZ Developing an Artificial Diet for the Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
1022868 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Buentello, A. Buentello,Alejandro ICHTHUS UNLIMITED, LLC IA From waste/pollution to prime aquafeed ingredient: Use of tuna processing waste soy and cotton seed meal to produce highly nutritious meals for aquaculture
0221832 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hummos, A. Hummos,Ali INSECTIGEN, INC. GA Development of a BtBooster Synergist for Bt Transgenic Plants
0206608 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Plewa, J. S. Dan Mueth ARRYX, INC. IL Holographic Optical Cell Manipulation for Automated Development of Improved Yeast Strains for Ethanol Production
0199900 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vaidyanathan, R. Ranji Vaidyanathan Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc AZ Soybean Oil Based High Performance Nanocomposites
1009624 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ibrahim, P. J. Ibrahim,Princella J JIMFINA INTERNATIONAL INC NC Value-Added Production of Sorrel Juice from Red Sorrel Plant
0214702 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT whalen, J. John Whalen HARMON BROOK FARM (MAINE SMELT HATCHERY ME "Intensive Commercial Rainbow Smelt Culture"
1028955 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Waugh, B. Bowe,Graham JOHNNY'S SELECTED SEEDS ME An efficient greens spinner for improving food safety and increasing profitability for small to mid-size farms