Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027235 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, V. Moore,Virginia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Breeding Alfalfa for Intercropping with Intermediate Wheatgrass: Towards perennial grain-forage systems
1023849 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Loch, T. Loch,Thomas MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Breaking vertical transmission cycles of virulent Flavobacterium psychrophilum sero-/genotypes
1029062 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cassity-Duffey, K. B. Cassity-Duffey,Kate Banks UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Breaking New Ground: Reducing Perennial Weeds and Improving Soil Fertility for Southern Farmers Transitioning to Organic Production
1027248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Little, N. Little,Neith UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Breaking Down Barriers to Maryland Beginning Farmers Success: Growing Local Markets and Working Toward Urban and Peri-Urban Farm Land Tenure
1013571 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Li,Yuzhi UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Breaking barriers to organic swine transition: Utilizing cover crops as feed ingredients to reduce feed cost
1027403 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lopez-Ospina, C. Wasserman,Aliza BOSTON, CITY OF MA Boston Double Up Food Bucks Expansion
1027267 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cruz, A. E. Cruz,Angel NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Boots On the Ground: North Carolina’s Veteran Farmer Apprenticeship
1020864 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gutierrez, H. Mace,Alexander SUSTAINABLE FOOD CENTER TX Bolstering and Building Capacity for Double Up Across Texas
1023444 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shade, J. Sciligo,Amber ORGANIC CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND PROMOTION VT BOA: Organic Confluences: Developing Open-Access And Scale-Agnostic Technology For Organic Farmers
1023167 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Asiabanpour, B. Asiabanpour,Bahram TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Bluewater: A Smart Circular Economy for Integrated Organic Hydroponic-Aquaponic Farming to Empower an Underrepresented Workforce
1029330 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schoen, R. Schoen,Roberta NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DC Blue-Ribbon Panel on Land-grant Cooperation and Collaboration Continuation
1029387 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Landry, D. Nez,Felix BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Blackfeet Community College Tribal College Extension Program
0204240 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Suflita, J. M. Suflita, J. M. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA OK Biotechnology for the Environment: A Joint United States-European Union Celebration of a Decade of Environmental Biotechnolgy Exchange Act
1015117 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Meng, Y. Meng,Yan ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Biotechnological approaches for improving sweetpotato crop with multiple virus resistance
0197684 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Haines, C. E. Haines, C. E. HASKELL INDIAN NATIONS UNIVERSITY KS Biology Curriculum Laboratory Improvement Project
1029584 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Biological Factors Influencing Mercury Cycling in the St. Louis River Watershed
0186564 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Carruthers, R. I. USDA, ARS, Pacific West Area CA Biological Based Control for the Areawide Management of Exotic and Invasive Weeds
1023902 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sattler, S. Sattler,Scott AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SD Biological barriers to prevent gene flow in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) for bioenergy and forage uses
1029776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ilic, S. Ilic,Sanja OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Biological approaches to mitigate biofilm-associated food safety risks in indoor leafy greens production
0220759 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fenn, D. R. Fenn,David PPG COATINGS & RESINS R&D PA Biobased Acrylic Polymers for Waterborne Coatings
1026652 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dhaliwal, G. S. Biggane,Emily UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND Bio-based polymer degradation and impact on human health
1029921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hansen, B. Hansen,Brian AEROPHASE INC CO Bio-Aerosol Protection for Worker Safety and Food Safety in Meat and Poultry Processing
1024634 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, N. Anderson,Nicole FUND FOR PUBLIC HEALTH IN NEW YORK, INC. NY Big Apple Incentives: Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Purchase and Consumption Through Expanded Affordability
1032977 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fields, J. S. Wu,Qinglin LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Beyond Peat: Substrate Security for a Changing Climate
1030776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ricatto, P. Ricatto,P. J BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NJ Bergen Community College New Jersey NexTGen for Sustainable Farming
0196372 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Downes, A. Downes, A. LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Be Strong and Educate My Children-Little Priest
0200269 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hart, J. LaRose, L. LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Be Strong and Educate My Children - Little Priest: Science and Technology
0211651 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Snowball, C. D. Snowball LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Be Strong and Educate My Children
1023179 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Castillo, K. Castillo,Krystel UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX BE AWARE 2: BioEnergy And Water for Agriculture Research and Education Network 2