Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0185053 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kaiser, H. M. Coffman, W. R. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Generic Commodity Promotion Research and Evaluation
0207177 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Litz, R. E. Litz, R. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Evaluation of West Indian and West Indian x Guatemalan Avocados That Have Been Genetically Transformed to Extend On-tree and Shelf Life Stor
0206804 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gelb, J. Gelb, J. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Avian Biosciences Center - Delaware
0214960 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT fulton, J. P. Fulton, J. P. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture - Alabama
0204997 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Vayda, M. E. Vayda, M. E. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Environmentally Safe Products
0214474 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Pardini, R. Pardini, R. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Nevada Arid Rangelands Initiative. NV
0193828 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Shearer, S. A. Shearer, S. A. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Precision Agriculture: Development and Assessment of Integrated Practices for Kentucky Producers-Phase 4
0214055 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Meullenet,J Meullenet,Jean-Francois UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Enhancing Agricultural Profitability and Sustainability through Specialty Crops
0192202 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Wilhite, D. A. Wilhite, D. A. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Developing Drought Mitigation and Preparedness Technologies for the U.S.
0221583 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gelb, J. Gelb, J. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Avian Biosciences, Delaware
0210548 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Bergh, J. C. Chris Bergh VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Development of an Effective Mating Disruption Formulation for the Dogwood Borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) to Reduce Reliance on Organophosphate
0191669 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hopper, G. M. Hopper, G. M. FOREST AND WILDLIFE RES CENTER MS Wood Utilization Research Program -2002
0219815 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Whitmire,S,L Whitmire,Stefanie L. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Establishing a Fruit-Fly Free Zone in Puerto Rico I: Feasibility Assessment.
0189115 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Lewis, C. E. Mitchell, G. A. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK New Crops Opportunities
0219184 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ji, P. Ji,Pingsheng UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Integrating new technologies for detection and control of Phytophthora blight and fruit rot to improve vegetable production
1026969 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Douches, D. Douches,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Development of Multipurpose Potato Cultivars with Enhanced Quality, Disease and Pest Resistance – North Central Region 2021-23
0218662 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Stobart, R. H. Stobart, R. H. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Objective Measures of Wool Fiber Characteristics
0230860 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Rodriguez-Saona, C. R. Rodriguez-Saona,Cesar RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ An Integrated Multi-Tactic Approach For Managing Native Weevil Pests Of Multiple U.S. Fruit Crops
0198211 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Toscano, N. C. Toscano, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Western Regional Integrated Pest Management Special Projects Program-Administration
0195454 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Curran, W. S. Hoover, R. J. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA On-Farm Research for Supporting Sustainable, Organic, and Specialty Agriculture
0223002 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Yost, R. S. Lai, P. O. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Improving MSL (MultiSoilLayer)removal of swine pathogenic bacteria.
0196514 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Turnipseed, S. G. Turnipseed, S. G. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Management Strategies for the Stink Bug/Plant Bug Complex in Low-Insecticide-Input Cotton Production Systems
0222290 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Ward, S. M. Ward, S. M. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Assessing Long-Term Impacts of Yellow Toadflax Invasion
0203129 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Pollak, E. J. Decker, D. J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium
0201086 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Elliott, M. L. Elliott, M. L. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Technological Enhancement of Potential Biocontrol Agents of Lygodium microphyllum
0200408 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Teel, P. D. Teel, P. D. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX Gulf Coast Tick Pheromone: IPM Application Across Geographic Strains
0207016 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kemp, J. D. Kemp, J. D. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV NM Nematode Resistance Genetic Engineering, NM
0199743 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Folwell, R. J. Folwell, R. J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving the International Competitiveness of the Washington/Oregon and Michigan Asparagus Industries
0206661 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Richardson, R. J. Richardson, R. J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Integrated Methods for Sustainable Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) and Other Problematic Winter Weeds
0204491 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Maruniak, J. E. Maruniak, J. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Defining Mosquito Vector-Vertebrate Host Relationships of Non-Indigenous and Recently Introduced Arboviruses in Florida