Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0186451 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wyman, C. E. Wyman, C. E. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE NH Coordinated Development of Leading Biomass Pretreatment Technologies
1015905 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Belazis, L. Belazis,Laura D.C. CENTRAL KITCHEN, INC. (THE) DC Incentivizing Fruit And Vegetable Purchases At Retail Corner Stores In DC`s Food Deserts
0220504 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Carrington, A. R. Amy Carrington CULTIVATING COMMUNITY ME New American Sustainable Agriculture Project
0199948 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hilgenberg, G. Hilgenberg, G. Crowder College MO Veterinary Technology Program
1023676 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rein, K. Rein,Katie CRAZY MOUNTAIN VETERINARY SERVICE, PLLC MT Interactive Mobile Beef Cattle Veterinary Medicine Learning Laboratory (MT205)
1024358 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, T. Kuo,Tony COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Prediabetic and Diabetic Medicaid Recipients in Los Angeles County, California
1026765 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, T. Kuo,Tony COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33128: Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Prediabetic and Diabetic Medicaid Recipients in Los Angeles County
0196226 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Regenstein, J. Regenstein, J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Visiting Food Plants via the Internet (Virtual Field Trips)
0227277 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dollahite, J. S. Dollahite,Jamie S. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Adopting Healthy Habits: Increasing Community Readiness to Change Food and Activity Choices in 3 Rural Counties
0229989 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Akey, B. Dubovi,Edward CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY National Animal Health Laboratory Network: NY
1020233 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A systems approach to microbial food safety in produce: Leveraging data science approaches to inform food safety decisions
1020550 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A systems approach to improve quality and shelf life of organic dairy products for domestic and export markets
1023545 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ryan, M. Ryan,Matt CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Taking Tillage Out Of Organic Grain Crop Production with Ecology, Tools and Technology
1023546 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Datta, A. Datta,Ashim CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Food Physics: Improved and Quantitative Understanding for Efficient Product and Process Development
1023723 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mohammed, H. Mohammed,Hussni CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Strategies in Support of Organic Dairy Production and its Livelihood
1027162 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cherney, J. Cherney,Jerome CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving Profitability and Reducing Producer Risks of Alfalfa-Grass Bicultures with Low-Cost NIRS
1027223 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Calixto, A. Calixto,Alejandro CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Integrated Pest Management Program for New York State, 2021-2024
1027235 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, V. Moore,Virginia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Breeding Alfalfa for Intercropping with Intermediate Wheatgrass: Towards perennial grain-forage systems
1028697 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pashow, L. Pashow,Lindsey CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Overcoming Food Safety Educational Barriers within NY Plain Communities
1028933 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grantham, D. G. Grantham,Deborah G. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Northeastern IPM Center: Strengthening IPM Adoption 2022 - 2026, Regional Coordination Program
1028982 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, V. Moore,Virginia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Building A Resilient Organic Hemp Industry From Seed To Market: Assessing Research, Extension, And Education Needs
1033107 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Callahan, E. A. Callahan,Elizabeth A CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SCHOHARIE & OTSEGO COUNTIES NY Together We Grow: A Multi-Sectoral Stakeholder Model for Community Food Garden & Healthy Eating Initiative in Rural Food Desert
1028661 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Meddaugh, M. Meddaugh,Melinda CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF SULLIVAN COUNTY NY Sullivan County Food Safety Outreach Program
1024386 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ligrani, R. Lerner,Jennifer CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF PUTNAM COUNTY NY Establishing the Putnam County Food System Coalition to Conduct a Community Food Assessment
1029409 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bajwa, Z. Bajwa,Zahrine CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY NY Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Partnership with Healthcare Providers to facilitate fresh fruit and vegetables vouchers to underserved populations.
1024084 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, C. Nuckols,Michael S Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County NY Farm OPS: Advancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans in New York
1027347 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Derryck, D. Samad,Ismail CORBIN HILL FOOD PROJECT, INC., THE NY Produce Prescription in the Bronx and Upper Manhattan
1028733 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Willms, T. Willms,Timothy COMMUNITY PANTRY, THE NM Linking Sustainable Tribal Rancher Protein Project with Community Based Businesses and Food Banks
1026797 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Callahan, M. K. Callahan,Mary Kathleen COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND PATIENT EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM, INC. NM COVID Relief 2019-70030-30407: Navajo Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program
1023889 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Coleman, K. Coleman,Kelly Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture MA Improving Success Rates for Massachusetts Beginning Farmers Through Comprehensive, Tailored Technical Assistance and Support--Supplemental