Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026033 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Castro, L. Castro,Luis CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Establishment of a Fermented Beverages Laboratory for Enhancing Education and Research in Fermentation Science
1026325 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kang, I. Kang,Iksoon CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Skin-on Goat Meat for Consumer Needs, Diverse Education, and Industrial Collaboration
1027396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lammert, A. Lammert,Amy CAL POLY CORPORATION CA FIRST in PD Teaching: Food Innovation, Research, Science, and Technology in Product Development Teaching
1028774 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McFarlane, Z. McFarlane,Zach CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Cal Poly Bull Test Research and Education Center: Improving education and outreach through research of novel traits in yearling bulls
1031440 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grieshop, M. Grieshop,Matt CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Taming agriculture’s elephant: broadening the conversation about field equipment sanitation practices for specialty crops
1031521 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Karim, B. Karim,Bibi BRONXWORKS, INC NY The BronxWorks Nutrition Incentive Program (BNIP)
1027403 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lopez-Ospina, C. Wasserman,Aliza BOSTON, CITY OF MA Boston Double Up Food Bucks Expansion
1026761 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Silverstein, M. Egan,Kelsey BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MA COVID Relief 2019-70030-30413: BMC FreshConnect (PRX)
1026346 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, M. Anderson,Matthew BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA GA Southwest Georgia Veterinary Medicine Candidate and Growth Capacity Building Program
0198069 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fish, W. Fish, W. BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Tribal College Research Grants Program
1003479 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peterson, J. Peterson,Jim BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Experiential Learning at Blackfeet Community College
1028970 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peterson, J. Peterson,Jim BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Experiential Learning at Blackfeet Community College
1029387 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Landry, D. Nez,Felix BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Blackfeet Community College Tribal College Extension Program
1029916 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Amin, V. R. Amin,Viren R. Biotronics, Inc. IA Increase Market Opportunities for Small and Mid-Size Packing Plants by Identifying Superior Pork Quality Using Ultrasound
1020667 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bialon, B. Bialon,Betsy BETSY THE VET, INC MT Grant for equipment to expand service in MT 166
1030776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ricatto, P. Ricatto,P. J BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NJ Bergen Community College New Jersey NexTGen for Sustainable Farming
1020327 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walden, M. Walden,Mark BEREA COLLEGE KY Grow Appalachia Beginning Farmer Coronavirus Response Supplemental Funding
1022733 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI HEMP Tribal Research Initiative for Michigan
1028993 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Bay Mills Agricultural Education and Student Success Initiative
1029294 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Bay Mills Extension Services
1027522 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wingard, S. L. Wingard,Shylea Lynn BAR 88 ENTERPRISES, LLC MT GoatMT: Enhancing Montana Beginning Producers Knowledge and Practical Experience with Goat Production and Marketing
0217994 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mulvaney, D. R. Mulvaney,Donald AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL MATRIX dor the Future: Premier Agriscience Education Academy
0219616 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dunham, R. Dunham,Rex A AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Repressible Transgenic Sterilization of Channel Catfish
1020251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Y. Wang,Yi AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Light/Dark-Inducible Suicide Bio-circuits for the Containment of Recombinant Microorganisms
1020530 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Woods, K. Rodrigues,Camila AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Experiential Learning Opportunities for Limited Resource Growers through Mobile Farm Innovation in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia
1021094 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kostelecky, K. L. Kostelecky,Kyle L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL 2022 Military Families Learning Network
1026737 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ulmer, M. McKibben,Jason D. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Preparing Emergency Education Responders through Sustainable Learning Network Modules (PEER-SLN)
1027233 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lucier-Greer, M. J. Lucier-Greer,Mallory Joy AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Military REACH
1027565 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Powers, A. R. Powers,Alicia R. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Alabama Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program