Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0204121 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Grier, R. W. Robin Grier CATALYST COMMUNICATIONS, TECHNOLOGIES, INC. VA Project 25 Mobile Radio Migration Platform for Homeland Security and Fire Management
1010479 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stromberg, K. R. Stromberg,Kelly R CATALINA SEA RANCH, LLC CA Cryopreservation of Mussel Larvae for a Competitive United States Shellfish Industry
1025790 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ozturk, G. Bendiks,Zachary CARRISAN TECHNOLOGIES INC. CA Antimicrobial Surface Coating to Prevent Cross-Contamination of Produce by Pathogens on Crop Harvesting and Food Processing Equipment
1019451 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Grimm, T. J. Grimm,Thomas Joseph CARLSBAD AQUAFARMS INC CA Labor-Friendly Terrestrial Cultivation and Ocean Outplanting of Asparagopsis Taxiformis
0197097 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Henderson, G. W. Henderson, G. W. CAPSTAN SYSTEMS, INC KS Flow Control and Operation Monitoring System for Individual Spray Nozzles
0226467 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Henderson, G. W. Henderson,Graeme W CAPSTAN AG SYSTEMS, INC KS Development of an integrated actuator for real time control of spray nozzle flow rate and droplet size spectrum
1016006 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hause, B. M. Hause,Benjamin CAMBRIDGE TECHNOLOGIES LLC MN Universal Swine Influenza Vaccine
1020113 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hause, B. Simonson,Randy R. CAMBRIDGE TECHNOLOGIES LLC MN Universal Swine Influenza Vaccine
1012554 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Huang, Z. Huang,Zhen CAMBRIAN INNOVATION INC. MA Energy-Positive Wastewater Treatment and Reuse System For Agriculture Applications
1030002 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McFarland, M. McFarland,Michael CACHE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES PC UT Development of a Portable, Biochar-Based Electrochemical PFAS Sensing Device to Protect Rural Water Resources
0203124 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Terie, E. Terie, E. BUTTERNUT VENTURES VT Feasibility of Manufacturing a Wool-Based Soil Erosion Control Mat
1012689 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harvey, R. L. HARVEY,ROBERT BURNSHIRE HYDROELECTRIC, L.L.C. VA Variable speed operation in hydroelectric
1016616 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harvey, R. HARVEY,ROBERT BURNSHIRE HYDROELECTRIC, L.L.C. VA Power electronics for use in hydro power, renewable energy, and industrial waste energy recapture
1019604 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cole, B. Cole,Brian BUILDING COMMUNITIES, INC. OR Commercializing Rural Community and Economic Development Strategic Planning
1009584 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kopf, J. Kopf,Julianne BUGEATER LABS NE Use of nutrient rich insect base to create pasta and rice mimicking food products
0189587 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Decker, H. F. Decker, H. F. BUCKEYE BLUEGRASS FARMS, INC. OH Maintaining the Purity of Vegetative Propagating Material
1028494 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Evans, M. Evans,Mark BUBO LEARNING DESIGN, LLC TX Bubo Learning Design, LLC intends to create agricultural training solutions through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in rural settings. The creation of prototypes will mimic hands-on experiences.
0225381 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhao, M. Zhao,Mojun Brookings BioMedical Inc. SD Development of a simple killed enterotoxigenic E. coli vaccine for weaned pigs
0221889 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zhao, M. Zhao,Mojun Brookings Biomedical SD Multivalent Mucosal Vaccine to Include Swine Influenza
1009475 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Allnutt, F. Allnutt,F C Thomas BRIOBIOTECH, LLC MD Control of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) of Shrimp Using Genome Editing
0203025 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Trivedi, S. B. Murray, D. C. Brimrose Corporation of America MD Development of Novel Handheld Sugar Measuring Sensor to Monitor Production of Sugar Beet Crops
1006960 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bragdon, PE. Bragdon,Peter BRAGDON FARM ME Hay Fuel Logs: Transforming Waste Hay into an Alternative Heating Source for Maine and Beyond
0204238 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nelson, B. Bill Nelson BOU-MATIC WI Testing the Efficacy of a Novel Lameness Detection System in Commercial Dairy Herds
1015889 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT MacLaurin, K. MacLaurin,Kurt BOSTON LABS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT LLC MA Small and Mid-size Farm Efficiency Ecosystem
1006381 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Daly, J. Daly,James T. BODKIN DESIGN & ENGINEERING, LLC MA Compact Hyperspectral Imager for Crop Water Stress Detection on UAV
0213586 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rife, C. Lafferty, R. M. BLUE SUN BIODIESEL CO New Crop Opportunity for Semiarid Dryland Production Systems
0203006 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goodwin, D. M. Dianne Goodwin BLUE SKY DESIGNS, INC. MN All Aboard: Development of Portable Watercraft Transfer Technology to Increase Access to Boating for People with Disabilities
0233697 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smith, L. Y. Smith,Laura Yvonne Blue Moon Bulbs LLP Westscape Nursery MT The Selective Control of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) with Low-Cost Application of a Naturally Occurring Phytotoxic Element
1006785 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smith, L. Smith,Laura Blue Moon Bulbs LLP Westscape Nursery MT Process for Control of Annual Invasive Bromegrasses and Enhanced Establishment of Native Species in Post-Fire Applications
1006218 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cox, L. Henry,Catherine BLUE MEADOWS FARM LABS LLC WY Next-Generation Cost-Effective Small and Mid-size Farm GMP Compliance Process for Dietary Supplements