Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033168 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomandl, J. Tomandl,Joseph DAIRY GRAZING APPRENTICESHIP, INC. WI Between Legacy and Livelihood: Developing a Comprehensive Farm Transfer Program for a New Generation of Managed Grazing Dairy Farmers
1033167 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dolan, K. Dolan,Kirk MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Planning activity for strengthening and developing multi-disciplinary plant-based food processing curricula and prepare an open-source textbook
1033166 NEW OTHER GRANTS Brooks, J. Brooks,Jazzmine IOWA HEALTHIEST STATE INITIATIVE IA Iowa Double Up Food Bucks
1033165 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rudolphi, J. Rudolphi,Josie UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center: 2024-2025
1033164 NEW OTHER GRANTS Askew, A. Askew,Alex BLACK CULINARIAN ALLIANCE INC. NY Sustainability and Innovation for Beginning Farmers
1033163 NEW OTHER GRANTS van Loenen, R. van Loenen,Rebecca AUGUSTA LOCALLY GROWN INC GA Successful Farm Start-ups: Assets, Training, and Mentorship for Beginning Farmers
1033160 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mitchell, A. Mitchell,Adam TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX Cultivating naturally: Improving capacity for faculty-led, student-driven native plant propagation and research at Tarleton State University
1033159 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harper, D. Harper,David PERMACULTURE LIVING LANDS TRUST, INC. NY Agroforestry Accelerator: Training Tree Crop Agriculture Producers in the Eastern U.S.
1033158 NEW OTHER GRANTS McFall, P. McFall,Pauline AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Enhancing the Agriculture, Community & Natural Resources Program through strengthening of instruction delivery systems and faculty/staff development
1033157 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanchez, A. Sanchez,Amelia NATIONAL IMMIGRANT FARMING INITIATIVE, INC. DC Capacity Building and Resources for Immigrant Farmworkers and Military Veterans, Beginning in Agricultural Enterprises
1033156 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh-Knights, D. Singh-Knights,Doolarie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Empowering Agritourism Service Providers to Strengthen Agritourism Programs as a Farm Diversification Strategy
1033155 NEW OTHER GRANTS Coleman, K. Coleman,Kelly Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture MA Comprehensive, Tailored Technical Assistance to help Massachusetts Beginning Farmers Enhance their Farms Sustainability Amid New Challenges
1033154 NEW OTHER GRANTS Joannides, J. Joannides,Jan RENEWING THE COUNTRYSIDE II MN Land Access Transformation: Time + Trust = Change
1033153 NEW OTHER GRANTS Libah, M. Libah,Muhidin SOMALI BANTU COMMUNITY LEWISTON OF MAINE ME Growing Farmer and Inter-organizational Capacity to Advance Multigenerational Learning Opportunities for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers in Maine
1033152 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kimbrough, E. Kimbrough,Erin TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX BattleGround to Breaking Ground- Growing Farmers & Ranchers (BGBG-GFR)
1033151 NEW OTHER GRANTS Calixto, A. Calixto,Alejandro CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Integrated Pest Management for New York State, 2024-2027
1033150 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kaarakka, L. Kaarakka,Lilli CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Finding clues for the forests of the future –assessing forest resilience and response to disturbance in California and the West
1033149 NEW OTHER GRANTS Griffith-Hotvedt, C. Griffith-Hotvedt,Carly UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Life From The Land Initiative Phase 2: Finding Belonging And Purpose For Native American Students At The University Of Arkansas
1033148 NEW OTHER GRANTS Abdelhamed, H. A. Abdelhamed,Hossam Abdelnabey MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Development of new strategy for preventing and controlling enteric septicemia of catfish
1033147 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sher, M. Sher,Mazhar SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD RAISE Program: Robotics, AI, and Sensor Education in K-14 Agriculture & STEM
1033146 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pinnamaneni, S. Pinnamaneni,Srinivas COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Strategies for sustaining the productivity of alfalfa under water limited environments of the Intermountain West
1033145 NEW OTHER GRANTS Koromyslova, E. Koromyslova,Ekaterina SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Interdisciplinary experiences in the early undergraduate curriculum for student professional skills enhancement and career readiness in the FANH sciences
1033144 NEW OTHER GRANTS Merzdorf, C. Merzdorf,Christa MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Gathering on the Trails to Research
1033143 NEW OTHER GRANTS AlSobeh, A. M. AlSobeh,Anas Mohammad Ramada SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Enhancing Food Safety: Rapid Detection of Salmonella in Onions Using Microscopic Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
1033142 NEW OTHER GRANTS Small, J. Small,Jessica VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE (VIMS) VA Building Better Broodstock: Assessing Correlation of Survival and Morphological Traits with Dermo and MSX Diseases in Eastern Oyster Broodstock
1033141 NEW OTHER GRANTS Davis, C. Davis,Christopher MAINE AQUACULTURE INNOVATION CENTER ME Aquaculture Training to Support Diversity and Resilience in Maine`s Working Waterfront
1033140 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fish, J. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Removing Barriers with Computer Access
1033139 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kittle, T. R. Kittle,T Rene SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT New Beginnings: Growing Stronger Together
1033138 NEW OTHER GRANTS Reader, J. Reader,Jenifer IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY ID Meeting Today's Growing Need for Diverse Food and Nutrition Experts: Combined MSP and SEL Proposal
1033137 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dasgupta, S. Dasgupta,Siddhartha KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Farming for Cash: A Training Program Leading to Farm Ownership Prior BFRDP Accomplishments