Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0226658 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Swecker, W. S. Swecker, W. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Abundance of Hindgut Cellulolytic Microbes, Production of Volatile Fatty Acids, and Diet Digestibility in Obese and Lean Adult Horses fed a grass hay diet.
0208080 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Talaat, A. Talaat, A. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Genomic Plasticity of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis causing Johne's Disease
0198105 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Talaat, A. M. Talaat, A. M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Genetic Analysis of the Virulence of Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis
0226497 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Talaat, A. Talaat, AD, M.. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development of a Novel Platform Technology for Johnes Disease Vaccines
1003626 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH TALAAT, AD, MO. TALAAT, AD, M.. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Discovery of Protective Antigens for Novel Johne's Diseases Vaccines
1013839 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH TALAAT, AD, M.. TALAAT, AD, M.. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Novel Biomarkers for Johnes's Disease
0213533 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Taylor, J. Taylor, J. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Identification of the Causal Mutation for Hypotrichosis in Hereford Cattle
0203777 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Teel, P. D. Teel, P. D. TEXAS A&M UNIV TX The Gulf Coast Tick, Amblyomma maculatum, and Risk Assessment for Heartwater in the US
0207939 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Teglas, M. Teglas, M. B. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Surveillance and predictive modeling for natural and emerging tick-borne diseases in Nevada cattle
0225752 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Teglas, M. Teglas, MI. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Reservoir Host Population Genetics and Its Influence on Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever Maintenance
1005059 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Teglas, M. Teglas, MI. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Immune function and its role in protection against foothill abortion in domestic beef cattle
0211505 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Tell, L. Tell, LI, AN. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The Incorporation of Drug Testing Methodology Data into the Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD)
0230554 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Tennant, BU. Tennant, BU. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Etiology of Acute Equine Hepatitis
0212596 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Marshall, T. S. Tessa Marshall UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Comparison of measurement techniques for accurately predicting intramammary infection in dairy goats
0206047 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thacker, E. Thacker, E. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Investigation of swine influenza virus receptor binding
0192790 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thacker, E. L. Thacker, E. L. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Development of an air sampling system for PCR detection of swine respiratory pathogens
0195664 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thacker, E. L. Thacker, E. L. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Investigation of cytokine expression in laser capture microdissected pulmonary alveolar macrophages in response to PRRSV infection in lung
0215466 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thain, D. Thain, DA. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Improving Range Cattle Health Through DNA Paternity Identification
0230548 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thakur, S. Thakur, S. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Evaluate dissemination and persistence of antimicrobial resistant Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli following land application of swine manure
0189762 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thayer, S. G. Thayer, S. G. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Investigation of Natural Disease Outbreaks
0201799 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thayer, S. G. Thayer, S. G. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Investigation of Natural Disease Outbreaks in Poultry
0216742 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, R. Thune, R. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Development of epitope tagging procedures for E.ictaluri virulence factor proteins
0229115 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, R. L. Thune, R. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA The putative Type Three Secretion System effectors of Edwardsiella ictaluri are translocated to the host cell cytoplasm.
0205624 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, R. L. Thune, R. L. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Development of Procedures for Defining the Proteome of Edwardsiella ictaluri.
0209846 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, R. L. Thune, R. L. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Expression of Edwardsiella ictaluri type three secretion effectors in vitro.
0217110 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, R. L. Thune, R. L. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Regulation of Type III secretion system gene expression in Edwardsiella ictaluri.
1000418 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, RO, L.. Thune, RO. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Characterization of the Edwardsiella ictaluri type III secretion system effectors
0188521 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Thurmond, M. C. Thurmond, M. C. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Bayesian-derived probabilities of infection and disease in diagnostic epidemiology
0216823 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Evans, T. J. Tim Evans UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO A Porcine Model for Endocrine Disruption in Livestock: The Effects of Subchronic Oral Exposure to Vinclozolin on Postpubertal Boars