Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033323 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dole, J. Dole,John NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Food Systems Leadership Institute Scholarship
1033324 NEW OTHER GRANTS Butler, M. Butler,Meredith KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Department of the Air Force 4-H Military Partnership Outreach & Support Program Continental United States
1033325 NEW OTHER GRANTS Markham, M. S. Markham,Melinda Stafford KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Department of the Air Force 4-H Military Partnership Outreach & Support Program Outside the Continental United States
1033327 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rodgers, M. Rodgers,Michelle EXTENSION FOUNDATION KY EXCITE: Integrative Model of Sustainable Health Decision Making
1033328 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dewdney, M. M. Dewdney,Megan M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Individual Protective Cover + Oxytetracyline = recipe for success?
1033329 NEW OTHER GRANTS Swale, D. R. Swale,Daniel R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Development of novel antifeedant insecticides to prevent horizontal transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri
1033330 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wang, N. Wang,Nian UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL CAP: Speed up the release of non-GMO HLB resistant/tolerant citrus varieties via a multi-tiered decision-making approach
1033333 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dutt, M. Dutt,Manjul UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Developing effective strategies to enhance HLB tolerance in susceptible scions by leveraging resilient rootstock genetic resources
1033334 NEW OTHER GRANTS El Mohtar, C. A. El Mohtar,Choaa Amine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Understand and identify HLB tolerance in citrus and its relatives
1033335 NEW OTHER GRANTS Yang, C. Yang,Ching-Hong UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WI SP: Bringing RejuAgro to Market: Development of a Groundbreaking Trunk Injection Biopesticide for HLB
1033336 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lewin, P. A. Lewin,Paul A UNIV OF IDAHO ID Western Rural Development Center FY2023
1033337 NEW OTHER GRANTS Allen, Q. Allen,Quinton SOIL CULTURE SOLUTIONS, LLC FL SP Multiplexing CRISPR-mediated breeding of HLB resistant citrus varieties targeting Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus effector interactomes using protoplast transfection
1033341 NEW OTHER GRANTS Whitesides, L. D. Whitesides,Louis D SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC NIFA-SCSU Partnership to Advance the Land-grant Mission
1033350 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nazari, R. Nazari,Rouzbeh UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS, THE TN Catalyzing Local Food Value Chain Development through a Cross-functional Alliance and Economic Investment in Birmingham, Alabama
1033351 NEW OTHER GRANTS Guinn, M. J. Guinn,Mandy J UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND TCRGP New Discovery: Contributions of Somatic Mutations to the Adaptation of Invasive Grasses
1033354 NEW OTHER GRANTS Duan, Y. Duan,Yongping USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS Control citrus huanglongbing by using the citrus isolate of Nectarine marafivirus M and its expression system
1033356 NEW OTHER GRANTS Husain, M. Husain,Mashal WORLD FOOD PRIZE FOUNDATION IA Cooperative agreement for World Food Prize Foundations Borlaug Dialogue
1033368 NEW OTHER GRANTS Barman, A. K. Barman,Apurba K UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Evaluation of the risk of huanglongbing in cold-hardy citrus production systems
1033380 NEW OTHER GRANTS Loria, R. Loria,Rosemary UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Rapid Selection of HLB Resistance Genes to Fast Track Citrus Variety Development
1033393 NEW OTHER GRANTS Goins, G. Goins,Gregory NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Career Awareness and Talent Pipeline Development for Participants in the Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions Program
1033397 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dhankher, O. Dhankher,Om Parkash UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA 2024-2025 Closer to Zero Educational Seminar Series
1033404 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rush, C. L. Rush,Christina Lynn SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program (NIFA/USDA): Investigating free ranging Bison of Montana Grasslands by Salish Kootenai College
1033406 NEW OTHER GRANTS DeRose, R. J. DeRose,Robert Justin UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Managing USDA wildfire crisis strategy landscapes in the Intermountain West (Region 4): A program for training future forest managers
1033407 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kathi, S. Kathi,Shivani OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Crucial Capacity Building Through Graduate Training in Advancing Climate-Resilient Horticulture
1033408 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cheng, R. Cheng,Rachel VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA DIVerse Extension Research and Teaching (DIVERT) experiences for training future leaders in reducing food loss and waste
1033412 NEW OTHER GRANTS Liu, C. Liu,Changqi SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA Training Interdisciplinary Leaders in Sustainable Food Science
1033413 NEW OTHER GRANTS Miller, L. C. Miller,Laura C KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Integrated training in the pathobiology and genomics of livestock diseases.
1033414 NEW OTHER GRANTS Litson, B. Litson,Benita NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Expanding links from forest ecosystems to Tribal needs on the Navajo Nation
1033417 NEW OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Y. Zhang,YongJiang UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Interdisciplinary Graduate Training for Climate-Smart Agriculture Using Innovative Climate Change Mitigation Techniques