Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029053 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davis, J. L. Davis,Jennifer Lynn VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank VMCVM Component
1029487 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zink-Sharp, A. Zink-Sharp,Audrey VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Closing the Curriculum Gap and Increasing Academic Success of Transfer Students
1031377 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Corley, R. N. Corley,Robert N. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA FY 2023 1890 Facilities Grant Program
1031418 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davis, J. L. Davis,Jennifer Lynn VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA FY24 Food Animal Residue Avoidance Database Program (FARAD)
1031538 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Copenheaver, C. A. Copenheaver,Carolyn A VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Partnering Award-Winning Teachers and Teachers with Promise: Enhancing the Disciplinary Diversity of USDA Teaching Excellence Award Winners
1001352 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vineyard, C. Maddirala,James UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Phase IV - CariPac Consortium Distance Education Grant for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
1014077 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanes, C. Chanes,Christina M UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Water Quality Ambassador Program: Bridging STEM Technology in St Thomas with UVI students by the mentoring of high school youth to impact water quality, health/nutrition,weather/climate in the VI.
1020551 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanes, C. M. Chanes,Christina M UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Stem Ambassadors Program: Connecting Near to Peer learners to advance STEM education in the USVI
1023407 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanes, C. Chanes,Christina M UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Research and Outreach within the our Community to Keep Education on Target (ROCKET): Using Physics and Chemistry to Bolster Stem Pathways at UVI
1024189 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanes, C. Chanes,Christina M UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Communities Overcoming Various Injustices to Defend Rural Health (COVID) is a pilot outreach program to inform the community of C-19 by leveraging access and information in health to limit the spread
0204893 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS DeHayes, D. H. DeHayes, D. H. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT The Future of Forest Research: Strategic Planning for the McIntire-Stennis Program
0216260 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Winsten, J. R. Winsten, J. R. UNIV OF VERMONT & STATE AGRI COLLEGE VT Improving Agricultural Pollution Control Through Performance-based Incentives in the Choptank River Watershed of the Chesapeake Bay
0217850 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zevon, A. Ela Chapin LOCAL AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY EXCHANGE VT Community Kitchen Incubator Project
1009406 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kelley, S. Kelley,Suzanne HUMAN SERVICES, VERMONT AGENCY OF VT Connecting hlth. and food: an incentive program to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among VT`s SNAP participants through hlth. care and retail
1023444 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shade, J. Sciligo,Amber ORGANIC CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND PROMOTION VT BOA: Organic Confluences: Developing Open-Access And Scale-Agnostic Technology For Organic Farmers
1026684 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shade, J. Sciligo,Amber ORGANIC CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND PROMOTION VT Organic Confluences: Reducing Plastic across the Organic Supply Chain
1027323 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Holtzman, B. S. Holtzman,Beth S. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Building Labor Management Know-How Among Beginning Farmers
1029693 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dombrowski, K. Dombrowski,Kirk UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Renovation Of The University Of Vermont`s Hills Agricultural Building To Establish An Institute Of Rural Partnership (IORP-VT)
0190131 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brayton, K. A. Brayton, K. A. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Anaplasma marginale genome sequencing
0203691 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chen, S. Chen, S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrated Education and Research for Bioconversion and Applications Development: Addressing New Agricultural Opportunities
0207770 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Williams, T. Williams, T. NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Planning and Implementation of Place-Based, Experiential Bachelor of Sciences Degree
0210160 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Poole, R. L. Poole, R. L. NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Investigation of Dead Zone on Tribal Fisheries in Bellingham Bay, Washington
0218608 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dillon, M. Dillon, M. ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE WA The Seed We Need ???Working Group, Symposium, and Action Plan for the Advancement of Organic Seed Systems
0221242 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS LIu, W. Holladay,Johnathan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory WA Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals Using Ionic Liquids
0222514 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Portervint, B. M. Portervint,Bernice NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Expansion of Bachelor of Science in Native Environmental Science Courses to Extended Campus Students
0231025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Main, D. Main,Doreen S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Snap Pea: Enhanced production of nutrient-dense vegetable legumes
1008606 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thornton, J. Rucks,Lucas GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE WA Washington Forestry Training Initiative
1013353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS COLLIER, S. M. Spear,Melissa Seattle Tilth Association WA The Beginning Farmer Support Collective is an effort to enhance the services provided to beginning farmers in King County by joining resources of three farmer training organizations and the County.
1013692 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peacock, M. D. Peacock,Melissa Dawn NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA New Discovery Research: Passive Monitoring of Marine Biotoxins in the Salish Sea