Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026059 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Blue-Terry, M. Blue-Terry,Misty A. NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Capacity to Recruit and Retain Volunteers in Underserved Communities
1012215 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Swamy, A. Swamy,Aavudai Anandhi FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Capacity in the natural resources engineering Research and Teaching using Innovative Strategies (B-CURTAINS)
1029132 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hart, K. Hart,Kathleen SAGINAW CHIPPEWA TRIBAL COLLEGE MI Building Capacity in STEAM Integrating indigenous knowledge, relationships, and sustainability
1028573 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kambiranda, D. Kambiranda,Devaiah SOUTHERN UNIV LA Building Capacity in Genomic Assisted Breeding Technologies: Identify Genomic Variations and Gene-Network Underlying Ripe Rot Tolerance
0211612 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jenkins, N. L. Jenkins,Nina Lyon UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Building Capacity in Family & Consumer Sciences Education and Dietetics Programs: A Model for Recruitment, Retention & Increased Graduation
1018109 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Amarasekare, K. Amarasekare,Kaushalya TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Building capacity in Extension, outreach and technical assistance to promote integrated pest management (IPM) of arthropods in Tennessee
1026206 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sheikh, M. B. Sheikh,Mehboob Basha FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Capacity in Agro-Nutraceuticals to Study Muscadine Grape as a Potential Prebiotic and Probiotic Source to Promote Gut Health
0222744 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walker, S. L. Walker,Sharon UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Building Bridges Across Riverside through Nano-Water Research
1027735 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Atwood, L. Atwood,Leah AGROECOLOGY COMMONS CA Building Beginning Farmer Resilience through Hybrid Participatory Education, Urban-Rural Networks, Mentorship, and Incubation
0230633 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hashem, F. M. Hashem,Fawzy M. UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Building an Interdisciplinary Educational Program on Food Safety for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
1024052 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lemos, M. Un,Katherine NATIONAL YOUNG FARMERS COALITION, INC NY Building an Inclusive and Comprehensive Network for Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance in the Northeast
1031630 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wylper, J. Un,Katherine NATIONAL YOUNG FARMERS COALITION, INC NY Building an Inclusive and Comprehensive Network for Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance in the Northeast
1029117 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Prinzo, L. Prinzo,Lauren WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Building Addiction Resilience in School Communities
1023710 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pokorny, K. Quam,Bailey WISCONSIN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INC WI Building a Veterinary Medical Mastermind: Leaning on each other to improve professional development skills
1023708 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS CARTER, M. J. Carter,Michael John CARTER FARMS LLC VA Building a Sustainable Production and Marketing System for Covid-19 Affected Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Beginning Farmers in Virginia
1031847 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aldridge, D. Aldridge,David SOUTHEASTERN CONNECTICUT REGIONAL RESOURCES RECOVERY AUTHORITY CT Building a Regional Composting Facility for Southeastern Connecticut
1026621 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kutka, F. Kutka,Frank COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Building a Northern Fruit Consortium
1012952 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonning, B. C. Bonning,Bryony C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Bt toxin-based strategies for management of Diaphorina citri and citrus greening
1000187 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wingenbach, G. Wingenbach,Gary TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Broadening Students ' Experiences and Expanding Their Career Competencies through International Experiential Learning Opportunities
1024025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Critzer, F. M. Critzer,Faith Michelle WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Bridging the Gap: Expanding a HACCP-based Curriculum to Help Produce Growers Treat Agricultural Water
1021893 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller-Cebert, R. L. Miller-Cebert,Rhona Lee ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Bridging the Disparity Gap in Education (BRIDGE) Dietetics Scholars Program
1031669 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kunicki, H. S. Kunicki,Heather Sedges UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Bridge Funding- FRSAN: Southern Region (SAgE: Southern Ag Exchange)
1013034 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dever, J. K. Dever,Jane K. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Breeding Organic Cotton Cultivars with Distinct Morphological Marker for Purity Maintenance
1023539 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Scott, P. Scott,Paul AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Breeding corn to enable organic seed production
1016481 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thavarajah, D. Thavarajah,Dil CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Breeding Biofortified Pulse and Cereal Crops for US Organic Cropping Systems
1027235 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, V. Moore,Virginia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Breeding Alfalfa for Intercropping with Intermediate Wheatgrass: Towards perennial grain-forage systems
1023849 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Loch, T. Loch,Thomas MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Breaking vertical transmission cycles of virulent Flavobacterium psychrophilum sero-/genotypes
1029062 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cassity-Duffey, K. B. Cassity-Duffey,Kate Banks UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Breaking New Ground: Reducing Perennial Weeds and Improving Soil Fertility for Southern Farmers Transitioning to Organic Production
1027248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Little, N. Little,Neith UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Breaking Down Barriers to Maryland Beginning Farmers Success: Growing Local Markets and Working Toward Urban and Peri-Urban Farm Land Tenure