Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027222 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tewksbury, E. A. Tewksbury,Elizabeth A UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Promoting Integrated Pest Management for Farms, Nurseries and Landscapes
1028737 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Richard, N. L. Richard,Nicole L UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Building Capacity: Customized Food Safety Education and Outreach in Rhode Island.
1029304 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gomez-Chiarri, M. Gomez-Chiarri,Marta UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Microbial solutions to improving larval resilience in shellfish hatcheries
0201215 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Colyard, V. L. Colyard, V. L. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Strengthening Scientific Preparation for Students in the Human Sciences: An Expansion of a Model Program
0201411 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adams, B. L. Adams, B. L. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship: A Program to Develop Agribusiness Entrepreneurs
0207893 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Karemera, D. Karemera,David SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC NAFTA, The Environment, and State Competitiveness in Vegetable Production and Exports
0214727 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. T. Foster,Delbert Thomas SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Improvement of Research, Extension and Teaching Facilities
0220309 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anoruo, F. Anoruo,Florence CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SC Establishment of an Agricultural/Biofuel Feed Stock Research Field Station in Orangeburg County
0222203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Andrae, J. G. Andrae,John CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Enhancing the Sustainability of Livestock Production Systems on the Southeastern US
0223098 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grant, D. S. Grant,Denise SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Preparing for Readiness in the Environmental Profession (PREP)
1004823 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. Foster,Delbert T. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC 1890 FGP FY17-SC State University
1015067 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McCrary-Quarles, A. R. McCrary-Quarles,Audrey R. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC CYPRESS III: Combining Youth, Passion, and Resources for Environmental Science Studies
1016481 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thavarajah, D. Thavarajah,Dil CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Breeding Biofortified Pulse and Cereal Crops for US Organic Cropping Systems
1018444 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. T. Foster,Delbert T. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC 1890 Facilities Grant 2018-2022 RFP
1020264 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Agudelo, P. Agudelo,Paula CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC A Multi-state Effort to Contain and Manage the Invasive Guava Root Knot Nematode (GRKN) in Vegetable Crops
1022021 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adams, B. Adams,Barbara SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Advancing The Food and Fiber Sector In South Carolina Through Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Phase II
1022405 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whitesides, L. D. Whitesides,Louis D SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC SC State 1890 Research & Extension Agriculture Innovation Scholars
1023452 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gasic, K. Gasic,Ksenija CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Solutions to the Armillaria root rot threat affecting the U.S. stone fruit industry
1023532 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mikhailova, E. Mikhailova,Elena CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Promoting cyber-learning through technology-enabled modules within FANH education
1023637 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stephens, J. L. Stephens,Jennie L. CENTER FOR HEIRS PROPERTY PRESERVATION SC SC Coastal Region Beginning Farmer & Rancher Development Program, Supplement
1023647 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ye, R. Ye,Rongzhong CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Diversifying organic inputs to improve soils supporting organic vegetable in southeastern USA
1026120 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adams, B. L. Adams,Barbara L SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Agricultural and Entrepreneurial Leadership: An Integrated Model to Enhance the Sustainability of Small Agricultural Producers in South Carolina
1027076 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dorton, E. Dorton,Elizabeth AGRICULTURE, SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF SC The Continued Development and Utilization of the South Carolina Agriwellness Program
1027130 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS de Figueiredo Silva, F. de Figueiredo Silva,Felipe CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Kale Alternatives Leading to Enhanced Economics (KALE): Improving Profitability and Evaluating Marketing Decisions of Organic Kale Farmers Facing Alternaria Leaf Spot in the Southeastern U.S.
1027203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reay-Jones, F. P. Reay-Jones,Francis CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program for South Carolina
1027489 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boyles, B. Boyles,Benjamin CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Towards a more Robust Portfolio of Entrepreneurship and Production Training for South Carolina`s Emerging Farmers
1028892 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zona, D. Zona,Diana SCHA FOUNDATION INC SC Improving Diabetes in SC through a Statewide Produce Box Prescription Model Summary
1031187 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Turner, A. Turner,Aaron CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Improving Organic Vegetable Profitability by Identifying Cost-Effective Technologies that Optimize Production and Whole-Farm Planning in the Southeast: A Planning Grant
1031247 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. T. Foster,Delbert T. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC 1890 Facilities Grant 2023 - 2027
1031350 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Eichelberger, J. Eichelberger,Jason CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC FACT-CIN: Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program - Web Based Nutrition Education and Evaluation Reporting System (WebNEERS)