Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027351 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hannah, A. Hannah,Amy WILLIAMSON HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER, INC WV WHWC`s Produce Prescription Program
1027353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jablonski, K. Jablonski,Kevin NORTHERN COLORADO FOODSHED PROJECT CO The Northern Colorado Farm Business Accelerator
1027356 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bojrab, M. Bojrab,Michelle PARKVIEW HOSPITAL, INC. IN Veggie Rx to HEAL
1027357 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hurisso, T. Hurisso,Tunsisa LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Cover Cropping and Crop Rotation Strategies in Organic Vegetable Production Systems to Build Soil Health and Improve Yield and Profitability
1027358 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Powell, P. C. Powell,Penelope WESTERN COLORADO FOOD AND AGRICULTURE COUNCIL CO Cultivating Farmers and Ranchers that Thrive: An Innovative Model for Holistic Agriculture Success in the High Dessert West
1027363 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Efrat, M. W. Efrat,Merav W California State University, Northridge CA Pipeline for Diverse Nutrition Students to Become Certified Lactation Counselors
1027365 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gerhardt, T. Gerhardt,Terri DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OHIO OH Bridging the Gap for Agricultural and Rural Mental Health Training in Ohio
1027370 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Monteau, C. Russette,Ursula STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT Stone Child Cattleman`s College
1027381 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Coffey, S. Bigelow,Lauren SAN JUAN ISLANDS AGRICULTURAL GUILD WA Farmers-to-Farmland: A collaborative model to enable new farmers and ranchers in the remote San Juan Islands, Washington
1027389 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Redfern, T. Redfern,Thomas RURAL ACTION INC OH Whole Farm Planning, Peer Learning & Income Diversification for Appalachian Beginning Farmers
1027391 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Slep, A. Slep,Amy New York University NY Army Implementation of a Fairly Decided, Safety-Enhancing Maltreatment Assessment, Intervention-Planning, and Response System: The IDC Model
1027396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lammert, A. Lammert,Amy CAL POLY CORPORATION CA FIRST in PD Teaching: Food Innovation, Research, Science, and Technology in Product Development Teaching
1027397 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ray, T. Ray,Tim CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR Chemeketa Incubator Farm Planning Project: Developing a land based, multi-grower education project for beginning farmers from diverse communities
1027399 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McLaren, A. Brooks,Jazzmine IOWA HEALTHIEST STATE INITIATIVE IA Iowa Double Up Food Bucks Statewide Nutrition Incentive Project
1027402 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanez, M. Yanez,Marlene La Semilla Food Center NM Cultivating Health with Veggie Scripts and Gardening
1027403 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lopez-Ospina, C. Wasserman,Aliza BOSTON, CITY OF MA Boston Double Up Food Bucks Expansion
1027405 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Forsyth, C. Ross,Allison AGRICULTURE AND FOOD, UTAH DEPARTMENT OF UT Utah Farm Stress Assistance
1027409 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pomper, K. Bernard,Marcus KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY 1890 Scholarships Program for Kentucky State University
1027411 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, B. Gionteris,Katina B WHOLESOME WAVE FOUNDATION CHARITABLE VENTURES, INC. CT Fidelity, Equity, and Dignity in Produce Prescriptions; Participatory design for social justice and healthy food systems
1027415 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Flessner, M. L. Flessner,Michael Luke VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Turning the combine from a weed seed spreader into a weed seed predator
1027417 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hallett, L. Webb,Michelle MAINE DEPT OF AGRICULTURE ME Maine Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance: Supporting an Inclusive and Responsive Continuum of Services
1027419 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chen, S. Chen,Steven ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF CA ALL IN Alameda County Rx4Health&Equity
1027421 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rhee, K. Rhee,Kyung UNIV OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO CA ¡Más Fresco! More Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program for Families with T2DM
1027424 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morrone, V. Morrone,Vicki MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Elevating the Quality of Beginning Farmer Training in Michigan
1027427 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schroeder, K. L. Schroeder,Kurtis Lee UNIV OF IDAHO ID Improving canola production and production systems with genetic and agronomic advances to increase canola acreage in the Pacific Northwest
1027428 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ryu, D. Ryu,Dojin UNIV OF IDAHO ID Collaborative Food Safety Education and Training for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Farmers in the Pacific Northwest
1027432 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rajotte, E. G. Tooker,John Frazier PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Pennsylvania Extension Integrated Pest Management
1027435 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fennimore, S. A. Fennimore,Steven A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Band steam application for weed and disease control in vegetable crops
1027436 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Link and Advance the Supply Chain of Edamame Industry in the U.S: A Planning Proposal