Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0220447 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stone, A. Stone, A. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE OR eOrganic: the National Online Information, Training, and Networking System for Organic Agriculture
1010026 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mehlenbacher, S. A. Mehlenbacher,Shawn A OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Genomic Tools, Genetic Resources, and Outreach to Expand Commercial U.S. Hazelnut Production
1017477 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wenrick, M. R. Cato,Rob Friends of Zenger Farm OR East Portland Food and Farm Service Learning Project
1020322 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tomasino, E. Tomasino,Elizabeth OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Smoke taint risk from vineyards exposed to wildfire smoke: assessment and management strategies.
1020577 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lukas, S. B. Lukas,Scott B OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Management Techniques to Optimize Soil pH and Nutrient Availability in Organic Highbush Blueberry Grown East of the Cascade Range
1020590 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hunt, A. L. Mireles DeWitt,Christina OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Extending Food Safety Training to Frontline Communicators with Seafood Harvesters
1020995 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Barroso, J. Barroso,Judit OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Integrated And Cooperative Russian Thistle (Salsola Tragus) Management In The Semi-Arid Pacific Northwest
1023514 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jeliazkov, V. Jeliazkov,Valtcho OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Hemp Education Initiative: Development of Online Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates
1023537 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hayes, P. Meints,Brigid M.A. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Developing Multi-use Naked Barley for Organic Farming Systems II
1023567 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dung, J. K. Dung,Jeremiah KS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR A Systems Approach for Managing Bacterial Blight of Carrot
1023811 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Van Dis, K. Pistacchi-Peck,Ann HIGH DESERT FOOD & FARM ALLIANCE OR Enhancing the Success and Viability of Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Central Oregon
1023856 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Strauss, S. H. Goralogia,Greg OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Site-Specific Recombinases As Tools For Plant Genome Editing: Efficacy And Risk
1024071 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Singer, A. Gordon,Matt ROGUE FARM CORPS. OR Beginning Farmer Veteran Training through Hands-on Collaborative Education
1024401 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lubowicki, L. Cato,Robert Alan Friends of Zenger Farm OR CSA Partnerships for Health: Connecting local farmers and health clinics for well-nourished communities
1026745 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moretti, M. Luvizotto Moretti,Marcelo OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Performance and Economics of Electric Weed Control in Organic Perennial Crops: A Multiregional Approach
1026783 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ulrich, N. Cato,Robert Alan Friends of Zenger Farm OR COVID Relief 2020-70030-33122: Matching Community Demand for Year-Around Produce by Extending the Growing Season of Local Farms
1027071 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Notarianni, M. Ward,Rachael FARMERS MARKET FUND OR COVID Relief 2020-70030-33183: Double Up Food Bucks Oregon: Expanding to Provide COVID-19 Relief at Farmers Markets, Groceries, and CSAs
1027250 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Coop, L. B. Coop,Leonard Bryan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Oregon Extension IPM: Meeting Critical Needs Through Adoption, Education, Decision Support and Pest Impact Assessment
1027397 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ray, T. Ray,Tim CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR Chemeketa Incubator Farm Planning Project: Developing a land based, multi-grower education project for beginning farmers from diverse communities
1028836 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mcghee, M. Mcghee,Morgan FOODCORPS, INC. OR FoodCorps FASLP: Developing the Next Generation of School Nutrition Leaders
1028872 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ocamb, C. M. Ocamb,Cynthia M OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Mitigating the Increasing Threat Posed by Fusarium Canker in Hop
1029158 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Langellotto, G. A. Langellotto,Gail Ann OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Growing a U.S. Native Plant Nursery Network to Sustainably Meet the Demand for Native Plants in Ornamental Landscapes
1029309 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Notarianni, M. Ward,Rachael FARMERS MARKET FUND OR Double Up Food Bucks Oregon: Growing the Impact at Farmers Markets, Groceries, & CSAs
1031248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buckland, K. Buckland,Kristine OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Integrated Control of Cabbage Maggots in Organic Vegetable and Seed Crops
0202838 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dou, Z. UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Development and dissemination of optimal phosphorus management technologies on dairy farms
0203645 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lin, H. S. Lin, H. S. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA USDA National Needs Fellowship (NNF) in Integrated Soil and Water Sciences
0205548 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lyons, C. G. Lyons, C. G. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Multicultural Scholars Program, Penn State University, Agricultural Sciences
0206972 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Duffey, J. T. Duffey, J. T. FRANKLIN COUNTY CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER PA Developemnt of a County-Wide Agricultural Resource Center in Franklin County, Pennsylvania
0207311 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lin, H. S. Lin, H. S. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA An Innovative Approach to Teaching Hydropedology