Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0233891 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Schulte-Moore, L. A. Schulte Moore, LI. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Functional Restoration of Midwestern Agricultural Landscapes
0233870 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Knapp, B. O. Knapp, BE. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Designing silvicultural prescriptions to meet dynamic management objectives in hardwood and conifer forests of Missouri, USA
0233845 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Karraker, N. Karraker, N. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Effects of Forest Fragmentation and Creation of Early-successional Habitat on Turtles in Rhode Island
0233821 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Steidl, R. Steidl, RO. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Effects of Invasions by Nonnative Plants on Wildlife in Grasslands and Forests
0233765 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Meilan, R. Meilan, RI. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Assessing the Suitability and Yield of Poplar Genotypes for Bioenergy Production
0233737 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Warren, PA. Warren, PA. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA The role of novel food webs in regulating biodiversity and ecosystem services in urban-suburban environments in New England
0233706 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hassan, E. Hassan, EL. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Minimizing Carbon Loss of Aqueous Fraction Bio-oil Through Sugars Isolation and Conversion to Fuel Chemicals
0233673 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Nair, R. P. Nair, RA. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Agroforestry Development and Applications: Evaluating the Global Impact
0233672 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Sparrow, S. D. Shipka, MI, P.. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK The Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center
0233666 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Chandler, D. Chandler, D. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Development of use of the parasitic wasp Cerceris fumipennis for biosurveillance of the Emerald Ash Borer
0233656 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Gong, P. Gong, P. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Photo-ecometrics for natural resources monitoring
0233655 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Minocha, S. Minocha, SU. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Manipulation of nitrogen and carbon assimilation efficiency in a hybrid poplar (Populus nigra x maximowiczii) and a willow (Salix viminalis)
0233587 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Holzmueller, E. J. Holzmueller, ER. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Evaluating Invasive Threats to Forest Health in Hardwood Forests
0233581 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Walters, M. Walters, M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Low Tree Diversity in Northern Hardwood Forest: Underlying Mechanisms and Tools for Restoration
0233518 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Carr, D.. Carr, D., D.. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Spatio-Temporal Ecosystem Monitoring and Restoration in Arkansas
0233456 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Grossman, G. D. Grossman, G. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Habitat selection and population regulation in fishes occupying forested watersheds in the southeastern United States.
0233454 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS West, T. P. West, T. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Breeding, Selection, Evaluation, Introduction and Propagation of Hardy Woody Plants for the Northern Great Plains
0233416 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Currie, W. S. Currie, W. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI Evidence-based future scenarios for Great Lakes forested landscapes: Development of a new framework
0233397 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Goldenetz-Dollar, JO. Goldenetz-Dollar, JO. AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Investigating Floral Visitors and the Role of Animal Pollination in American Samoa's Agroforestry Systems
0233384 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Asah, S. Asah, S. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Finding Common Ground toward Resolution of a Forest Management Dispute
0233374 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Zak, ZA. Zak, ZA. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI Does atmospheric nitrogen deposition reduce the diversity and ligninolytic potential of Soil Bacteria in Michigans northern hardwood forests
0233358 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Ballantyne, A. Ballantyne, AS. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT From Beetle-Kill to Bioenergy: An assessment of carbon vulnerability and energy potential in dead woody biomass of US Forests
0233356 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Keyes, CH, . Keyes, CH. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments on Ponderosa Pine Crown Fuel Dynamics at Lubrecht Experimental Forest
0233327 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Jencso, KE, . Jencso, KE. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Montana Watersheds as Sentinels of Change: Watershed Structure Modulates Climate Impacts on Forest Productivity
0233326 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Randhir, TI. Randhir, TI. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Ecosystem services in watershed systems of New England: Landscape assessment and policy
0233325 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Miller, K. V. Miller, K. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Habitat influences on predation of white-tailed deer fawns by eastern coyotes
0233314 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Wolter, P. T. Wolter, PE, T. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Satellite-based approach to relate pre-fire forest condition to fire impacts and vegetation recovery: Application to the Pagami Creek wildfire in northern Minnesota
0233302 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Larson, AN, . Larson, AN. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Effects of Thinning Treatments and Variable Tree Spacing on Snow Accumulation and Ablation in Mixed-Conifer Forest
0233297 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Biging, G. Biging, G. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Advances in remote sensing and field-based measurement of live and dead fuel moisture in California forests