Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030519 NEW OTHER GRANTS Muthan, B. Muthan,Bagyalakshmi WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Understanding the effect of solar radiation stress and genetic improvement of soybean yield to advance food security
1030669 NEW OTHER GRANTS Morgan, S. Morgan,Sarah GROW OHIO VALLEY INC WV Paving the Path to Community Food Access in Northern Appalachia
1030710 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1030722 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kessell, J. Kessell,John WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Next Generation of WV Agriculture Professionals
1030939 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Expand the Current Food Safety Modernization Act Training Program for West Virginia Very Small Local Produce Growers with the Content of Triple-Wash and Related Outreach Activities
1031053 NEW OTHER GRANTS Park, Y. Park,Yong-Lak WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Drone-Assisted Precision IPM to Manage and Prevent Reinvasion of Invasive Plants
1031302 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. M. Smith,Ami Marie WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV WVSU 1890 Facilities Program 2023-2027
1031927 NEW OTHER GRANTS Herath Bandara, S. J. Herath Bandara,Saman Janaranjana WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Enhance student recruitment and retention at WVSU by reducing the knowledge gap in the agribusiness supply chain among interested and underserved groups in West Virginia
1031928 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jung, Y. Jung,Yangjin WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Developing and promoting scientific-proven practices for safer microgreen production
1031941 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chinnannan, K. Chinnannan,Karthik WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Investigations into selenium transport, accumulation, and mitigation mechanisms in watermelon for food safety using genomic technologies
1031942 NEW OTHER GRANTS Huber, D. H. Huber,David H. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV When Rivers Collide: Do Microbiomes Reduce Subcatchment Stressors and Improve Ecosystem Resilience in a Model Regulated Appalachian River?
1031943 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ortiz, C. Ortiz,Carlos WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Comparative and translational genomics in tomato and pepper for developing pre-breeding lines and tool kits for anthracnose resistance
1031944 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tomason, Y. Tomason,Yan WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Breeding high value melons for enhanced flavor, nutraceuticals and disease resistance through interspecific hybridization
1031945 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hankins, G. Hankins,Gerald WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Spatial Transcriptomic Sequencing and Trip-CRISPR Knockout Technologies for Teaching and Exploring the Health Effects of Capsaicin, Turmeric, Blueberries, and Bitter melon using Drosophila
1031946 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanjaya, S. A. Sanjaya,Sanju Adagoor WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Developing Climate-Resilient High Oil-Yielding Oilseed Crops Through Genetic Engineering Strategies
1031975 NEW OTHER GRANTS Eggleston, E. Eggleston,Emma WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CORP WV "Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach
1032314 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1032629 NEW OTHER GRANTS Martin, M. Martin,Melissa WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV Mingo County Food Forward Foursome: Sow to Store
1032646 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Young Farmer Food Safety Education Project: Developing and Implementing Food Safety Outreach Activities for WV High School Horticulture Instructors as Supplement to the Farm-to-School Program
1032775 NEW OTHER GRANTS Starcher-Patton, A. Starcher-Patton,Autumn MARSHALL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION WV Agriculture and Natural Resources Microcredentials to Support Workforce Development in Southwestern West Virginia
1032899 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ramsay-Seaner, K. Ramsay-Seaner,Kristine WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Safety First: Preventing Rural Youth Risk Behaviors
1032925 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zaman, N. Zaman,Naveed WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV 1890 Scholarships Program at West Virginia State University
1033048 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chandran, R. S. Chandran,Rakesh S WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Extension Implementation Program for IPM at West Virginia University
1033093 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ogunade, A. Ogunade,Adeola WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Seeing is Believing: Bridging Equity Gaps in STEM
1033105 NEW OTHER GRANTS McDonald, S. McDonald,Suzanne WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Save the Bananas! An Agri-STEM introduction to crop vulnerability and solutions-seeking for 4-H youth in rural WV
1033128 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dahle, G. A. Dahle,Gregory A. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Workforce Diversity Through Education of Climate-Smart Urban Forestry
1033156 NEW OTHER GRANTS Singh-Knights, D. Singh-Knights,Doolarie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Empowering Agritourism Service Providers to Strengthen Agritourism Programs as a Farm Diversification Strategy
1033229 NEW OTHER GRANTS Jaczynski, J. Jaczynski,Jacek WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia University (WVU) Food and Feed Innovation and Analytics Facility
1033320 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cobb, N. Cobb,Nila WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV NIFA Mentoring at Risk and Rural Youth 2025
0186935 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moore, S. A. Moore, S. A. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY WIN the Rockies: A Food & Nutrition-related Behavior-change Consortium Project in WY, MT & ID