Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0217371 NEW HATCH Spann, T. Spann, T. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Citrus Nursery Propagation Management Practices
0217429 NEW HATCH Brendemuhl, J. Brendemuhl, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency
0217858 NEW HATCH Ledoux, D. Ledoux, D. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Mycotoxins:Biosecurity and Food Safety (NC129)
0217927 NEW HATCH Schmidt, C. Schmidt, CA, J. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE National Animal Genome Research Program
0217949 NEW HATCH Li, X. Li, XI. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Molecular and Biochemical Elucidation of Pyriproxyfen Resistance in Whitefly
0218063 NEW HATCH Welter, S. Welter, S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Developing Sustainable and Organic Pest Management Programs for Western Orchard Systems
0218149 NEW HATCH Thompson, G. Thompson, GA, DA. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Economic Policy Analysis of Arizona Production Agriculture
0218228 NEW HATCH Morse, W. Morse, W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Private landholder motivations to sell or rent ecosystem services
0218343 NEW HATCH Nandwani, D. Nandwani, D. UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Microirrigation for sustainable water use
0218448 NEW HATCH Palmateer, A. Palmateer, AA, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Diagnostics for, and integrated management of, diseases affecting ornamental nursery crops in South Florida
0218490 NEW HATCH Devadoss, S. Devadoss, ST. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Immigrant Workers and U.S. Agriculture
0218496 NEW HATCH Sanchez, C. Sanchez, CH. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Pharmaceuticals in Surface Waters and Their Potential for Transfer into Irrigated Agricultural Crops
0218574 NEW HATCH Vulpe, C. D. Vulpe, C. D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Genetic variation in iron metabolism
0218576 NEW HATCH Tallbear, K. Tallbear, K. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Investigating the Role of Indigenous Scientists in Governance and the Democratization of Environmental, Genetic, & Archaeological Science
0218679 NEW HATCH Tsao, L. Tsao, L. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Preschool Outcomes for Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
0218734 NEW HATCH Nolte, P. Nolte, PH. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Seed Potato Quality Improvement
0218735 NEW HATCH Rodriguez, A. Rodriguez, A. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Latino Immigrants in Idaho: Income and Entrepreneurial Development
0218953 NEW HATCH Buermeyer, A. Buermeyer, AN. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Human Health, and Nutrition
0218993 NEW HATCH Cherry, RO. Cherry, RO. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated Pest Management of Insect Turf Pests in Florida
0219061 NEW HATCH Brown, A. Brown, A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC The Genetic Improvement of Plant Derived Phytochemicals and Phytonutrients in Fruits and Vegetable
0219080 NEW HATCH Brandenburg, R. Brandenburg, R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Enhancing cost effective and environmentally friendly pest management procedures for turfgrass and peanut systems.
0219123 NEW HATCH Buss, EI. Buss, EI, AM. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL IPM for Arthropod Pests of Turfgrass and Ornamental Plants
0219295 NEW HATCH Mitchem, W. Mitchem, W. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Weed Management Techniques for Tree Fruit and Vineyard Crops
0219347 NEW HATCH Pattison, J. Pattison, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Strawberry Cultivar Development for the Southeastern United States with an Emphasis on Resistance to Anthracnose Diseases
0219470 NEW HATCH Clark, A. Clark, A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Protein folding, assembly, and aggregation
0219540 NEW HATCH Maxwell, E. Maxwell, E. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC The Role of Box C/D snoRNPs in Regulating Fungal Ribosome Biogenesis
0219612 NEW HATCH Allen, F. Allen, F. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Variety Evaluations and Management Research on Agronomic and Potential Biofuel Crops
0219748 NEW HATCH Apperson, C. Apperson, C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Bacterially Derived Semiochemicals Mediate Oviposition by the Container-Inhabiting Mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
0219919 NEW HATCH Gunderson, M. Gunderson, M. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition (NC1014, NC221, NCT-194)
0219925 NEW HATCH Sederoff, HE. Sederoff, HE. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Center for Sustainable Life Support for Human Space Exploration