Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017297 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Young, G. Young,Graham UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Western Regional Aquaculture Center - 31st Annual Work Plan (FY18) RENEWAL
1017248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roth, J. A. Roth,James Allen IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Zoonotic Disease Prevention Tools for Rural Veterinary Practices
1017246 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Smith,Ami Marie WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia State University`s 1890 Facilities Five-year Plan of Work (2018-2022)
1017204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Li,Yuzhi UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Manure and Pasture Management to Reduce Swine Parasites in Organic Pastured Pork Production
1017203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gu, X. Gu,Xingyou SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Seedbank Longevity of Cultivated and Weedy Rice in Till and No-till Cropping Systems
1017201 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Spencer, T. Spencer,Thomas UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Innovative Multidisciplinary Training of Animal Scientists in Reproduction and Genomics
1017199 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bartley, B. Bartley,Benjamin LA MONTANITA FOOD COOPERATIVE, INC NM Achieving FSMA Compliance through USDA Harmonized GAP - Preparing the Four Corners Region's Diverse Farmers for Food Safety Certification
1017160 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Montes-Helu, M. C. Montes-Helu,Mario Cesar Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Extension Capacity: Building Together III
1017156 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adhikari, A. Adhikari,Achyut LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Develop hands-on training to evaluate and reduce microbial food safety risk associated with agriculture water
1017155 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abuelo Sebio, A. Abuelo,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improving food-animal veterinary service shortage situations in rural bovine practice through recruitment and continuing education of early-career veterinarians
1017123 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kannan, G. Kannan,Govind FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Establishment of the FVSU Center for Agricultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship
1017115 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bass, C. Bass,Casie UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy (MRP) in Mares: Is the Uterine Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) Receptor Involved?
1017085 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bouldin, J. L. Bouldin,Jennifer L. ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY AR Native bee community composition in Mississippi Delta soybean fields and their effect on yield
1017080 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Carr, C. Logan Brayshaw,Laurie INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM The IAIA Junior Master Gardener Program
1017063 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dutta, B. Dutta,Bhabesh UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Integrated Management of Fusarium Wilt, Nematode and Weed Complex using Methyl Bromide Alternatives in Watermelon Production System
1017010 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Booker, R. F. Corley,Robert N. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA FY 2018 1890 Facilities Grant Program
1016962 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wanner, K. Giroux,Michael MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Protecting Alfalfa Yield from Weevil Damage in the Intermountain West Region
1016884 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. Hymon-Parker,Shirley NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Enhancement of Teaching, Research and Extension Facilities at North Carolina A&T State University
1016816 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Van Dam, A. Van Dam,Alex RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Integrative Taxonomic Training for the next generation of Puerto Rican Entomologist
1016812 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Queeley, G. L. Queeley,Gilbert FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Empowering Minorities and Veterans to Succeed in Agriculture
1016798 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hafer, J. Hafer,James CHIEF DULL KNIFE COLLEGE MT Chief Dull Knife College Equity Program
1016750 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Montes-Helu, M. C. Montes-Helu,Mario Cesar Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Food Sovereignty
1016655 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Broyles, A. Kitzes,Edwin Wolf UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND 2018 Equity Grant for United Tribes Technical College
1016601 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. Robinson,Jillian INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. NY The Phoenix New Roots Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program
1016548 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Antonio, T. Antonio,Thomas INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Southwest Plant Collection and Identification
1016514 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rosen, C. Rosen,Carl UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enhancing Soil Health in US Potato Production Systems
1016498 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Adkins, S. Adkins,Scott ARS-USDA GA Development of Preseason Risk Prediction Models to Facilitate Areawide Pest Management of Whitefly-transmitted Viruses of Vegetables in the Southeastern U.S.
1016481 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thavarajah, D. Thavarajah,Dil CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Breeding Biofortified Pulse and Cereal Crops for US Organic Cropping Systems
1016465 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, B. Zhang,Bo VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Developing edamame varieties for mechanized production and improved consumer acceptance to increase sustainability of the vegetable industry