Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1020698 REVISED HATCH Ye, RO, . Ye, RO. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Land use and management practice impacts on soil carbon and associated agroecosystems services
1020676 REVISED HATCH Burand, JO, P. Burand, JO, P. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health
1020675 REVISED HATCH Xing, B. Xing, B. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Beneficial Use of Residuals to Improve Soil Health and Protect Public, and Ecosystem Health
1020628 REVISED HATCH Scaria, JO, . Scaria, JO. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Understanding the role of the gut microbiome, diet, and host immunity in shaping enteric pathogen colonization and transmission
1020624 REVISED HATCH Turco, RO, . Turco, RO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Industrial Hemp Production, Processing, and Marketing in the U.S.
1020613 REVISED HATCH Li, YO, . Li, YO. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Investigating the Potential Prebiotic Activity of Tropical Commodities
1020611 REVISED HATCH Tian, MI, . Tian, MI. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Pathogenicity Mechanisms and Control of Economically Important Plant Pathogenic Oomycetes
1020569 REVISED HATCH Kitalong, CH, . Kitalong, CH. COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Multi-site Coconut Rhinocerus Beetle assessment, mitigation and biocontrol with basis in Palau and biocontrol and initial assessments/training in Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae and Marshall Islands.
1020538 REVISED HATCH Logan, JO. Stephens, CA. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Cognitive Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Decision Making Around Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues
1020535 REVISED HATCH Hawkins, SH, . Hawkins, SH. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1020527 REVISED HATCH Grozinger, CH, M. Grozinger, CH, M. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health
1020525 REVISED HATCH Blair, J. Blair, JO. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Ecological research to improve tallgrass prairie management and conservation: Konza Prairie Biological Station
1020413 REVISED HATCH Kaushik, RA, . Kaushik, RA. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Investigating the role of macrophages and respiratory and intestinal cell cultures from food animals in innate immunity and disease pathogenesis.
1020348 REVISED HATCH Walsh, CH. Farcuh, MA. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Improving Quality and Reducing Losses in Specialty Fruit Crops through Storage Technologies
1020314 REVISED HATCH Lima, MA, . Lima, MA. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Phytochemicals: improving plant health and nutrient profile for human consumption
1020307 REVISED HATCH Mahoney, LI, L. Mahoney, LI. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Development of strawberry breeding resources and cultivated varieties
1020261 REVISED HATCH Featherstone, A, . Featherstone, AL. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition
1020259 REVISED HATCH Douthit, TE, . Douthit, TE. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Investigations into the interactions between nutrition, health, and reproductive function in horses
1020198 REVISED HATCH Vacca, AN, . Vacca, AN. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Analysis of energy efficient solutions for modern agricultural machines
1020175 REVISED HATCH Jones, S. Jones, S. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Ecosystem Variation and Pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus Population Dynamics in Estuarine Shellfish
1020171 REVISED HATCH Huang, F. Huang, F. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Resistance of corn earworm to Bt corn: documentation, monitoring, and management
1020144 REVISED HATCH Grandy, A. Grandy, AN, ST. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Bioavailable Nitrogen: New Insights, Models, and Management
1020114 REVISED HATCH Hashemi, M. Hashemi, M. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Environmental Impacts of Equine Operations
1020097 REVISED HATCH Bigornia, SH, . Bigornia, SH. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH The Impact of SNAP-Ed on Dietary Quality, Food Safety Handling Behaviors, and Insulin Resistance among Bhutanese Adults Residing in New Hampshire
1020088 REVISED HATCH Blair, AM, D.. Blair, AM, D.. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Applied management strategies in ruminant systems: Effects on animal performance and meat quality
1020076 REVISED HATCH Berlinsky, D. Berlinsky, D. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Improving Finfish Production in Recirculating Systems
1020067 REVISED HATCH Cote, R. Cote, RI, H.. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases as Potential Nematicides
1020063 REVISED HATCH Park, YO, . Park, YO. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Development of superworm as the model beetle species for genetics and physiology
1020049 REVISED HATCH Kemanian, AR, RI. Kemanian, AR, R. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Fates of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Agricultural Systems
1020048 REVISED HATCH Van Pijkeren, JA, . Van Pijkeren, JA. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development of Lactobacil lus reuteri as an Antimicrobial Delivery Vehicle