Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1033104 NEW OTHER GRANTS Soto Martinez, E. Soto Martinez,Esteban UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Multi-strategic approach for the management of piscine lactococcosis in U.S. aquaculture using experimental studies and modeling tools
1033105 NEW OTHER GRANTS McDonald, S. McDonald,Suzanne WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Save the Bananas! An Agri-STEM introduction to crop vulnerability and solutions-seeking for 4-H youth in rural WV
1033107 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Callahan, E. A. Callahan,Elizabeth A CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SCHOHARIE & OTSEGO COUNTIES NY Together We Grow: A Multi-Sectoral Stakeholder Model for Community Food Garden & Healthy Eating Initiative in Rural Food Desert
1033108 NEW OTHER GRANTS Berti, M. Berti,Marisol NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Northern Exposure: Adaptation of Alfalfa for Challenging Winter Climates
1033109 NEW OTHER GRANTS Lamm, K. Lamm,Kevan UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Integrating Systems Thinking into the Land-Grant Classroom: STEPS toward a Sustainable Future
1033110 NEW OTHER GRANTS Palmer, L. Palmer,Lance UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Expanding and Preserving High-Impact Experiential Learning for Diverse Students, Institutions, and Communities
1033111 NEW OTHER GRANTS Teng-Vaughan, Y. Teng-Vaughan,Yue KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Advancing Food Industry Education: Developing Novel Curriculum Enhancements for AI and Robotics
1033112 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lee, J. Lee,Juhee UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Curriculum Development and Enhancement of Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems Program for Underrepresented Students
1033113 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kong, L. Kong,Lingyan UNIV OF ALABAMA AL Enhancing the Food and Nutrition Sciences Education in West Central Alabama: The Planning Phase
1033114 NEW OTHER GRANTS Liu, C. Liu,Changqi SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA Developing a Master`s Program in Food Science at San Diego State University with Industry Partners
1033115 NEW OTHER GRANTS Melanson, R. A. Melanson,Rebecca A. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Mississippi State University Extension IPM Implementation Program, 2024-2027
1033117 NEW OTHER GRANTS Turner, B. Turner,Benjamin TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY- KINGSVILLE TX Strengthening Faculty for Teaching the Next Generation of Wicked Problem Solvers
1033118 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rucker, J. Rucker,Jill UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Higher Education Leadership Proficiency (HELP) in Agriculture
1033119 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fearer, C. J. Fearer,Carrie Jane VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Creating a Forest Health Curriculum Development Community
1033120 NEW OTHER GRANTS Keith, J. F. Keith,Jill Fabricius UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Sustaining Pathways for Tribal Student Recruitment, Engagement, and Success
1033121 NEW OTHER GRANTS Diddi, S. Diddi,Sonali COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Building Circular Economy Competencies in Fiber, Textiles and Clothing Curricula to Enhance Workforce Preparedness
1033123 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tuggle, C. K. Tuggle,Christopher Keith IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Empowering G2P in Agriculture: Building a Collaborative Environment for Single-Cell Applications
1033124 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1033125 NEW OTHER GRANTS Weebadde, C. Weebadde,Cholani MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A fast-track, flexible, accessible, affordable online Masters degree to build and retain highly skilled agricultural talent across borders.
1033126 NEW OTHER GRANTS Scott, Q. Scott,Quatez COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado State University New Beginning for Tribal Students
1033127 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wiley, K. K. Wiley,Kimberly Kay UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Multicultural Scholars Program: Strengthening Tomorrow`s Food and Agriculture Scientific Leaders
1033128 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dahle, G. A. Dahle,Gregory A. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Workforce Diversity Through Education of Climate-Smart Urban Forestry
1033130 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cottrell, A. Cottrell,Angela UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Harvesting Innovation: Transforming Horticulture Education through Controlled Environment Agriculture Certification
1033131 NEW OTHER GRANTS CHEN, K. CHEN,KUAN-JU UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Enhancing International Agriculture Sciences Education for Pacific Islanders
1033132 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lewin, P. A. Lewin,Paul A UNIV OF IDAHO ID Western Rural Development Center FY2022
1033133 NEW OTHER GRANTS Bisbee, Y. J. Bisbee,Yolanda J. UNIV OF IDAHO ID NBTS All My Relations: Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and the Power of Place
1033134 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dvorak, G. D. Dvorak,Glenda D IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Empowering veterinary students and faculty on the detection, response and prevention of transboundary and emerging diseases of animals through innovative approaches
1033135 NEW OTHER GRANTS Warren, T. L. Warren,Timothy L OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Testing the dispersal of genetically sterilized Drosophila suzukii
1033136 NEW OTHER GRANTS Karcher, E. Karcher,Elizabeth PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Fostering global competence in the poultry sector by defining and enhancing global intercultural learning and domestic study award initiatives
1033137 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dasgupta, S. Dasgupta,Siddhartha KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Farming for Cash: A Training Program Leading to Farm Ownership Prior BFRDP Accomplishments