Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196687 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bigger, J. Bigger, J. Sitting Bull College ND Enhancing Bison Education into the School on Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
1021025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gilliam, J. Biggs,Rosslyn OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Integrated Beef Cattle Program for Veterinarians to Enhance Practice Management and Services
1024097 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bilen-Green, C. Bilen-Green,Canan NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Making Good: Delivering Educational Equity For & With Indigenous Tribal Students & Communities
1029272 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bilen-Green, C. Bilen-Green,Canan NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Circling Back, Affording Tribal Students Opportunities to Flourish
1007811 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Binstock, L. J. Binstock,Levi James UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND Generating Research in Agriculture for Students in STEM (GRASSTEM)
1026818 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bisbee, Y. J. Bisbee,Yolanda J. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Titooqan Wepcukuywit (Indian Knowledge)
1029352 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bisbee, Y. J. Bisbee,Yolanda J. UNIV OF IDAHO ID New Beginning for Tribal Students III: UI NBTS CRIRLE
1027186 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller, G. Bish,Mandy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO IPM for Missouri Agriculture and Horticulture
1030394 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Blair, M. W. Blair,Matthew TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN High-throughput Plant DiTech phenotyping for Climate Resiliency in Legumes Species
1026059 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Blue-Terry, M. Blue-Terry,Misty A. NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Capacity to Recruit and Retain Volunteers in Underserved Communities
1007065 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Flory, J. Blyth,Aaron Latino Economic Development Center MN Project to link low income community members and immigrant farmers together to form healthy local food system.
1020631 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bockman, B. Bockman,Bianca RISEBORO COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP INC NY Central Brooklyn Food Democracy Project
1027356 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bojrab, M. Bojrab,Michelle PARKVIEW HOSPITAL, INC. IN Veggie Rx to HEAL
1004118 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bolques, A. Bolques,Alejandro FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Evaluation and Demostration of Protective Structures for Year Round Production of Fresh-Market Vegetables in the Florida Panhandle
1012952 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonning, B. C. Bonning,Bryony C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Bt toxin-based strategies for management of Diaphorina citri and citrus greening
1024575 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonning, B. C. Bonning,Bryony C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Optimal Bt toxins and gene silencing RNAs for management of Asian citrus psyllid to mitigate the impact of citrus greening.
1001024 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonsi, E. A. Bonsi,Eunice A. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Strengthening Food Science through Experiential Learning for Middle School Youth
1021827 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonsi, E. A. Bonsi,Eunice Amenyenu TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Strengthening the Quality of Nutrition and Food Sciences Education through Global Experiential Learning and Engagement
1029253 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD From Ranch Wrangler to Ranch Owner: Growing the Lakota Ag Producer
1029364 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD Sinte Gleska University Extension Program: Expanding Opportunities for Health, Wellness, & Prosperity for the Sicangu Lakota Oyate
1023376 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boren Alpizar, A. E. Boren Alpizar,Amy Elise TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Initiating and Mobilizing a Pipeline in Agricultural Careers Training (IMPACT)
1031497 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Borghi, M. Borghi,Monica UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Harnessing blueberry flower chemistry and morphology to boost pollination and bee health
1018393 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Borneman, J. Borneman,James UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Systems Biology to Elucidate the CLas-Citrus-Psyllid Interactions Needed to Culture, Inhibit, and Detect CLas for Successful HLB Management
0229490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bostock, R. M. Bostock,Richard Matthew UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic Network
1017085 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bouldin, J. L. Bouldin,Jennifer L. ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Native bee community composition in Mississippi Delta soybean fields and their effect on yield
1018557 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bovell-Benjamin, A. Bovell-Benjamin,Adelia TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL A Novel, Integrated Multidisciplinary Food Science-Engineering Research, Teaching and Extension Model
1028906 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bowerman, M. Bowerman,Margo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN White Earth STEM Academy
1023272 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bowie, M. V. Bowie,Michael V UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Vet Start Mentoring Program
1028546 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boyd, J. Boyd,John NATIONAL BLACK FARMERS ASSOCIATION INC VA American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - National Black Farmers Association