Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1006749 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sengupta, S. Sengupta,Suvankar METAMATERIA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OH Pathogen Filtration for Greenhouse Irrigation with Nano-Engineered Porous Filter Media
1006765 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bell, T. S. Bell,Traci S. Ripple Rock Fish Farms LLC OH Researching the economic feasibility of the mixed-cell raceway, providing a way for small farms to enter the aquaculture industry.
1009447 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arlinghaus, M. Arlinghaus,Mark GIRD SYSTEMS, INC. OH An Innovative Method For Drying Hay
1009517 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Crafton, J. W. Crafton,Jimmy Wayne INNOVATIVE SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS, INC OH In-Flight Measurements of Spray System Droplet Size for Aerial Chemical Application
1010178 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Caldwell, B. Caldwell,Bruce 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH System For Biologic Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode
1012558 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smilanich, N. J. Smilanich,Nicholas SENSOR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OH A New Nano-Based Detector for the Indian Meal Moth, Both Adult Insects and Larva
1012614 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tomczak, M. Tomczak,Melanie UES, Inc. OH In-field Detection of Biotic and Abiotic Pollutants in Surface Water in Agricultural Environments(16-RD-908)
1012675 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Michel, L. O. Michel,Linda O. LARAD INC. OH Virus-like-particle (VLP) vaccine for chicken infectious anemia.
1012713 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (TCPED) Architecture to Facilitate Management of Forest Wildfires.
1013213 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Crafton, J. W. Crafton,Jimmy Wayne INNOVATIVE SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS, INC OH In-Flight Droplet Size Monitoring and Control to Improve Aerial Application Accuracy and Efficiency
1013587 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH System For Biologic Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode
1016777 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smilanich, N. J. Smilanich,Nicholas SENSOR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OH A New Nano-Based Detector for the Indian Meal Moth, Both Adult Insects and Larva
1016785 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fontana, T. R. Fontana,Thomas R ENERGYENE INC. OH Enhanced Radiation Attenuation Medical Gloves
1019440 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Holt, C. Holt,Chris PH MATTER, LLC OH Biomorphic Silicon Anodes for High Capacity Batteries
1019450 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fuller, E. Fuller,Earl SK INFRARED, LLC OH Handheld Optical Spectrometer for Real-Time Characterization of Digestible Protein in Soybeans
1019468 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zody, D. Zody,Dean GHOSTWAVE INC. OH Radar Monitoring of Honey Bees for Early Warning of Health Issues and Colony Collapse
1020195 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smiechowski, M. Smiechowski,Matthew GUILD ASSOCIATES, INC. OH ImmobiZyme™ Platform for Enzyme Recycling in Bioethanol Production
1020243 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (TCPED) Architecture to Facilitate Management of Forest Wildfires
1022580 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Li, Y. Ge,Xumeng QUASAR ENERGY GROUP, LLC OH An innovative process for the production of bio-based stretch film from CO2 and crude glycerin
1023790 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nortz, P. E. Nortz,Patrick E OTISCO ENGINEERING LTD. OH COVID-19 Rapid Response: Advancement of a Minimally Invasive, Economical, Easy-to-install Geothermal Heat-Transfer Closed Piping System for Farmstead Applications
1025732 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, R. Johnson,Rick APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC OH Investigation of Passive Phosphorus Reduction Through Use Of An Innovative Hydrogel Technology
1025836 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH Application of Pseudomonas spp. for biocontrol of plant diseases in hydroponic systems
1028373 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Barrett, L. Barrett,Linda S4 MOBILE LABORATORIES LLC OH Use of In-situ Shallow Subsurface Spectroscopy for Measuring Soil Organic Carbon
1028421 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Smiechowski, M. Smiechowski,Matthew GUILD ASSOCIATES, INC. OH Immobilization of Enzymes for Enhanced Production of Protein Hydrolysate and Lactose Free Products from Whey
1028492 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jackwood, D. J. Jackwood,Daral J LARAD INC. OH Differentiating between Marek’s Disease Virus infected and Herpesvirus of Turkeys vectored vaccinated poultry.
1028521 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Edge-computing for Real-time and Persistent Automated, Multi-sensor Collection, Processing, and Dissemination of Imagery-derived Fire Line and Hotspot Detections
1030059 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, R. Johnson,Rick APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC OH Investigation into Integrated Phosphorus and Ammonia Recovery in Swine Applications
1030090 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ramey, D. Ramey,David BIO-MISSIONS LLC OH An integrated bioprocess for butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass
0203008 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McMillen, G. L. McMillen, G. L. Ekips Technologies, Inc. OK A Rapid Breath Test to Assess Bovine Respiratory Disease
0206446 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hassell, J. W. Hassell, J. W. ZIGBEEF, LLC OK A New Technique to Ease Collection of Cattle Electronic Identification Numbers