Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030341 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bailey, M. Bailey,Marilyn UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Lifting Facilities in Support of Enhancing Learning Environments for Teaching and Education
1030433 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chen, H. Islam,Shahidul UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Iron modified Biochar for Agricultural Pollution Control
1030704 NEW OTHER GRANTS McGowan, B. W. McGowan,Bruce W UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR 1890 Scholarships at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1030958 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shi, A. Shi,Ainong UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Managing Emerging Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus in Greenhouse Tomatoes Using Alternative Rootstock and Disinfection
1031163 NEW OTHER GRANTS McKay, T. McKay,Tanja ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Improving the efficacy of methyl bromide alternatives for stored grains in shipping containers
1031340 NEW OTHER GRANTS Matlock, M. Matlock,Marty UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Life from the Land Initiative to Recruit and Retain Native American Students at The University of Arkansas
1031486 NEW OTHER GRANTS Larasatie, P. Larasatie,Pipiet UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS SYSTEM AR Near-peer mentoring to attract and recruit young rural women and minorities in Forestry STEM disciplines to diversify forest industry workforce (WAMSFOR)
1031548 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shi, A. Shi,Ainong UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development of germplasm resources and molecular breeding tools to combat endemic and emerging diseases in US spinach production
1031893 NEW OTHER GRANTS Devarajan, S. Devarajan,Sankar UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Leveraging the Medicinal Properties of Arkansas Rice Bran Varieties to Strengthen the Nutrition Expertise and Research Skills of Undergraduates by Collaborative Research and Extension Efforts
1031900 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, T. White,Tomekia UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Cultivating A Greener Tomorrow through Smart and Sustainable Agriculture
1031904 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sinha, A. K. Sinha,Amit Kumar UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Stress memory as a potential strategy to mitigate the adverse effects of elevated ammonia, hypoxia and water-borne iron in catfish aquaculture
1031992 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lyon Bennett, N. A. Lyon Bennett,Nina A. UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Creating a New Pathway for Increasing the Presence of African American Teachers in Ag Teacher Education Programs
1032319 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rainey, R. L. Rainey,Ronald L ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Southern Risk Management Education Center 2024-2027
1032622 NEW OTHER GRANTS McGowan, B. W. McGowan,Bruce W UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR 1890 Scholarships at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1032818 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gibson, K. Gibson,Kristen UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Empowering Neurodivergent Individuals in the Fresh Produce Industry through Accessible Food Safety Outreach and Training
1032819 NEW OTHER GRANTS Studebaker, G. Studebaker,Glen ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Arkansas Extension Implementation Program
1032956 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harris, K. Harris,Kelli UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS SYSTEM AR Leadership in Livestock Enterprises and Agricultural Disciplines (LEAD)
1032959 NEW OTHER GRANTS McGowan, B. W. McGowan,Bruce W UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR 1890 Scholarships at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
1032974 NEW OTHER GRANTS Threlfall, R. Threlfall,Renee UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Through the Grapevine: Developing Vitis x Muscadinia Wide Hybrids for Enhanced Disease Resistance and Quality
1033030 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mosley, J. Mosley,Jacquelyn UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Arkansas Multicultural Scholars FIRST Program
1033031 NEW OTHER GRANTS Johnson, D. Johnson,Donald UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Microcontroller Minds: Incorporating Microcontrollers into the High School Agricultural Education Curriculum
1033075 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mosley, J. Mosley,Jacquelyn UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Arkansas CommUniversity Statewide Partnerships and AGRI-STEM Pathways for Underrepresented Students
1033118 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rucker, J. Rucker,Jill UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Higher Education Leadership Proficiency (HELP) in Agriculture
1033149 NEW OTHER GRANTS Griffith-Hotvedt, C. Griffith-Hotvedt,Carly UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Life From The Land Initiative Phase 2: Finding Belonging And Purpose For Native American Students At The University Of Arkansas
1033242 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gallagher, D. Gallagher,Dusti INFINITE EVERSOLE-SPECIALTY CROP SERVICES, LLC AR Specialty Crop Regulatory Assistance Workshop: Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Regulatory Dossiers for Genetically Engineered Crops
1033257 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ubeyitogullari, A. Ubeyitogullari,Ali UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Acquisition of a State-of-the-Art Multi-Purpose Particle Size Analyzer for the Characterization of Micro-and Nanoparticles in the Food and Agricultural Sciences
1006935 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fua, R. McCutchan,Kathryn Michelle PACIFIC YOUTH AND COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT AS American Samoa Community Hydroponics Development Project
1029081 NEW OTHER GRANTS McFall, P. McFall,Pauline AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Enhancing the Agricultural, Community, & Natural Resources Program through Experiential Learning & Other Educational Opportunities-2022
1029082 NEW OTHER GRANTS McFall, P. McFall,Pauline AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS AGFEI Project: Strengthening research and experiential learning opportunities in plant and animal sciences at the American Samoa Community College