Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1013616 NEW HATCH Couture, JO, . Couture, JO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Utilizing reflectance spectroscopy to assess plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress
1025698 NEW HATCH Rowland, DI, L. Rowland, DI, L. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Utilizing physiological agroecology to increase stress resilience in Florida cropping systems.
1013623 NEW HATCH Weng, HS, . Weng, HS. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Utilizing Indiana livestock premises database to predict animal disease introductions and subsequent outbreaks
1013240 NEW HATCH VanBuren, RO, . VanBuren, RO. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Utilizing evolutionary innovation for improving drought tolerance and water use efficiency
1021192 NEW HATCH Schilling, MA, WE. Schilling, MA, WE. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Utilization of sensory science, chemistry, and statistics to add value to muscle food products through improving quality and meeting industrial needs
1024225 NEW HATCH Rathore, K. Rathore, KE. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Utilization of Biotechnology to improve crop plants and to modify plants for novel applications
1019372 NEW HATCH Chitwood, DA, . Chitwood, DA. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) and Topological Data Analysis (TDA) to measure the plant form
1014242 NEW HATCH Waters, MA, NE. Waters, MA, NE. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Using the sediment record to reconstruct the impacts of land-use and allochthonous inputs on the aquatic ecosystems of Alabama
1013544 NEW HATCH Soranno, P. Soranno, P. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using the landscape limnology framework to study water quality in the lakes of Michigan and the US
1019415 NEW HATCH Siegford, JA, . Siegford, JA. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using Technology to Monitor and Improve the Behavior and Welfare of Pigs and Laying Hens in Production
1020936 NEW HATCH McConnell, MA, DE. McConnell, MA, DE. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Using Technology to Inform Conservation Best Management Practices in Working Agricultural Landscapes
1004409 NEW HATCH Franklin, E, . Franklin, E, . UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Examine Student Success in Agriculture Technology Management Courses
1021250 NEW HATCH Guzman, SA, . Guzman, SA, . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Using Smart Water Management in Specialty Crops: Sensors, Models and Systems for a Sustainable Agricultural Production
1012388 NEW HATCH Dinkins, JO, . Dinkins, JO, . OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Using Science-Based Solutions in Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species: Sage-Grouse Case Study
1015962 NEW HATCH Cockburn, DA, . Cockburn, DA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Using Resistant Starch to Develop Personalized Diets Tailored to Individual Gut Microbiomes
1019101 NEW HATCH Miller, ZA, . Miller, ZA. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Using Research to Facilitate Production of Anti-oxidant Rich Berries and Small Fruits in the Northern Rockies
1020250 NEW HATCH Abd-Elrahman, A. Abd-Elrahman, A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Using Remote Sensing Sensors and Geographic Information Analysis for Natural Resource and Agricultural Applications
1014225 NEW HATCH Cooper, CA, EL. Cooper, CA, EL. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Using Plant Physiological Responses to Guide Management Decisions in the Southern Great Plains
1020305 NEW HATCH Koenig, DA, . Koenig, DA. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Using one of the worlds oldest experiments to elucidate the genetic architecture of environmental adaptation in Hordeum vulgare (Barley)
1022481 NEW HATCH Carr, PA, . Carr, PA, . MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Using Non-Cereal Cover, Forage, and Grain/Seed Crops to Intensify and Diversify Dryland Wheat Cropping Systems in Central Montana
1016147 NEW HATCH Litt, AM, . Litt, AM. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Using new technology to solve an old problem: how to delimit and identify species in recently diversified plant groups
1022019 NEW HATCH Bhattacharya, DE, . Bhattacharya, DE. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Using Multi-Omics and Experimental Evolution to Understand the Response of Eukaryotes to Changing Environmental Conditions
1023352 NEW HATCH Hirsch, CO, . Hirsch, CO, . UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Using large scale data to understand pathogen population dynamics and plant responses to stresses
1015662 NEW HATCH Ready, RI, . Ready, RI. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Using Individual Behavior to Understand How People Use and Benefit from Ecosystem Services
1015981 NEW HATCH Mahler, RO, LO. Mahler, RO, LO. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Using Human Dimension and Chemical Indicators to Measure Long-Term Impacts on the Sustainability of Soil and Water in the Pacific Northwest
1019602 NEW HATCH Nason, SA, LY. Nason, SA. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Assess the Impacts of Reclaimed Wastewater use for Crop Irrigation
1013856 NEW HATCH Wickings, KY, G.. Wickings, KY, G.. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Using Entomopathogenic Nematodes to Enhance Belowground Biological Control and Reduce Insecticide Use in Sod
1025143 NEW HATCH Devries, D. Devries, D. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Using ecological approaches to study the effects of dams on aquatic species
1022969 NEW HATCH Hosen, JA, . Hosen, JA, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Using distributed sensor networks to develop a data-driven approach to track organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus across agricultural landscapes
1017585 NEW HATCH GORDON, WE, PH. GORDON, WE, PH. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Using Deviance Regulation Theory to Combat Bullying