Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1022531 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sikalidis, A. Sikalidis,Angelos CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Capacity Strengthening Undertaking - Farm Organized Response of Workers Against Risk for Diabetes: (C.S.U. - F.O.R W.A.R.D. with CalPoly)
1024414 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sikes, M. E. Sikes,Melissa Elizabeth FAIRBANKS SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AK Alternative Fairbanks Farm Educational and Cooperative Training (AFFECT)
0190184 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Silander, J. A. Silander, J. A. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Early Detection and Rapid Assessment of Invasive Plant Species and Noxious Weeds
0222064 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Silliman, B. Silliman, B. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Enhancing Evaluation Systems in Extension
1020528 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS SILVA, E. M. SILVA,ERIN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Organic Alternatives to Conventional Celery Powder as a Meat Curing Agent
1026815 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Silva-Araya, W. F. Silva-Araya,Walter F. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Strengthening Multidisciplinary Integration in Agriculture and Natural Resources Education by Using Advanced Technologies and Computer Simulations
1026761 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Silverstein, M. Egan,Kelsey BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MA COVID Relief 2019-70030-30413: BMC FreshConnect (PRX)
1027043 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simion, K. Ehmes,Delihna COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Micronesia Grows Technology: A Program to Facilitate Distance Learning for Agriculture and Extension Students at the College of Micronesia-FSM
1029396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simon, A. E. Simon,Anne E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD SP: CYVaV VIGS vector for vaccinating seedlings and controlling HLB in infected fruit bearing trees
1028709 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Amplifying the relevancy of Financial Benchmarking through Expanded Outreach and Environmental Emphasis to grow the National Database
1031214 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Expanding a diverse database to aid in making high risk decisions under volatile profit margins and adoptions of climate smart technologies
1024023 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simpson, R. B. Summerlin,Tiffany OPERATION WELCOME HOME, INC. WV Operation Welcome Home: Veterans Agriculture Training Program
1027251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sims, V. A. Sims,Venessa A. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GA Georgia Farmer Healthy Mindset
0203932 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sineway, C. Sineway, C. SAGINAW CHIPPEWA TRIBAL COLLEGE MI Environmental Science Curriculum Improvement: Laboratory Course Development, and Cultural Relevance Project
1024071 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Singer, A. Gordon,Matt ROGUE FARM CORPS. OR Beginning Farmer Veteran Training through Hands-on Collaborative Education
0203152 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Singh, S. K. Singh, S. K. Sinte Gleska University SD Production Techniques and Analysis of Native and Non-Native Sage Grown on the Rosebud Indian Reservation for Medicinal and Ceremonial Uses
1024638 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sjolie, S. Sjolie,Sarah WELLBEING PARTNERS, THE NE Healthy Neighborhood Store: A Business Development Catalyst for Latinex Markets
1027391 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Slep, A. Slep,Amy New York University NY Army Implementation of a Fairly Decided, Safety-Enhancing Maltreatment Assessment, Intervention-Planning, and Response System: The IDC Model
1020297 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Slinski, S. L. Slinski,Stephanie Leigh UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Developing A Trans-Disciplinary Approach For Improving Leafy Greens Production In Arid And Semi-Arid U.S. Growing Regions
1025768 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sloan, S. S. Nestor,Michael NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DC Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable Core Activities and the Federal Demonstration Partnership
1029196 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smart, A. Smart,Alicyn UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME UMaine Northeastern Regional Center NPDN 2022-2026
1031302 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. M. Smith,Ami Marie WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV WVSU 1890 Facilities Program 2023-2027
1029182 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, C. Baker,Robyn FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Increasing Participation in STEAM programs at Fort Peck Community College
1017407 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. L. Smith,Damon Lee UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI A multi-pronged approach to controlling Sclerotinia stem rot
1023506 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, J. Smith,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO TX Seeding Success for underrepresented students: Informal STEM Learning through Community Science,Avian Ecology, and Ethnic Studies
0196066 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, J. L. Smith, J. L. FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Field to Market: Malting Barley in the American Indian Farm Plan
1026608 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, K. Smith,Kasee UNIV OF IDAHO ID Increasing Agricultural Teacher Candidate Proficiency in Food Security Education
1021859 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, S. D. Smith,Sigrid D.P. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Assessing the impacts of sea level rise on agriculture and wetland ecosystem services provisioning in Delaware
1029290 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Snow, P. Walls,Caitlin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Holistic Learning and Community Growth through Extension and Outreach at Ilisagvik College