Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1019854 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arispe, S. A. Arispe,Sergio Adrian OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Fine Fuels Management to Improve Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Communities Using Dormant Season Grazing
0207027 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arjmandi, B. H. Arjmandi, B. H. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FL Dried Plum Reverses Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women
1024509 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Arnall, D. B. Arnall,Daryl Brian OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK PROVIDE: Plant Resistance Of Vectors, Insects, and Disease Education
1013567 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Arnett, N. L. Johnson,Nancy OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Cooperative Extension Education for Osage Nation Youth and Adults
1026585 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Arnold, L. Arnold,Laura Nelson County Agriculture Department KY Nelson County High School Ag-Science Collab
1024431 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Arnold, R. Rombold,John S. NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA New Discovery Research: Finding Tiokowe: Designing a qPCR assay to Detect Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys)
1008776 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aroian, R. Aroian,Raffi UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Engineered Probiotics for Farm Animal and Human Nematodes
1011248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aronson, K. R. Aronson,Keith Robert PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Army Family Advocacy Program: Prevention and Research
1019188 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arosh, J. Arosh,Joe TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Epigenetic Regulation of Progesterone Receptor-B in the Endometrium during Luteolysis in Ruminants
0214093 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arosh, J. A. Arosh, J. A. TEXAS A&M RESEARCH FOUNDATION TX Cellular Transport of Prostaglandins in Ovine Uterus
1025691 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arpaia, M. Arpaia,Mary Lu UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA PLANT BREEDING PARTNERSHIPS: Linking genomics and phenomics to improve horticultural traits in avocado
1026663 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Arques, S. Arques,Sylvie NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Eco-hydrological Model of the Nooksack River Watershed for Nutrient Loads Assessment and Harmful Algal Events in Lummi, Portage, and Bellingham Bays (WA)
1027784 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arriola Apelo, S. ARRIOLA APELO,SEBASTIAN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Nutritional strategies to improve nitrogen efficiency for milk production in dairy cows
1008653 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arvik, T. J. Norton,Dawn M. Sonomaceuticals, LLC CA Validation of Chardonnay Grape Seed Flour Manufacture and Study of Human Metabolic Response to Foods Containing it
1021759 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aryal, N. Aryal,Niroj NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Enhancing teaching and learning of ecological engineering science and data science using hands-on and project-based learning strategies
1025610 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aryee, A. N. Aryee,Alberta Naa Ayeley DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE FACT: Harnessing Data Science Techniques in Food Science Research
1025701 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ashok, A. Ashok,Ashwin GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY GA SitS: A Novel Large-Scale Radon Measurement Wireless Testbed for Spatio-Temporal Study of Radon in Surficial Soil
0210922 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ashraf, A. Ashraf, Ahtasham CENTRAL SIGNAL LLC WI An Innovative Cost-Effective Active Warning System for Improved Safety at Rural Railroad Crossings
1031528 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ashton, W. Ashton,Weslynne U.S. Food and Drug Administration IL CIVIC-FA Track B: Community Food MOBilization in Chicago (CF-MOB)
1020178 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Ashurst, K. L. Ashurst,Kerri Lynn UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Uplift: Empowering Today`s Youth for Tomorrow`s Future
1025028 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ashworth, D. J. Men,Yujie UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA "Dissemination and risk of anthropogenically induced antibiotic resistance in the agricultural environment"
1023167 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Asiabanpour, B. Asiabanpour,Bahram TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Bluewater: A Smart Circular Economy for Integrated Organic Hydroponic-Aquaponic Farming to Empower an Underrepresented Workforce
1003765 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aslan, S. Aslan,Semih TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX A BRIDGE Program to Engage, Sustain and Empower Women and Minorities in STEM (ESE WAMS)
0195907 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Assmann, S. M. Assmann, S. M. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Extra-Large G. Proteins of Arabidopsis Thaliana: Genetic/Cell Biological Analysis
1027763 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Assmann, S. M. Assmann,Sarah Mary PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Cold shock proteins and multi-stress protection in rice: mechanisms and applications
1019331 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aston, E. J. Aston,Emily Joy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Elucidating mechanisms of chicken resistance to avian influenza virus: Antigen presentation and cell adhesion molecule signaling pathways
1024393 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Astorino, J. Chase,Carrie COMMUNITY ACTION CENTER WA Palouse Tables Project: On the Move
1018116 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Attaie, R. Attaie,Rahmat PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Goat Dairy Foods Using Fucoxanthin as an Anti-obesity Biofunctional Ingredient
1027040 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Atucha, A. Atucha,Amaya UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Transitioning to organic day-neutral strawberry production in the Upper Midwest - A systems approach