Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1023852 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 32nd Annual Work Plan (FY20) RENEWAL
1024371 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Padilla-Gamino, J. Padilla-Gamino,Jacqueline UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Instrument Acquisition For Characterization Of Microplastics In Seafood And Assessment Of Plastic Degradation Of Aquaculture Gear
1029254 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roberts, S. B. Roberts,Steven B. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Improved climate resilience in oysters through optimization of hatchery-based environmental conditioning practices
0204893 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS DeHayes, D. H. DeHayes, D. H. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT The Future of Forest Research: Strategic Planning for the McIntire-Stennis Program
1027323 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Holtzman, B. S. Holtzman,Beth S. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Building Labor Management Know-How Among Beginning Farmers
1029693 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dombrowski, K. Dombrowski,Kirk UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Renovation Of The University Of Vermont`s Hills Agricultural Building To Establish An Institute Of Rural Partnership (IORP-VT)
0193593 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Goldman, S. L. Goldman, S. L. UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, THE OH A Partnership for Pharmaceutical and Economic Development of WIld Lebanese Plants
0201608 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rudrabhatla, S. Rudrabhatla, S. UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, THE OH Germplasm Development of Forage Grasses
1001352 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vineyard, C. Maddirala,James UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Phase IV - CariPac Consortium Distance Education Grant for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
1027129 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yemmireddy, V. K. Yemmireddy,Veerachandra UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Closing the GAPs: Food Safety Education and Outreach to Underserved Communities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley
1027258 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Raygoza, J. M. Raygoza,Juan M. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Fincas De Familia: Bridging Generations And Programs To Develop Successful Beginning Farmers In South Texas Colonias
1033112 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lee, J. Lee,Juhee UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Curriculum Development and Enhancement of Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems Program for Underrepresented Students
0203244 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Garza, R. Garza, R. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX Hispanic Leadership Program in Agriculture for Research on Food and Agriculture and Sciences
1023179 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Castillo, K. Castillo,Krystel UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX BE AWARE 2: BioEnergy And Water for Agriculture Research and Education Network 2
1023506 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, J. King-Kostelac,Amelia Lynn UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX Seeding Success for underrepresented students: Informal STEM Learning through Community Science,Avian Ecology, and Ethnic Studies
1013810 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Prather, T. G. Ludwig,Andrea UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Disaster Education in Rural Southern Appalachian Communities with Large Transient Populations
1023989 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, H. S. Wallace,Heather Sedges UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network: Southern Region
1027265 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kelly, H. M. Kelly,Heather Marie UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN IPM Implementation for agronomic crops, housing, schools, pesticide applicators, specialty crops, and pollinators
1023724 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jurat-Fuentes, J. L. Jurat-Fuentes,Juan Luis UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Addressing Risks of Resistance to RNAi as Plant Incorporated Protectant versus Non-GE RNAi Approaches
1028813 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Trout Fryxell, R. T. Trout Fryxell,Rebecca Tiffany UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Development, validation, and evaluation of computer imaging for tick detection on cattle
1031669 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kunicki, H. S. Kunicki,Heather Sedges UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Bridge Funding- FRSAN: Southern Region (SAgE: Southern Ag Exchange)
0196196 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS English, C. English, C. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Transparency in Learning: Web-Based Roadmaps for Achieving Expected Student Outcomes in the Food and Agricultural Sciences
1027222 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tewksbury, E. A. Tewksbury,Elizabeth A UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Promoting Integrated Pest Management for Farms, Nurseries and Landscapes
1028737 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Richard, N. L. Richard,Nicole L UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Building Capacity: Customized Food Safety Education and Outreach in Rhode Island.
1029304 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gomez-Chiarri, M. Gomez-Chiarri,Marta UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Microbial solutions to improving larval resilience in shellfish hatcheries
1026223 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Villafane-Santiago, M. Villafane-Santiago,Marilia UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO IN PONCE PR UPRP Distance Education Service Facilities Improvement Instrumentation Project
1026224 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Villafane-Santiago, M. Villafane-Santiago,Marilia UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO IN PONCE PR UPRP Distance Education Service Facilities Improvement Instrumentation Project
0219053 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gregory, A. Gregory, A. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO EXTENSION PR Technology & Management Educational Center for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers in Puerto Rico
1027226 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Almodovar, W. Almodovar,Wanda UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO EXTENSION PR Divided by Water, United by Need: IPM Program for Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands