Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033060 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arispe, S. A. Arispe,Sergio Adrian OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Oregon Revitalizing Unpopulated Regions with Agricultural/Food/Natural Resource (AFNR) Literacy Towards a Prepared Workforce
1028888 NEW OTHER GRANTS Armor, R. Cavender,Ashley APPALACHIAN RESOURCE CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TN Appalachian Farmacy: A Produce Prescription Program for the Appalachian Highlands
1021108 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arnold, C. Arnold,Catherine BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY IL Preparing Multicultural Scholars For Leadership In Nutrition And Dietetics
1030970 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arnold, N. Arnold,Nicole OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Food Safety Training and Technical Assistance for Cottage Food and Home Bakery Operations in Ohio
1028510 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arredondo, R. N. Arredondo,Rudy NMI NATIONAL LATINO FARMERS AND RANCHERS, THE DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - NLFRTA
1032885 NEW OTHER GRANTS Artemiou, E. Artemiou,Elpida TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Targeted Communication & Educational Training for Farm Animal Veterinarians and Students: Enhancing Adherence to Postmortem Procedures
1026602 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arun, A. Melendez-Ortega,Maria UNIVERSIDAD INTERAMERICANA DE PUERTO RICO, INC. PR Farming for Future: Integrated Interventions to Improve Student Success and Experimental Learning in Controlled Environmental Agriculture
1033279 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arungwa, P. Arungwa,Priscilla UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT New Beginnings for USU Blanding Tribal Students
1032472 NEW OTHER GRANTS Arvidson, H. Arvidson,Heather MCHPP ME Reduction of Food Insecurity in Mid Coast Maine Through Increased Access to Locally Grown Food and Commercial Kitchen Facilities.
1029031 NEW OTHER GRANTS Aryee, A. N. Aryee,Alberta Naa Ayeley DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Multi-institutional Data Science Training of Students in Food and Agricultural Sciences
1029338 NEW OTHER GRANTS Aryee, A. N. Aryee,Alberta Naa Ayeley DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Acquisition of a CN828 Carbon/Nitrogen Determinator to Strengthen Food, Energy and Agricultural Research and Training
1031936 NEW OTHER GRANTS Aryee, A. N. Aryee,Alberta Naa Ayeley DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Leveraging Consumer Trends and Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Developing Nutritionally Improved and Healthy Snacks
1033164 NEW OTHER GRANTS Askew, A. Askew,Alex BLACK CULINARIAN ALLIANCE INC. NY Sustainability and Innovation for Beginning Farmers
1032706 NEW OTHER GRANTS Audoin, F. Audoin,Flavie UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Stories of American Rangelands: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Climate & Culture
1028698 NEW OTHER GRANTS Auterson, M. Auterson,Maile SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY GARDENS MO Expanding Food Safety Training for Underserved Farmers in Greene County, MO
1029297 NEW OTHER GRANTS Auterson, M. Auterson,Maile SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY GARDENS MO Springfield Community Gardens Hospital Farm Pilot
1032748 NEW OTHER GRANTS Auterson, M. Auterson,Maile SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY GARDENS MO Regional Food Hub Safety Training for New and Established Farmers in Southwest MO
1031407 NEW OTHER GRANTS Auvinen, A. Unland,Kyle HEALTH, WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF WA Growing Food Security through Washington`s Fruit and Vegetable Incentives Program.
0206909 NEW OTHER GRANTS Avery, A. L. Angela L. Avery NORFOLK COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL MA New Career Paths in Agricultural Education
1029118 NEW OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1031186 NEW OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1032502 NEW OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1031288 NEW OTHER GRANTS Awika, H. O. Awika,Henry O UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Remodeling and Equipping Postharvest Facility for Teaching and Student Research Training at the University of the Virgin Islands
1031461 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ayre, B. G. Ayre,Brian G UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS TX A Laser Microdissection System to Enhance Agricultural and Food Research in the North Texas and Southern Oklahoma Region
1029337 NEW OTHER GRANTS Azbell, L. Azbell,Lacey COLLEGE OF THE MUSCOGEE NATION OK Mocvse Vlicetv New Beginning
0196296 NEW OTHER GRANTS Azure, M. Azure, M. TURTLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Turtle Mountain Community College Healthy People- Healthy Community Extension Project
1032452 NEW OTHER GRANTS Badgujar, C. Badgujar,Chetan UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Better trap design, identification automation, and spatial modeling for better stored product insect pest control
1033170 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baer, B. Baer,Boris UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Heat Resilience in Honey Bee Stocks
1031751 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baesens, L. Baesens,Lesly DENVER, CITY & COUNTY OF CO Food Matters: Solutions for Food Waste Prevention in the Restaurant Sector