Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1013568 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nelson, B. Nelson,Beth UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN 2017 North Central Regional Sustainable Research and Education Program
1013533 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Clark, K. Clark,Kerry UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Facilitating improved environmental and soil quality through increased biodiversity and crop/livestock integration on organic farms
1013500 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kornacki, E. Kornacki,Eric REVISION INTERNATIONAL CO FEED Westwood: Farming for Equitable Economic Development in Westwood
1013453 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Samac, D. Samac,Deborah AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Bacterial stem blight of alfalfa: Connection with frost damage, development of resistant germplasm, and mapping resistance genes
1013353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS COLLIER, S. M. Spear,Melissa Seattle Tilth Association WA The Beginning Farmer Support Collective is an effort to enhance the services provided to beginning farmers in King County by joining resources of three farmer training organizations and the County.
1013301 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Leggat, M. E. Mario,Landaverde LANTERN COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC. NY Food 4 Life nutrition education program, for young adults who have aged out of foster care
1013094 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Van Den Berghe, G. Padget,Gregory PRACTICAL FARMERS OF IOWA IA Groundtruthing Farm Viability: Providing a Continuum of Advice, Support, Education and Outreach to Create Long-Term Sustainability for Beginning Farmers
1013035 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Patil, B. Patil,Bhimanagouda TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Table to Farm: A sustainable, systems-based approach for a safer and healthier melon supply chain in the U.S.
1013034 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dever, J. K. Dever,Jane K. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Breeding Organic Cotton Cultivars with Distinct Morphological Marker for Purity Maintenance
1012952 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonning, B. C. Bonning,Bryony C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Bt toxin-based strategies for management of Diaphorina citri and citrus greening
1012873 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jung, S. Jung,Stephanie CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Converting agricultural and food waste challenges into opportunities
1012825 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, J. White,Jill Dominican University IL Multicultural Scholars Registered Dietitian Pipeline at Dominican University
1012792 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bellmer, D. Bellmer,Danielle OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Food Manufacturing and Safety Mentoring Program to Develop Future Food Industry Leaders
1012215 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Swamy, A. Swamy,Aavudai Anandhi FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Building Capacity in the natural resources engineering Research and Teaching using Innovative Strategies (B-CURTAINS)
1012108 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, K. R. Thompson,Kenneth R. KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Integrating aquaculture in and outside the classroom through innovative hands-on learning opportunities that support STEM education in Kentucky
1012102 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yang, G. Yang,Guochen NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Recruiting, Retention and Education for Urban and Community Horticulture through Experiential Learning, Scholarships and Partnerships
1012093 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Johnson, H. Akotsen-Mensah,Clement LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO A Circle of Green Project: Strengthening Extension, Outreach, and K-14 Education to Promote Green Farms and Schools
1011896 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hayes, J. E. Hayes,John E PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Developing a Curriculum for Advanced Sensory Science Education through Blended Delivery
1011456 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buettner, C. Buettner,Cynthia OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Expansion and Refinement of the Virtual Lab School, an Innovative Professional Development and Training System for Childcare Professionals
1011248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aronson, K. R. Aronson,Keith Robert PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Army Family Advocacy Program: Prevention and Research
1011206 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, D. F. Perkins,Daniel Francis PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State
1010767 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harper, V. SEE,RENEE AGRICULTURE, WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF WV 2019 Agreement for Participation in the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) As a Level 3 Laboratory
1010543 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Byrum, B. Zhang,Yan DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OHIO OH ODA NAHLN supplemental agreement for IT, equipment & support
1010536 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rock, C. Rock,Channah UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Seeds for increasing tribal knowledge in food safety
1010533 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reed, D. Reed,Debbie MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY KY NAHLN: Quality Management Improvement
1010425 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1010343 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fellman, D. Caldwell,Christopher COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Plant Phenology as an Indicator of Forest Community Resilience and Adaptive Capacity
1010320 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davila, M. Davila,Marisol University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Community service as an active learning strategy for agriculture undergraduate students
1010182 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nelson, B. Nelson,Beth UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN 2016 North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE)