Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1022996 NEW HATCH Elliott, MA, . Elliott, MA, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Agricultural Institutions and Economic Performance
1022994 NEW HATCH Brecht, J. Brecht, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Postharvest Physiology and Quality of Fruits and Vegetables Within the Distribution System
1022992 NEW HATCH Weatherspoon, D. Weatherspoon, D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Food Supply Chains, Nutrition Education and Health Outcomes
1022990 NEW HATCH Raturi, AN, . Raturi, AN, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Improving data autonomy, model interoperability, & user experiences for agricultural decision-making
1022989 NEW HATCH Martini, SI, . Martini, SI, . UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Improvement of butter functionality to use as a laminating fat
1022982 NEW HATCH BARHAM, BR, L. BARHAM, BR, L. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Productivity and Sustainability Impacts of Improving Pastures on Management-Intensive Rotational Dairy Farms in the US
1022980 NEW HATCH Garland, TH, . Garland, TH, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Effects of early-life diet and exercise on adult physical activity and obesity-related traits
1022977 NEW HATCH Takhar, PA, SI. Takhar, PA, SI. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Engineering for food safety and quality
1022974 NEW HATCH Wang, SI, . Wang, SI, . UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Developing a skillful multi-year prediction for deluge-drought extremes in the Great Plains
1022969 NEW HATCH Hosen, JA, . Hosen, JA, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Using distributed sensor networks to develop a data-driven approach to track organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus across agricultural landscapes
1022968 NEW HATCH Sargent, ST. Sargent, ST. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Extending the Quality of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables via Application of Innovative Postharvest Technologies
1022960 NEW HATCH Thornton-Kurth, KA, J. Thornton-Kurth, KA, J. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Understanding mineral nutrition in skeletal muscle growth of beef cattle
1022951 REVISED HATCH Zhang, CA, . Zhang, CA, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Unraveling the function of plant vasculature for crop improvement
1022950 NEW HATCH Ruiz, YU, . Ruiz, YU, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Examining Substance Use among Young Indiana Adolescents
1022945 NEW HATCH Schad, JE, . Schad, JE, . UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Exploring the Relationship Between Natural Resource Dependency and Suicide in Rural Utah
1022942 NEW HATCH Burras, CH, LE. Burras, CH, LE. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Mapping and interpreting the soils of Iowa
1022938 NEW HATCH Carpenter, C. Carpenter, C. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Impact of organic acid challenge on internal pH and accumulation of acid anions in Listeria monocytogenes
1022936 NEW HATCH Boettinger, J. Boettinger, J. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Climate and Parent Material Controls on Soil Development in Western Ecosystems: Understanding the Past and Adapting to the future
1022931 NEW HATCH Sands, D, C.. Sands, DA, C.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Bioherbicide Development
1022930 NEW HATCH Porter, WI, . Porter, WI, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Improved model representation of agricultural emissions in Southern California
1022929 NEW HATCH Meiman, PA, . Meiman, PA. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Virtual Fencing for Increased Livestock Management Flexibility on Nevada Rangelands
1022928 NEW HATCH Ramirez, RI, A. Ramirez, RI, A. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Arthropod management in Utah field crops
1022927 NEW HATCH Norton, JE, M. Norton, JE, M. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Understanding agricultural soil microbiomes for improved nitrogen management and soil health
1022926 NEW HATCH Pierson, EL, . Pierson, EL, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Plant-Microbe Interactions Involved in Promoting Plant Health and Bioenergy Production II
1022924 TERMINATED HATCH Schad, JE, . Schad, JE. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Catalysts for Water Resources Protection and Restoration: Applied Social Science Research
1022920 NEW HATCH Wilson, SA, . Wilson, HO. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Landscape Ecology and Management of Arthropod Pests Impacting Orchard and Vineyard Crops in California
1022918 NEW HATCH Kerfeld, CH, . Kerfeld, CH, . MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Probing the structural basis of function of carotenoproteins and the carbon concentrating mechanism of cyanobacteria
1022916 NEW HATCH Guyer, D. Guyer, D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Applied Engineering Toward Support of Chestnut and Other Specialty Crops in Michigan
1022915 NEW HATCH Bowers, LA, . Bowers, LA, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Determining the role of gut microbial dysbiosis in the obesity-colon cancer link
1022914 TERMINATED HATCH Cross, TZ, . Cross, TZ. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Microbiome and Nutrition on Health and Disease