Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0188725 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weissinger, A. K. Weissinger, A. K. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Tobacco Research for Medicinal Purposes
1020579 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weil, R. Weil,Raymond UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Transitioning to Organic Grain Production: Strategies to maximize profitability and ecosystem services while reducing risks and barriers
1031195 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weigle, J. Griffin,Ashley EXTENSION FOUNDATION MO Advancing Agrosecurity and Community Resilience through Innovation, Collaboration, and Capacity-Building in the Cooperative Extension Service
1008826 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weeks, P. P. Weeks,Penny Pennington OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Oklahoma`s Baccalaureate Degree in Agricultural Leadership: A State-Wide Partnership to Support Degree Completion in the Food and Agricultur
1027058 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wee, J. Wee,Josephine PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA CULTURED 1.0: Leading Higher Education Initiatives in Emerging Innovations for Sustainable Food Production
0196253 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Waukechon, C. Waukechon, C. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Strengthening the Economic Capacity in the College of Menominee Nation's Service Community
1031515 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Watrelot, A. A. Watrelot,Aude A IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Enhancing regional grape and wine production and quality
1027134 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Watkins, E. Watkins,Eric UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enhancing Sustainability Education Through Managed Urban Landscape Curricula at Higher Education Institutions in Minnesota
1021764 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Waterman, J. Waterman,Jenora NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Building Immunoproteomics Research Capacity for Biomarker Discovery: Detection of Pathogenic Antigens in Swine Lung and Environmental Samples
1021115 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Warnock, B. J. Warnock,Bonnie J SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Avanzando en la Frontera: Preparing students for a sustainable future through the use of technology for efficient livestock production
1016962 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wanner, K. Giroux,Michael MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Protecting Alfalfa Yield from Weevil Damage in the Intermountain West Region
1020627 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wanner, K. Wanner,Kevin MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Insecticide Resistant Alfalfa Weevils in the Western US: Quantifying the Scope of Resistance and Implementing a Plan to Manage the Threat
0223036 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Z. Wang,Zaisen LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Effects of selected nutritional components on immunity to Haemonchus in goats
1026010 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Z. Wang,Zaisen LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Securing Sustainable Production of Small Ruminants in the USA
1016430 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Y. Wang,Yu UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Identifying superior mango varieties for improving mango production and consumption in the US through genomic and phenomic tools
1020251 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Y. Wang,Yi AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Light/Dark-Inducible Suicide Bio-circuits for the Containment of Recombinant Microorganisms
1027098 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, P. Wang,Ping N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Understanding the Molecular Genetic Basis of a Novel Mechanism of Bt Resistance in Insects ofr Risk Assessment of Bt-crops
1027107 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, L. Wang,Leyi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Veterinary Microbiology Residency Program at the University of Illinois Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1026778 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, K. Wang,Koon-Hui UNIV OF HAWAII HI Organic Sweet Potato IPM and Soil Health Management for Small- and Mid-Size Farms
1026266 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, H. Wang,Hanping OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Advance aquaculture production through refining and transferring technology of commercial-scale production of monosex yellow perch
0204896 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, B. Wang, B. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Empowering Undergraduate and Graduate Students with Advanced HPLC-MS Through Class Instruction and Research on Functional Foods
1029179 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walters, C. Walters,Cory UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Northern Plains Regional Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Partnership
1031363 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walters, C. Walters,Cory UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Northern Plains Regional Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Partnership
1027027 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2021-2024
1027138 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallingford, A. Vinchesi-Vahl,Amber UNH Cooperative Extension NH University Of New Hampshire 2021-2023 Integrated Pest Management Extension Implementation Plan
1023454 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, J. M. Wallace,John M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Intensifying Organic Grain Production: Balancing Production and Conservation Goals
1026912 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, J. M. Wallace,John M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Integrating high-residue cover crop and residual herbicide tactics to improve herbicide-resistance management in Mid-Atlantic field crops.
1023989 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, H. S. Wallace,Heather Sedges UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network: Southern Region
1027488 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wall, M. Cox,lauren Georgia Organics GA Farmer Business and Production Accelerator Program for Small to Mid-Scale Beginning Farmers and Ranchers