Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017587 NEW HATCH Adler-Baeder, FR, . Adler-Baeder, FR. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Promoting Relational Health Among Limited Resource Parents
1017588 NEW HATCH Lucier-Greer, MA, JO. Lucier-Greer, MA, JO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Advancing Military Family Science through Research and Outreach
1017706 NEW HATCH Bowen, K. Bowen, KI. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Epidemiology of Plant Diseases in Alabama Crop Systems
1017844 NEW HATCH Appel, A, . Appel, AR. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Biology, physiology, and management of urban arthropod pests in Alabama
1017852 NEW HATCH Chiba, L. Chiba, L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency
1017954 NEW HATCH Gamble, AU, . Gamble, AU. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Soil Health Research in Alabama Row Crop Systems
1018100 NEW HATCH Wang, XU, . Wang, XU. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Comparative and functional genomics, epigenomics and metagenomics in food animal health
1018601 NEW HATCH Leisner, CO, . Leisner, CO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Leveraging genomics-enabled plant physiology to understand crop nutritional and quality losses caused by climate change
1018698 NEW HATCH Shaw, J. Shaw, J. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Characterizing Dynamic Soil Properties and Assessing Soil Change in Ecological Sites of the Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain
1018730 NEW HATCH Lawrence, K, . Lawrence, K. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Variability, Adaptation and Management of Nematodes Impacting Crop Production and Trade
1018741 NEW HATCH Norton, RO, . Norton, RO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
1018883 NEW HATCH Bell, L. Bell, L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Understanding food chemical stability for shelf life optimization
1018884 NEW HATCH Starkey, CH, W. Starkey, CH, W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Impact of common broiler and swine production practices on intestinal development and local immune response
1018885 NEW HATCH Wower, J. Wower, J. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Noncoding RNA-protein complexes as targets for developing novel therapeutic agents against domesticated animal and human pathogens
1018886 NEW HATCH Prasad, RI, . Prasad, RI. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Development of technologies and best management practices to reduce environmental footprints of nitrogen and phosphorus emanating from animal agriculture in Alabama
1018888 NEW HATCH Wang, YI, . Wang, YI. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Address animal health and disease related issues using biological engineering and synthetic biology approaches
1019459 NEW HATCH Roy, LU, . Roy, LU. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Aquaculture Production Techniques for Aquatic Species in Warmwater and Low Salinity Water of West Alabama
1019460 NEW HATCH Vinson, ED, L. Vinson, ED, L. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Improved sustainability of peach production using novel cultural practices to delay onset of orchard replant phenomena
1019461 NEW HATCH Coneva, E. Coneva, E. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Improving economic and environmental sustainability in tree fruit production through changes in rootstock use
1019462 NEW HATCH Lamba, JA, . Lamba, JA. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Quantification of Nutrient Transport Dynamics in Agricultural Landscapes
1019465 NEW HATCH Fan, ZH, . Fan, ZH. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Integrating Forest Inventory Analysis/Forest Health Monitoring data with GIS/RS data to develop a geospatial modeling framework for risk mapping of nonnative invasive plants in the southern forestland
1019938 NEW HATCH Chamorro, MA, F.. Chamorro, MA. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Development of effective vaccination programs for viral respiratory disease in young calves
1020645 NEW HATCH Wills, BI, D. Wills, BI, D. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL The role of ants and their insect mutualists in agricultural landscapes
1020718 NEW HATCH Sanz-Saez, AL, . Sanz-Saez, AL. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Study abiotic stress tolerance in cotton and peanut: implementation of high-throughput phenotyping techniques
1020952 NEW HATCH Dunham, RE, . Dunham, RE. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Evaluation of Gene Editing to Control Reproduction in Catfish
1021196 NEW HATCH Wang, Y. Wang, Y. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Production of Biofuel and Biomaterials from Microalgae
1021412 NEW HATCH Samek, DI, R. Samek, DI, R. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Adolescent and Young Adult Experiences Leading to Persistent Alcohol Use Disorder, Depression, and Comorbid Alcohol Use Disorder and Depression in Young Adulthood
1021449 NEW HATCH Lee, YO, . Lee, YO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Promoting Alabama Occupational Worker Safety and Health through Personal Protective Equipment with Emerging Technologies
1021450 NEW HATCH Fuller-Rowell, TH, . Fuller-Rowell, TH. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Secular Trends in the Association between Childhood Circumstances and Adult Health: An Examination of Mechanisms Using Two Nationally Representative Samples