Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0233634 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roper, W. E. Roper,William E Micronic Technologies, Inc. VA Innovative Removal of Nitrate and Nitrites from Contaminated Well Water
1002884 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roper, W. E. Roper,William E Micronic Technologies, Inc. VA Innovative Removal of Agriculturally Related Pollutants from Surface Water Tributaries in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
1012703 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA An eddy covariance system for simultaneous flux measurements of total reactive nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
1026125 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. R. Roscioli,Joseph Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA Real-Time Mapping of Hydroxylamine and Other Trace Gases in Soil
1016565 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roscioli, J. Roscioli,Joseph Robert Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA An eddy covariance system for simultaneous flux measurements of total reactive nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
1019469 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rose, G. Rose,Greg INTELINAIR, INC. IL Use of Aerial Imagery Analysis to Optimize Pineapple Harvesting TABA
1023268 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roskos, H. Roskos,Henry CERMETEK CA The commercialization of a new agricultural subsystem (Leafmon-S) for online, realtime leaf monitoring to determine crop health (stress level) for precision irrigation and water conservation.
0207569 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schlotthauer, R. Ross Schlotthauer Mammoth Corporation WA Packaging of Poultry Litter for Economically Viable Storge and Transportation: Phase II
0226125 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rossi, T. Rossi,Tom 4Cs Breeding Technologies, Inc. NJ New Technology for Breeding Superior Tetraploid and Triploid Eastern Oysters
1009498 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roth, I. Roth,Ian DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGIES, INC. MA Pulsed Electric Field Application to Aquaculture: Predator Control and Product Extraction
1013153 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roth, I. Roth,Ian DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGIES, INC. MA Pulsed Electric Field Application to Aquaculture: Predator Control and Product Extraction
1012661 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roth, T. Roth,Tom VITAMINSEA LLC ME Technical and market feasibility of kelp meal as a nutritional supplement in low-moisture foods
1016546 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roth, T. Roth,Tom VITAMINSEA LLC ME Technical and market feasibility of kelp meal as a nutritional supplement in low-moisture foods
1024708 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rotshtein, R. Rotshtein,Regina THINKING HABITATS LLC MI Empowering rural high school students to use local news as a knowledge source to make informed decisions about their lives and rural communities.
1012713 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (TCPED) Architecture to Facilitate Management of Forest Wildfires.
1020243 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (TCPED) Architecture to Facilitate Management of Forest Wildfires
1028521 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rowley, C. J. Rowley,Christopher J. SKYWARD, LTD. OH Edge-computing for Real-time and Persistent Automated, Multi-sensor Collection, Processing, and Dissemination of Imagery-derived Fire Line and Hotspot Detections
0225297 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Royce, L. A. Royce,Lynn Alyson Mite Bee Farm, Inc. OR Production of native bumble bees for pollination of west coast crops
0228842 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubinelli, P. M. Rubinelli,Peter M. Sea Star International AR Production of a New Vaccine for Poultry to Prevent Salmonella
0206498 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubio, F. M. Rubio, F. M. ABRAXIS LLC PA Development of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies Suitable for a Commercial Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) ELISA
0233417 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubio, F. M. Rubio,Fernando M. ABRAXIS LLC PA Development of Immunoreagents and Test Kits for the Detection of E. coli non-O157 STEC
1028438 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rudberg, E. A. Rudberg,Edgar Atwood NUCLEIC SENSING SYSTEMS LLC MN Detecting and Genetically Verifying Key Aquaculture Viruses Autonomously and Continuously
0210033 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ruhlman, J. Ruhlman,James LA CASITA DE ADRIANA PR Drying flowers above 2000 ft altitude
1006453 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Russell, LI. Russell,Lisa MONARCH MEDIA, INC. CA MISavvy: An Online Training Program to Support Fidelity to Motivational Interviewing Techniques
1009698 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Russick, L. D. Russick,Leslie David TUBS, INC. MN Modular recovery and processing food waste for optimal nutritional value
0217879 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jilek, R. J. Ryan Jilek CUSTOM DATA, INC. ND Delivering Medication Therapy Management Services through Telepharmacy to Serve Remote Rural Communities.
1025893 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryng, H. Ryng,Henry INXSOL LLC AZ PracticeCom Training for Rural Communities` Emergency Workers
1012701 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sabalka, L. Sabalka,Lucas NG HEALTH VENTURES, LLC NE Development of a Prospective Mobile Automated Video Monitoring System to Reduce Risk of Falls in Rural Critical Access Hospitals
1009533 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sabatier, J. Sabatier,James SOAIR, LLC MS Novel residential fall-risk assessment device. Prompts preventive care through precise msment., protects privacy through use of ultrasound & no video.