Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1031600 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ferguson, C. E. Ferguson,Clarence Edward SAINT MARY-OF-THE-WOODS COLLEGE IN Development of Indiana’s First Master of Science in Equine Studies Program
1031598 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Edwards, H. Edwards,Harriett NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Youth Support and Internship Program
1031594 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kuchipudi, S. V. Kuchipudi,Suresh V UNIV OF PITTSBURGH PA Molecular pathogenesis and adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer and implications for spillover to cattle and pigs
1031593 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program III
1031590 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, S. Guan,Kaiyu UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Illinois dust storms during the 2023 planting-season drought: Understanding mechanisms and developing mitigation strategies of dust storms over agricultural landscape
1031562 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mull, C. VonDielingen,Heather PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Military Teen Adventure Camps
1031558 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fain, A. Thompson,Taylor INTERTRIBAL AGRICULTURE COUNCIL MT 22007 Outreach to Native Producers
1031554 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McBride, S. McBride,Steven RADFORD UNIVERSITY VA The effect of cover crop volatile organic compounds on soil organic matter formation and nutrient retention for soil health improvement
1031551 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yellavajjala, R. Yellavajjala,Ravi ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Low-Cost And Sustainable Corrosion Mitigation Products Derived From Agricultural Feedstocks
1031538 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Copenheaver, C. A. Copenheaver,Carolyn A VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Partnering Award-Winning Teachers and Teachers with Promise: Enhancing the Disciplinary Diversity of USDA Teaching Excellence Award Winners
1031533 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Guffey, A. Guffey,Andy NATIONAL AGRICULTURE IN THE CLASSROOM ORGANIZATION (NAITC) INC. FL Increasing Agricultural Literacy in K-12 Education
1031528 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ashton, W. Ashton,Weslynne U.S. Food and Drug Administration IL CIVIC-FA Track B: Community Food MOBilization in Chicago (CF-MOB)
1031524 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ozmaeian, M. Ozmaeian,Masoumeh WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Empowering Young Women and Educators: Promoting the Significance of STEM Education in Agricultural Practices through Hydrologic Sciences
1031522 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Muskett, M. Dye,Dennis Gene SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE NM Strengthening Community Sustainability thru STEM Programming, Projects & Extension
1031521 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Karim, B. Karim,Bibi BRONXWORKS, INC NY The BronxWorks Nutrition Incentive Program (BNIP)
1031515 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Watrelot, A. A. Watrelot,Aude A IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Enhancing regional grape and wine production and quality
1031499 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marshall, M. Marshall,Maria PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN NCRCRD-Facilitating Resilient Rural Communities through Extension, Research, and Teaching
1031497 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Borghi, M. Borghi,Monica UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Harnessing blueberry flower chemistry and morphology to boost pollination and bee health
1031490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Newman, E. A. Newman,Elizabeth A UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center 23
1031469 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thornsbury, S. D. Thornsbury,Suzanne D UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Long-term Competitiveness of U.S. Seasonal and Perishable Agricultural Products: Research and Extension Planning Project Proposal
1031468 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gazis-Seregina, R. Gazis-Seregina,Romina UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Evaluating the Potential Expansion and Diversification of the Dragon Fruit Industry in North America
1031456 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Popova, I. Popova,Inna UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Biopesticides - A Vital Part Of Sustainable Crop Production Systems
1031451 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Goetz, S. J. Goetz,Stephan J PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development-NERCRD-FY2023
1031446 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Crandall, S. Crandall,Sharifa PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA SOD: Solutions for Organic farm Diseases: suppressing soilborne pathogens in vegetable high tunnels
1031440 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grieshop, M. Grieshop,Matt CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Taming agriculture’s elephant: broadening the conversation about field equipment sanitation practices for specialty crops
1031437 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Petry, A. Petry,Amy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Increasing corn-based fiber utilization in swine by understanding its impact on gastrointestinal microbiota and the intestinal transcriptome
1031436 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dunn, S. K. Dunn,Stephanie Kathryn STAR FARM CHICAGO IL Star Farm Chicago: Co-creating a Culturally Relevant and Resilient Local Foods Initiative on Chicago`s South Side
1031428 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lindsey, A. B. Lindsey,Angela B UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Images of Recovery: Utilizing photographs to understand, connect, and restore southwest Florida communities recovering from Hurricane Ian
1031418 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davis, J. L. Davis,Jennifer Lynn VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA FY24 Food Animal Residue Avoidance Database Program (FARAD)
1031404 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Maunsell, F. P. Maunsell,Fiona P UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL 2023 FARAD - Food Animal Residue Avoidance Database Program - UF Component