Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026844 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wieczorek, A. WIECZOREK,ANIA UNIV OF HAWAII HI Hawaii-One-Ag: Developing new pathways in agricultural education and future career growth
1026849 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, J. Zhou,Jianfeng UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Autonomous Tractor Technology Enabling Digital Agriculture Research and Extension
1026850 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hemmelgarn, H. Hemmelgarn,Hannah UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO MU-Osage Food & Agriculture Program for Tribal Student Recruitment, Engagement, and Success
1026854 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miles, A. Miles,Albie UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII SYSTEMS HI University of Hawaii - West Hawaii: Undergraduate Pathways Bridging Excellence in Agriculture and Tradition (UP-BEAT)
1026865 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lombardo, J. Lombardo,Jeanette FARMER VETERAN COALITION CA Veterans Farming Through Adversity
1026873 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rojas, C. GOGGIN,FIONA UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Imaging Technologies for Plant, Animal and Soil Health and Productivity
1026883 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kwon, J. Ibendahl,Gregory A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Maximizing and Benchmarking Profitability of Small to Medium-sized B2C (Business to Consumer) Beef Producers in Kansas
1026884 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sethuratnam, S. Sethuratnam,Sri CENTER FOR LAND-BASED LEARNING CA Enhancing Success of Military Veterans in Agriculture through Comprehensive Training and Wrap-Around Support
1026901 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Emery, K. Emery,Karin SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Oyate Awanwaka (taking care of the people)
1026903 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reisig, D. Reisig,Dominic NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Improving Bt resistance management through yield comparison of Bt and non-Bt hybrids
1026907 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mauck, K. Mauck,Kerry Elizabeth UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Integration of host plant resistance with immunity modification for management of established and emerging virus threats to melons
1026909 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Koch, P. L. Koch,Paul Lawrence UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Incorporating The Plant-Based Antifungal Agent Poacic Acid Into An Integrated Disease Management Program In Turfgrass
1026910 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kaplan, I. Kaplan,Ian PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Turning the table on a key vegetable pest: Exploiting plant- and insect-derived volatile aggregation cues to improve cucumber beetle IPM
1026912 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, J. M. Wallace,John M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Integrating high-residue cover crop and residual herbicide tactics to improve herbicide-resistance management in Mid-Atlantic field crops.
1026918 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schutte, B. Schutte,Brian NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Allelopathic Covers Crops For Pest Suppression In Chile Pepper In The Southwest
1026919 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schnable, P. S. Schnable,Patrick S IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA NIFA AG2PI Collaborative: Seeding the Future of Agricultural Genome to Phenome Research for Crops and Livestock
1026921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Giles, K. Giles,Kris OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Validation And Delivery Of Integrated Natural Enemy + Sugarcane Aphid Economic Thresholds And Monitoring Protocols In Grain Sorghum
1026923 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thomas-Sharma, S. Thomas-Sharma,Sara LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Developing tools for long-term integrated management of Cercospora leaf blight on soybean
1026924 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hooks, C. R. Hooks,Cerruti UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using biosolarization, cover cropping, and strip tillage to improve pest suppression
1026928 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bernal, J. Bernal,Julio TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Optimizing teosinte to maize microbiome transplant strategies to enhance insect resistance in maize
1026933 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fanning, P. Fanning,Philip UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Classical Biological Control for Spotted-wing Drosophila in the North Eastern United States
1026939 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, S. Zhang,Shuping UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO NAHLN Level 1 Lab - Maintaining and Further Improving Capacity and Capabilities
1026945 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Christopher-Hennings, J. Pillatzki,Angela SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD NAHLN: Cooperative project with Animal Disease Research & Diagnostics Laboratory (ADRDL) as a Level 1 Laboratory for FY2021
1026951 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Trybus, J. A. Trybus,James A Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory NC NAHLN - NIFA Support 2021-2022
1026958 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sosnoskie, L. M. Sosnoskie,Lynn N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Integrated Weed Management in Hemp: A Multistate Effort to Evaluate Practices and Develop Recommendations
1026959 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vickerman, L. Vickerman,Larry DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS, INC. CO The Veterans Farm Program at Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms
1026960 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Collaboratively Breaking Down Barriers for Farm Financial Benchmarking to Grow the National Database
1026962 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sial, A. Sial,Ashfaq UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Implementation of Systems-based IPM Programs in Key Production Systems in Georgia
1026966 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Knodel, J. Knodel,Janet NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Extension IPM Program of North Dakota
1026972 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller, S. A. Rotondo,Francesca OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Enhancing Regional Adoption of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Soilborne Disease Management in High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems