Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029514 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moorberg, C. Moorberg,Colby KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Planning an Open Textbook for Introductory Soil Science
1029515 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Humphrey, E. C. Neville,Melinda Otto LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Revitalizing the Gardens of Our Ancestors
1029517 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jones, A. Jones,Arlene SPROUT, MN MN This application will support a planned community owned grocery store (The Purple Carrot) and permanent infrastructure for a farmer’s market and utilization of Sprout Food Hub assets.
1029581 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dupuis, V. Dupuis,Virgil SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT Salish Kootenai College Extension Programming in Ecological and Human Health Restoration
1029584 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Biological Factors Influencing Mercury Cycling in the St. Louis River Watershed
1029587 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Albrecht, D. E. Newman,Elizabeth A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center FY22
1029590 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cuthbertson, C. Cuthbertson,Courtney UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Farm Stress Training for Farm Service Agency
1029614 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sherman, S. Sherman,Sandy THE FOOD TRUST PA From the Inside Out: Healthy Food Strategies to Improve Health and Stabilize Returning Citizens and their Families
1029620 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tyner, M. Tyner,Mekko COLLEGE OF THE MUSCOGEE NATION OK Growing CVSE (Pumpkin) and the ORKO (PawPaw)
1029624 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mallon, R. Rombold,John S. NORTHWEST INDIAN COLLEGE WA Using environmental DNA to discover Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) distribution in the North Salish Sea
1029626 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cottrell, R. Ott,Michele CITY OF FREDERICK MD The Frederick Fresh, Local, & Equitable Food Access Project
1029632 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dupuis, V. Dupuis,Virgil SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT The Salish Kootenai College Tribal Youth Garden/Food Security Internship Program, School Garden Network And Reservation Garden Collaborative
1029633 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Antonio, T. Antonio,Thomas INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Southwest Plants for Dyes, Oils, and Classroom Use
1029693 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dombrowski, K. Dombrowski,Kirk UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Renovation Of The University Of Vermont`s Hills Agricultural Building To Establish An Institute Of Rural Partnership (IORP-VT)
1029753 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nazari, R. R. Nazari,Rouzbeh Ross UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM AL Catalyzing Local Food Value Chain Development through a Cross-functional Alliance and Economic Investment in Birmingham, Alabama
1029754 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reisig, R. Reisig,Rachel Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation MN Accessing Safe, Healthy and Culturally-Relevant Foods in the Twin Cities
1029767 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Madill, H. Madill,Holly MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Urban Agriculture Integrated Proposal Development Conference
1029776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ilic, S. Ilic,Sanja OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Biological approaches to mitigate biofilm-associated food safety risks in indoor leafy greens production
1029903 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roberson, M. W. Roberson,Mark W GOLDFINCH SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES AND ANALYTICS LLC NC RF Digital Nose for Ground Product Smart Processing
1029916 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Amin, V. R. Amin,Viren R. Biotronics, Inc. IA Increase Market Opportunities for Small and Mid-Size Packing Plants by Identifying Superior Pork Quality Using Ultrasound
1029921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hansen, B. Hansen,Brian AEROPHASE INC CO Bio-Aerosol Protection for Worker Safety and Food Safety in Meat and Poultry Processing
1029930 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Barashkov, N. Barashkov,Nikolay MICRO-TRACERS INC. CA Disinfection of Water used in the Poultry Industry by Combined Advanced Oxidation Processes
1029936 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ghosal, S. Ghosal,Sarbajit SC SOLUTIONS INC CA Rapid Real-time Image Analysis for Meat Quality Monitoring
1029938 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dweik, B. Riley,Ian GINER, INC. MA Effective Microbial Treatment for Prevention of Carcass Contamination
1029968 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Welborn, R. Welborn,Rachel MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Moving DEIA Forward
1029978 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cheng, X. Cheng,Xuemei INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Increase Capabilities and Efficiencies of Poultry Productions
1030012 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. Gonzalez,Guadalupe SAGINAW CHIPPEWA TRIBAL COLLEGE MI Enhancing Connections with Tribal Community
1030047 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1030341 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bailey, M. Bailey,Marilyn UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Lifting Facilities in Support of Enhancing Learning Environments for Teaching and Education
1030394 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Blair, M. W. Blair,Matthew TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN High-throughput Plant DiTech phenotyping for Climate Resiliency in Legumes Species