Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1019318 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lehner, K. Lehner,Kevin COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO A Dynamic Genotype-by-Environment (GxE) Analysis of Sorghum Tillering Under Drought Stress
1025389 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brown, C. A. Brown,Cynthia A. ENERGY INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. LA A Feasibility Study of a Cooling Technology for Internal Combustion Engines in Off-road Diesel Vehicles, Including Tractors, Combines, Spreaders and Applicators
0196845 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Landis, E. N. Landis, E. N. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME A Fiber-Based Approach for Connecting Wood Structure to Mechancial Properties
1028369 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, J. Lee,Joun PANI CLEAN INC IA A Fluidized Bed Photocatalytic Reactor for Nitrate Conversion
1015168 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stevenson, C. Stevenson,Clint NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A Food Science Education Summer Scholars Program That Develops The Next Generation Of Food Science Education And Extension Professionals
1028589 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, G. Johnson,Gary SPATIAL INFORMATICS GROUP LLC CA A framework for conducting, evaluating, and communicating probabilistic wildland fire prediction
1027948 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mollinari, M. Mollinari,Marcelo NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A genetics-based data analysis system for breeders in polyploid breeding programs
1022620 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lu, G. Hossain,Md Imran NANOAFFIX SCIENCE LLC WI A Graphene-based Handheld Device for Rapid Detection of Escherichia coli Bacteria in Water
1026433 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hartman, T. M. Hartman,Theodore M IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA A high throughput modeling technique with dynamic, in-season parameterization for improved biophysical representation of cropping systems
0196981 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McFeeters, R. F. McFeeters, R. F. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE NC A Hypothesis for the Chemical Basis for Sourness Perception in Acid Solutions and Foods
0197546 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryan, D. B. Dale Ryan POLYMER BRIDGE SYSTEMS INC. SD A Kenaf Fiber Based End-Grain Sandwich Core Material for Composites
1019126 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Behnke, G. Behnke,Gevan UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL A longitudinal study of the microbial basis of N2O emissions within a long-term agricultural experiment
1028736 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xin, R. Xin,Ruikun SOLMEM LLC TX A Low Cost Solar Desalination Method For Agriculture Drainage Management
1031765 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, J. J. Lee,Jaehyung James STRATIO INC CA A Low-Cost, High-Sensitivity Germanium (Ge)-Based Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Spectral Sensor for Monitoring Soil Organic Carbon Levels
1029847 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Van Hook, L. Van Hook,Lucille WICKED WILD, LLC ME A Maine Wild Blueberry Value-Added Product for Profitability and Sustainability of Small and Mid-Sized Growers
1019435 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Galvao, K. N. Galvao,Klibs Neblan Alves UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A metabolomic approach to determining factors that modulate host immunity and uterine microbiota
1025899 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Webb, B. A. Webb,Bruce Allen LEPIDEXT L.L.C KY A Method to Suppress Bt Resistance in the Corn Earworm
0192486 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Glick, R. E. Glick, R. E. WINSTON-SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY NC A model system for elucidation of mechanisms of interorganelle communication
1012368 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, Y. Wang,Yu IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA A Model-Based Assessment of Socioeconomic, Policy, And Environmental Implications For Sustainable Bioenergy
1028363 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Barbieri, N. L. Barbieri,Nicolle Lima UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA A Molecular Serology Approach For Surveillance Of Avian Pathogenic E. Coli In Georgia
1017407 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, D. L. Smith,Damon Lee UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI A multi-pronged approach to controlling Sclerotinia stem rot
1027864 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT THOMPSON, A. M. THOMPSON,ANITA M UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI A multi-scale and regional approach to cold season hydrology and nutrient dynamics in agroecosystems for water quality protection
1020533 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jennings, K. M. Jennings,Katherine M NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A Multifaceted Approach to Production Methods and Pest Management in Organic Sweet Potato Systems
0221770 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Connors, E. J. Connors, E. J. Innovative Educational Resources, LLC NJ A Multifaceted Community Approach Preventing Child Obesity Through Standards-Based Classroom Instruction Using an Interactive Inform Tech
1023638 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brito, A. Brito,Andre F. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH A multiregional approach to balancing milk and forage quality tradeoffs in organic dairies feeding high-legume diets
1017429 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Riley, D. G. Riley,David G UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA A MultiState Approach To Quantifying And Managing Insecticide Resistance In Plutella Xylostella The Diamondback Moth In Cole Crops
1031816 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goodwin, A. Goodwin,Autumn VECTECH, LLC MD A native bee camera trap to support sustainable agriculture practice and environmental protection
1028451 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chee, P. W. Chee,Peng UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA A New Adaptive Peak in Fiber Fineness via Interspecific Introgression
1015598 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strobel, S. A. Strobel,Scott A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA A new approach to delivering health-beneficial volatile compounds in foods: Reinforcing the matrix-cargo interface in spray-dried microcapsules
1023471 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kunkle, J. Kunkle,Justin MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A New Model for Forestry Education in Underrepresented and Rural Communities: A Strategic Alliance for Building, Expanding and Sustaining Pathways to Careers in Forestry