Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0226606 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, Y. Thompson,Yvonneda CHIEF DULL KNIFE COLLEGE MT 2012-2014 Chief Dull Knife College Extension Service Capacity Grant
0222766 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kotcon, J. B. Kotcon,James WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Organic Sheep and Goats: Herd Health and Nutrition Planning Proposal for the Northeast US 2010
1020770 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Karriker, L. A. Karriker,Locke Anderson IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Telehealth For Swine Medicine: Tools To Support Shortage Situations, Expand Surge Capacity, And Teach Students With Less Biosecurity Risk
1009903 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN New Discovery: Atmospheric Mercury Loading In The St. Louis River Watershed And Potential Correlation With Dragonfly Bioaccumulation
0210589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Safferman, S. I. Safferman, S. I. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Educational Collaborative on Sustainable Environmental and Agricultural Management (ECOSEAM)
1013735 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rajotte, E. G. Rajotte,Edwin George PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Pennsylvania Extension Integrated Pest Management
0215530 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Javed, K. Javed, K. KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Development of a Master`s in Environmental Studies Degree Program & Graduate Student Recruitment & Retention at Kentucky State University
0226295 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tegegne, F. Tegegne,Fisseha TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Enhancing the Viability of Undeserved Small Farms and Rural Communities Using Emerging Network Science
1008748 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Busch, D. Busch,Dennis UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - PLATTEVILLE WI Incorporating Dairy Livestock into Agroecosystem Research: Grazing Responsibly for a Sustainable Tomorrow
0208714 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Update the Number and Location of Crop Field Trials in the USA
1013166 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shade, J. Shade,Jessica ORGANIC CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND PROMOTION VT Organic Confluences Conference: Evaluating and advancing knowledge transfer in organic
0215100 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tegegne, F. Tegegne,Fisseha TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Developing Pigeonpea as a Viable Cash Crop on Small Farms
0225830 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bono, P. Bono,Patrice Empire State Honey Producers Association NY Train the Trainer Workshop: Honeybee Disease Identification and Treatment, to Encourage and Retain Beginning Beekeepers in New York State
1028985 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martins, S. J. Martins,Samuel J UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Exploring Grower Interest in Microbial Predation and the Impact on Nutrient and Microbial Turnover in Organic Production
0230061 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Persans, M. W. Persans,Michael W UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX An Experiential Learning Program at Two Hispanic Serving Institutions for Underrepresented Students Focused on Food Safety and Security
1012589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cheverton, A. Christoffel,Elizabeth VNA HEALTH CARE, AN ILLINOIS NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION IL FreshFirst: A Health Center based fruit and vegetable prescription program with nutrition and culinary skills education for low-income, SNAP eligible families
0214421 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pasakdee, S. Sajeemas Mint Pasakdee CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Developing Sustainable Agroecosystem and efficient resource management research and education program (SAERM)
0225441 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Romero, A. Romero,Anita Society for the Preservation of Weeksville and Bedford Stuyvesant History NY Green Weeksville: Improving Healthy Food and Nutrition Access in Central Brooklyn
1027069 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hesterman, O. B. Krauss,Kate FAIR FOOD NETWORK MI COVID Relief 2019-70030-30400: Double Up Food Bucks in Michigan: Helping Families across the State through the COVID-19 Crisis
0229374 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Weiker, D. Weiker,Debi Food System Economic Partnership MI Food System Economic Partnership: Farmer Residency and Farm Incubator Programs in Southeast Michigan
1016645 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Witt, K. Witt,Karla OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE SD Tribal College Equity
0219332 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Otwell, W. S. Otwell, W. S. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Integrated Needs Assessment and National Training Program to Enhance Seafood and Aquaculture Product Safety
1011349 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burrack, H. Burrack,Hannah NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Integrated Management Practices for Improved Pollinator Health
0214075 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McInerney, M. F. McInerney, M. F. UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, THE OH Dietary and Genetic Risk Factors in Obesity and Diabetes
0227673 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ernst, C. Ernst,Catherine W MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrated genomics training program in quantitative, statistical and molecular genetics, and breeding of food animals
1016277 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hoover, K. Hoover,Kelli PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Rapid cycle radio frequency technology for wood packaging materials used in international trade to replace methyl bromide for QPS purposes
0218955 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fulton, J. Fulton,John AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Precision Agriculture Technologies For Improved Crop Production In The Tennessee Valley Of Alabama
1000602 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brunet, J. Brunet,Johanne AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Linking pollinator behavior to gene flow to reduce gene flow risk over the landscape
0190600 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cogger, C. G. Cogger, C. G. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA The Benefits and Costs of Using Organic Waste Streams in Small Scale Agriculture
0226999 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buhler, W. Buhler,Wayne NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Pesticide Safety Education Program FY 2011