Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027357 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hurisso, T. Hurisso,Tunsisa LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Cover Cropping and Crop Rotation Strategies in Organic Vegetable Production Systems to Build Soil Health and Improve Yield and Profitability
1031303 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS LaVergne, D. LaVergne,Douglas LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO New Meat Science and Industrial Hemp Facilities
1014952 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Patterson, G. Patterson,Gilbert Lincoln Memorial University TN Expanding the Boundaries of the Center for Animal Health in Appalachia: A Multi-Institutional Approach to Empowering Rural Veterinarians
1031182 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brown, C. C. Brown,Corrie C LIFESTOCK, INC. GA Program enhancement of Veterinary Services Grant Program through increased awareness and targeted support of potential applicants
1020717 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schnur, H. Bagneris,Dennis LIBERTY'S KITCHEN, INC. LA Farm to All: Increasing Access to Local Produce Among Low- and Moderate-Income Communities through a Youth-Led Value Chain Intervention
0196539 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS O'kelley, K. O'Kelly, K. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Sustainable Living Program
0196547 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS O'kelley, K. O'Kelly, K. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Building Community One Garden at a Time""
0196614 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nagle, K. Nagle, K. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Steps to Success Entrepreneurial Program
0203972 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lueck, H. Lueck, H. LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Development and Improvement of Environmental Science Program FY 2005
1029376 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nipp, K. R. Nipp,Kelly Richard LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Community Health and Vitality: Enhancing Indigenous STEM Programs for a Brighter Future in Ojibwe Communities
1029515 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Humphrey, E. C. Neville,Melinda Otto LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Revitalizing the Gardens of Our Ancestors
1023727 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mickelson, A. Mickelson,Abagail LEADING EDGE VETERINARY SERVICES LLC WI (WI203)Funding from the veterinary services grant program will be utilized at our rural, mixed-animal veterinary practice to enhance and expand our large animal veterinary services.
0225922 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Abreo, C. Abreo,Christina Latino Farmers Cooperative of Louisiana, Inc LA The Farmer Incubator Program as a component of the Community Food Security System for Latino Families in Orleans Parish
1007065 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Flory, J. Blyth,Aaron Latino Economic Development Center MN Project to link low income community members and immigrant farmers together to form healthy local food system.
1013301 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Leggat, M. E. Mario,Landaverde LANTERN COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC. NY Food 4 Life nutrition education program, for young adults who have aged out of foster care
0216185 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, M. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University`s Construction and Renovation Project
0219299 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, M. Burns, M. LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University Construction and Renovation Project
0223036 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Z. Wang,Zaisen LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Effects of selected nutritional components on immunity to Haemonchus in goats
1004999 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, M. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University`s FY 2017 Facilities Program proposal is a document that will strengthen the University`s efforts to serve the public.
1018108 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Matand, K. A. Matand,Kanyand Albert LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Enhancement of Undergraduate Academic and Research Experience at Langston University by Interlinking Biotechnology and Horticultural Practices
1018205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. L. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK 1890 Facilities Grants Program
1021730 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tilahun, Y. Tilahun,Yonathan LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Aquaponics education: The solution for food deserts in America`s Heartland
1021780 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ringer, J. Ringer,Joshua LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Rural to Urban Small Farms Agripreneurship Program
1022343 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University 1890 Scholarship Program
1026007 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Goetsch, A. L. Patra,Amlan Kumar LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Improved Meat Goat Production Systems in the USA: Harvest Weight, Diet, Gender, and Breed
1026010 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, Z. Wang,Zaisen LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Securing Sustainable Production of Small Ruminants in the USA
1026012 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Merkel, R. Merkel,Roger LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Supporting the Fiber Goat Industry through Producer Education and Genetic Selection Assistance
1031216 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Facilities Development in the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences: Langston University Continuing Growth Pathway
0196732 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, M. White, M. LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Extension Inititative