Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029191 NEW OTHER GRANTS Randall, J. Randall,Jennifer NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Trees for the future: Coordinated development of genetic resources and tools to accelerate breeding of geographic and climate adapted pecan trees
1029190 NEW OTHER GRANTS Snekvik, K. R. Snekvik,Kevin Roy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA NAHLN: Maintain Level 1 status and increase NAHLN capabilities and capacity in addressing an adverse animal health event such as may occur with an emerging disease detection or foreign animal disease
1029189 NEW OTHER GRANTS Manzo, R. Brock,Benjamin Mountain States Group, Inc. ID From Training to Sustaining – How Beginning Refugee Farmers Build Successful Farm Enterprises
1029188 NEW OTHER GRANTS Klair, K. Klair,Kevin UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Clearinghouse
1029187 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pitesky, M. Pitesky,Maurice UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Two Strong Wings,Cover Crops & Veggies: Developing The Next Generation Of Integrative Farmers In California, Iowa And Kentucky
1029186 NEW OTHER GRANTS Knapp, S. J. Feldmann,Mitchell J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Delivering Breeding and Management Solutions to Prevent Losses to Emerging and Expanding Disease Threats in Strawberry
1029185 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wuertz, N. Wuertz,Nicholas LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA, INC. IA Building Viable Pathways to Sustainable Farming for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers in Iowa
1029184 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nicholie, M. Nicholie,Molly Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project NC Enhancing Farm Fresh Produce Prescriptions
1029183 NEW OTHER GRANTS Anderson, T. Peterson,Leah NEBRASKA GRAZING LAND COALITION NE Strengthening the Ranching Legacy in Nebraska
1029180 NEW OTHER GRANTS Spring Buffalo, G. Spring Buffalo,George POCASSET POKANOKET LAND TRUST, INC. RI Outreach and Training for Beginning BIPOC Farmers in New England
1029178 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lopez, R. Lopez,Roberto MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI CEA HERB: Controlled Environment Agriculture Herb Extension and Research Base
1029176 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dellorto-Blackwell, C. Aaberg,Nathan LAND CONNECTION FOUNDATION, THE IL Land Access Solutions for Illinois` Next-Generation Farmers
1029175 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ronzello, J. Ronzello,Jamie SUST`AINA BLE MOLOKAI HI Mahia`ai Moa Project
1029173 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nunez, C. Nunez,Christa KHUBA INTERNATIONAL, INC. NY Farming and Ranching Mentorship, Training, Cooperation and Land Access for New Farmers of Color”
1029172 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wolinski, L. G. Wolinski,Laurie G UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE NERME Meat and Poultry Processing Grants
1029171 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fernando, S. Fernando,Samodha UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Risks associated with genetically engineered microbes in beef cattle production: Evaluation of persistence, transmission and ecological consequences
1029170 NEW OTHER GRANTS Derryck, D. Samad,Ismail CORBIN HILL FOOD PROJECT, INC., THE NY Food As Medicine (FAM) Supplemental
1029166 NEW OTHER GRANTS Trybus, J. A. Trybus,James A Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory NC NAHLN NIFA Support 2022-2023
1029160 NEW OTHER GRANTS Borrelli, K. Borrelli,Kristy UNIV OF MARYLAND MD SARE Meat and Poultry
1029159 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tressler, E. Tressler,Elizabeth K YUKON-KUSKOKWIM HEALTH CORPORATION AK Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program Produce Prescription Program
1029154 NEW OTHER GRANTS Vallad, G. E. Vallad,Gary Edward UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL TomSPOT - an integrated toolbox for managing tomato bacterial diseases in North America.
1029150 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dandurand, L. Dandurand,Louise-Marie UNIV OF IDAHO ID Systems approach to controlling nematodes in US potato production
1029149 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wang, M. Wang,Ming-Li HAWAII AGRICULTURE RESEARCH CENTER HI Developing an efficient breeding pipeline for producing CLR-resistant coffee cultivars and maintain unique quality
1029148 NEW OTHER GRANTS Klair, K. Klair,Kevin UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Digital Center: Meat and Poultry Processing Education
1029146 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mader, B. Mader,Bryan ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Extension Health Ambassadors: A Community-Based Volunteer Health Education Training Program For Improving Health In Rural Arkansas Communities
1029144 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miller, D. Miller,Denise NEW MEXICO FARMERS MARKETING ASSOCIATION NM FreshRx New Mexico Enhanement
1029138 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bojrab, M. Bojrab,Michelle PARKVIEW HOSPITAL, INC. IN Veggie Rx to HEAL Enhancement
1029137 NEW OTHER GRANTS Karcher, E. Karcher,Elizabeth PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN REACH Out for Poultry Science - Creating Opportunities for Future Leaders
1029130 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pettes, L. Harold,Asia FORSYTH FARMERS MARKET GA 912 Food Farmacy Expansion
1029128 NEW OTHER GRANTS Meier, H. Meier,Hilary DELTA HEALTH ALLIANCE, INC. MS Mississippi Delta Produce Rx Enhancement: Improving dietary health and wellness of low-income, rural individuals with diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other diet-related health conditions.