Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0226004 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Higa, A. Higa,Alessandra OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD Defining Optimal Bison Herd Health Practices in the Oglala Sioux Tribal Community
1024208 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gagnon, J. L. Gagnon,Jennifer L VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Decision Support Tool: Pilot for Remotely Teaching Woodland Owners to Implement Crop Tree Release to Improve the Quality & Growth of Oaks
1023590 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kaye, J. P. Kaye,Jason Philip PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Decision support to reduce the nitrogen yield gap in organic agriculture
1024563 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hakim, S. T. Hakim,Shazia Tabassum NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Decision support for agricultural reuse of municipal wastewater effluent in the Navajo Nation
0205187 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hotvedt, M. A. Hotvedt, M. A. NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY-BASED DAIRY FOUNDATION IA Dairy Education and Applied Research Center
1029359 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ford, S. Thimm,Tamara LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Daazhiike Manezid: Meeting Community Needs with Ojibwe Ecological Knowledge
1015067 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McCrary-Quarles, A. R. McCrary-Quarles,Audrey R. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC CYPRESS III: Combining Youth, Passion, and Resources for Environmental Science Studies
1027498 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chaves Elizondo, B. Chaves Elizondo,Byron UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Customizing Current Good Manufacturing Practices Training and Education for Small and Very Small Food Facilities across the U.S.
1027058 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wee, J. Wee,Josephine PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA CULTURED 1.0: Leading Higher Education Initiatives in Emerging Innovations for Sustainable Food Production
1024191 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Higheagle Strong, Z. Higheagle Strong,Zoe WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Culturally Sustaining/Revitalizing Approach to Native American Undergraduate Recruitment, Retention and Nation Building
1029003 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Culturally Inclusive Learning Through Leadership
1010044 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Etsitty, A. Etsitty,Audre NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Cultivating Native American Youth in Agriculture
0219938 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pickford, R. Pickford, R. THE CORPORATION FOR FINDLAY MARKET OF CINCINNATI OH Cultivating Healthy Entrepreneurs and Farmers
1009870 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cadotte, J. Cadotte,Jennifer LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Cultivating Future Leaders through Education, Experience and Civic Engagement
1007531 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Maniaol, A. Maniaol,Albert SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CA Cultivating Diversity in a 2 + 2 + 2 Collaboration
1021781 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hodges, N. J. Hodges,Nancy J. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro NC Cultivating Applied Technology Competencies among Diverse Undergraduate Populations: Development and Assessment of Course Materials and Teaching Strategies
1023460 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grumet, R. Grumet,Rebecca MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI CucCAP 2: Harnessing Genomic Resources For Disease Resistance And Management In Cucurbit Crops – Bringing The Tools To The Field
1024401 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lubowicki, L. Cato,Robert Alan Friends of Zenger Farm OR CSA Partnerships for Health: Connecting local farmers and health clinics for well-nourished communities
1027205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Leppla, N. C. Leppla,Norman C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program for the University of Florida
1027203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reay-Jones, F. P. Reay-Jones,Francis CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program for South Carolina
1029448 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brunner, L. Bellanger,Tammy WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Creating Sustainable Food Security in White Earth Tribal Communities
0222704 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Marlow,Amber LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Creating a Tribal, Sustainable Food System
1027534 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Amaize, A. Amaize,Aitalohi OURSPACE WORLD, INC. MD Creating a Regional Infrastructure for On-Farm Agricultural Education for Socially Disadvantaged Youth
1004066 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS James, N. James,Neil FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Creating a Public Private Consortium for the Enhanced Preparation of Students for Careers in the Food Industry
1020255 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Endelman, J. B. Endelman,Jeffrey B UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Creating a new paradigm for potato breeding based on true seed
1024260 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bullock, F. D. Omondi,Emmanuel Chiwo TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN COVID-19 Relief: Enhancing Food Security, Community, and Rural Development
1027016 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buckingham, B. Buckingham,Bonnie COMMUNITY FOOD AND AGRICULTURE COALITION MT COVID Relief 2020-70030-33194 GusNIP: Healthy, Local Food For All Montanans: Advancing Equity & Food Access through the Double SNAP Dollars Network
1026790 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hawk, C. Hawk,Carol FOUNDATION OF DISTRICT 304 WA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33190: Skagit County FVRx Program
1027078 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Spreen, C. Spreen,Constance EXPERIMENTAL STATION: 6100 BLACKSTONE, THE IL COVID Relief 2020-70030-33187: Link Up Illinois Nutrition Incentive Program